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CUTTING DOWN PEICES II. F. SCH III Eli EARLY SPRING DRESS GOODS. One Case All-Wool Canvas Homespuns at 25c. a yard25 Pic's Uouble Fold Spring Dress goods at 12 l-2c, worth 25c. a yard. 18 Pieces Dress Goods at 10c, worth 15c New Corkscrew serges wide beautiful fabrica, at 50c ,worth 75c 40-inch French Cashmeres in new Shades and Blacks at 50c. 52-inch All-Wool Canvas Homespuns at 50c, worth 85c. A big Bargain. 25 Pieces All-Wool Tricots at 50c 50 Pieces Spring Dress goods -in new mixtures- a cheap purchase at 12 l-2c a yard, worth doublé. New Styles in Buttons, Clasps, Braids and Feather trimmings to Ladies, they are worth coming to see. CUTTING DOWN PRICES IN SILES. All Silk Tricotine at 75c, worth $1.00. All Silk Satin Rhodame at $100 worth $1.3515 Pieces New Spring Colored Silks would be cheap at $1.00. Our Price, 75c. 3 Pieces Rich, Heavy, Black 24-inch Dress Silks at $1.00, worth $1.35. A great Bargain. Ladies, be on time if you want them, for they will not last long. Cutting down prices in Curtain Laces, and Scrims. 10 pieces Curtain Scrim at 10c. a yard. 4 pieces Curtain Scrim at 12Jc. 8 Pieces Nottinghara Curtain Laces at 12Jc, 15c., 18c, 25c. to 50c. a yard. It is needlessto remlnd our lady friends of the great success of our Enab'Oidery Sale we shall continue the sanie and offer the biggest Bargains at 5c, 10., ]2c, 15c and 25c. a yard, ever shown in the city. Our new Muslin underwear at 25c, 35c, 50c. 75c. and $1.00 a garment is worthy your attention. We exlribit an entirely New Stock of Spring Styles in Jerseys. Ranging In price from 37c. to $4.00. We are Cutting Down Prices. Those who are shrewd enough to profit by our announcement will come. D. F. SCHAIREH. It Saved my Life. Miss Fannie L Clair say she suffered from Malaria for five years; that she wae a physiciil wreek, when she was udvised to take Dr. J. B. Heniou's Sure Cure for Malaria ; that two boules of it saved her life, and she hartilv recommends it to all ladies who are suffering from any female irregularities. Not Dead. Harry Johnson says he is not dead, but that he surely would have been if he had not taken Dr. J. B. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria. He says it is so pleaáant to take that one could not help but get well. There is Xothinir Like It. This is the universal verdict in favor ol Dr. J B. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria. No one will have to sicken theirstomacl)?, disgust their palates, or burst their lieads with quinine. Dr. Henion's Sure Cure is so much nicer and cheaper, and is a positive cure for all forms of Malaria and all kin. is of pain. Try it. If you do not get alongto suit you,write Dr. Henion at Rochester, N. Y., and he will prescribe for you free of charge, and guarantees a permanent and radical cure. The Rev. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Ont, states : "After being inefiectually treateü by seventeen different doctors for Scrof ula and blood diseasee, I was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters." Write him for proof. Michigan as a state is just 49 years old. Next year her sons propose to celébrale her 50th blrthday by a big blow out at Lansing. Here's hoping we'll all be there. Three Pecullaritles Eood'9 Sarsaparüla, the great blood purifler and regulatlog medicine, U ctaaraoterized by three pecullaritles, namely : I al a The combinatlon of the various I d L ¦ remedial agenta used. MThe proportton in wliich the roots, i herbs, baríes, etc., are mixed. 5 j The processby whlch the active 3Q ¦ medicinal propertles are secured. The result Is a medicine of unuBual strenptli and curatlve power, whieh eSects cures heretof ore unequal led. These pecullarltles belong excluslvely to Hood'l Sarsaparllla, and are Unknown to Others Hood'l Sarsaparilla la preparad with the greatest sklll and care, by pharmaoists of education and long experlence. Henee it il a medicine worthy of entlre confldence. If you laffer from scrofnU, salt rbeum, or any disease of the blood, dyspepiia, blliousness, lick beadacbe, or kldney and Uver complaints, catarrh or rbeumatism, do Dot fall to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I reoommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all my friends aa the best blood purifler on earth." Wm. Gaff, druggist, Hamilton, O. " Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured me of scrofulous humor, and done tne worlds of good otherwlse." C. A. AbKOLD, Arnold, He. A book contalning many additlonal statomonts oí cores will be sent to all who desire. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drugglsts. $1 ; six for (S. Made only by C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. iOQ Doses One Dollar. THE VERMOMT SUBIR EV4P0R1TÜRS ; CONTINUE ¦a to malntain thelr repataM sMf ttoiiforruust fl MM ratlnnwlth iM tOi 1 o a s t fut'K _m wp They bave _M Êr no complicaB9 Jr and (:Htv: WÈSffEulr HEL6 tbat v JHKtk. becomectogllTiB tP Kd f tor ¦V OKI MHOD'l H-. uwe, and that eot at to elf an. All parta are In sltfM of Uiu operator. re told as low aa Inferior apparatu. 13w


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