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MOST PERFECTIE Propared with special regard to hcalth. No Amraonia, I.Imo or JCIum. PRICE BAK1N9 POWDER C0.. CHICACO. 8T. LOUIS. pglr special t; Uextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Pnrest and tOoagmt Natural Fmit Fluvors. V:mill, í-em.m, Oranife, AflnoiKi, Buje, etc., fluvor as dflicaUjly and .:aturlly as the fruit. ¦W Price Baking; Powcler Co. M. lous. ¦ JsIsi CURES ALL HUMORS. frora a common Hlotih, or JEmptlon, t the worst Scrofula. Salt-rhrum, "Fever.oren," Se al y or KaiiKh Skin, in short, all dlseases caused by bad blood are conquered by thte powerful, purifyinir. and invigoratinij medicine. Great laliiiK IIcers rapidTy hcal under its lonin influeno. Espeeially haa it manifestod its poteney in Totter, Rose Kusli, Bolla, CarbunclcH, Sore f.y -, s rol n ion Sores and SwellliiKs, Hfp-Joint MMeane. Wli i Sin-lllnií, Goitre, or Thi. k IVeck, and Enlargcd .laiul-.. Sm.l ten cents la Btamps íor a large treatise, with colored platos, on Skin Diseasos, or tho same utnount foratreatise on Hcrofulous Affeetiona - I III BLOOD IS THE Lili." Thoroughly cleanse it by iisintr Dr. Pierce'ü tolden ITIcdical Discover}', and miil digestión, a fair Hkiii, buoyaiit pirita, vital atrength, and ioundueu of oiislilutioii, will be tstttbliBlicd. CONSUMPTÍON, which ig Scrofnlonx DiscatiC of the LiiiiK. ia promptly and certaiuly arrosted and curéd by this God-grivpn remedy, if taken liefore the last stages of tho disease are reached. From its wonderful power over this terribly faftl disease, when flrst offering: this now eet ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. Pierci thought seriously of calling it his "Cou. ¦um pt ion Cure," but abandoned tbat name as too limited lor a medicine wbich, from ita wonderful eomblnation of tonio, or strengthening-, alterative, or blood-cioansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritivu properties, is nnequaled, not only as a remedy lor consumption of tho lungs, but f or all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. r If yon feel dull, drowsy, deblHtated, hare sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent hcadache or dizzineas, bad taste in mouth, internat heat or chills, with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodings, lrreBular appetlte, and coated tongue, you aro sutfering from Indigestión, D) Mppia, and Torpid Lier, or 'Bllloumie." In many cases only part of these symptoms are ciperienoed. As a remedy for all uch oases, r. Plerce's Ooldeu medical lMscovcry has no "juaL Kor AVeak Lnnn, SplttinK of Blood, Miortuoo of Breatb, Bronchitis; severo CouKhf, Consumplion, and kindred affections, it is a sovereígn remetly. Send ten cents In stampt for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Sold by Drnggists. DDIPC Cl nn OH ! rnlUt 4 f .UU, for ts.oo. World's Dispensary Medical issoclation, Proprietors, 663 Main St., BCFFALO, N. Y. KVfcVCeS IITTLE "vmLr Oas atvt t tttpt? ftVeos pms. ANTI-BIMOrs and CATHABTIC. Sold by SruggistN. 25 cents u vial. ñ i$500 REWARD B ÊgSfÊ '" ffcrod by tho proprietnm VHtfl of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy ¦ f flV for a case of catarrh which thcy Ê ¦¦ .% cannot cure. Si If you havo a discharge from ¦¦Mk jf the nose, offensivo or otlier¦Pf wise, partiallossofsmell, taBU% orhearinur, weakcyea, dullpain or preesure in head, you havo CaUrrh. Thousands of cases termínate in oonsumption. Dr. Sagre's Oatarkh Kemidy cures the worst es of Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and Catarrhal Headache. 50 cents. jMMUMTYfromANNOYANCE , at j4iJ& fei I : CK Uil QiT jB"" 1 I Pat, Oot30th, 1883. 1 f 3 Kade only of the flnent and beat qnality of ttlass for wlthstandlua; heat. Every good thinff is Ootmterfeited, and oonsumers aro OATJTIONED agraiiíBt IMITATIONS ol these Ghimneye made of VERY POOR GLAS3. See that the exact label is on eaoh ohimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. SI anufactnred OXI.Y by GEO. A. M ACBETH & CO. IttsImrKli I-ail OlnNK Workx. FOB SALH BY DEALERS. THIS PáPFRatSÍ IK# rftlsWIl 1ÍOWELL 4 COS Ncwspaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruca i Strecu.whercailvcr. BSj fflHI M irgTrTialfEW YunK. 1 TíTíTriTl Send slx cents for postage. I II II nd recelve free, coetly box kKIi H of goods which wlll help yon H J.tomoremoneyrlKhtawaythan ¦ llllJ-lJ'anythinB dac In Ibis world. All, of either sex, uocied rrom flrtt honr. Tbe te' orood rod to fortui oprai belcra th worken, ' abtolntely tote. At onc i&in%, TRVt Oo., Anruí". Jaita.


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