H. N. Wood of ('licita, vu in the city Monday. Mn. E. S. Sindair, of DHroit, ë In the dty, vinlting frienda. Mrs. O. F. Wcbbtcr, oí Owosso, is vixitIng her fallior, Chas. Hpoor. C. 8. liradloy of Cleveland is visltiuji bis mother on 3. División at. Judge Harrlnian went over to Norvcl yesterday, ou probate business. Chas. T. Dickey, now of Racine, Wlsconsin, bas been in the city this weck. Mrs. P. H. Sheeban, of Menomince, aml little daughter Bessie, are visiting frienda in the city. The youngest sou of Üeo. P. Stauch is only one day old but he weiglis '.) lbs. U8t the game. A noto from W. F. S. says that Charlie Davlson took in the "hops" himself lasl Tuesday night. Mrs. Stoup, who lives in the pulp mili esidence, left Monday for Flat Rock, to emain during the week. J. T. Jacobs and Dewitt C. Fall leave Ann Arbor to day for New York citj', eto.i o be absent several days. Prof. T. J. Wramplemeycr and wife enertained their friends last evening, at lieir residence on W. Huron Pt. Vf. .1. Dunstan ha been very ill ind ayingat the pointof death'sdoor forsevral days, but is beltcr now we ander tand. E. J. JeftVies, of this city is iitteiiding ie state assembly of the Knights of Labor t Lansing this week, as n represen tative 'rom this lodge. Miss Clara Stafford, of Bliift'ton, Ind., who has beeu visiting her únele, J. M. tafford, for some weeks, left for her ome Monday p. m. L. C. Goodrich was presentcd with an egant past master's jewel by members of olden Rule lodge, F. & A. M., last 'hursday evening, which he wcars with lecoming grace and dignity. Mrs. Black, of Ohio, grand mother of Irs. Will F. Stlmson, accompanied by er niece, Miss Rhoda Gieson, who had een visiting in this city for a few days, eturned home Monday. Mr. Black is ft years old. A. J. Sawyer attendcd a meeting of opra house managers at Lansinp;, last Kri" ay, artieles of associttion were adoptcd nd subscribed to, providinir a recular ïeatrical circuit, and mutuiil protcction nd assistanco. Fred Wier of Laporte, - not old Porte - nd., leader of the Cliequamegons last ear, ha leen in the city during the week reeting old friends. He brought out the Dr. of Alcántara," at Laporte, recently ery successfully. Harold Wilsou and Ar. Clarke, ol this city went down and lelped him with the mustc.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Professor Theodore John Wrampelmeier
A. J. Sawyer