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A WoiKlcrful IMscovery. Consumptivcs and nll, who suffer from auy attVction of tlie Throat and Lungs, caí lind asure cure in Dr. King's New l)fcovery for Consumplioii. Thoiisands of i 'Crimine nt cures verify tlie truth of this statement. No medicine can show .-m-li h record of' woiuleí 1 ni cines. Thousmidsof once lioplpflS sufTi'ieis now frntefiilly proc-liiim v our theirliws to ttiisNew Dis' ovcrv. It will cost yon nolliini; to give it a trial. F ree Trial Boules at Kbcib ich & bou's drug etore. Lurge ize, $1.00. Pour Consolatlon. " What is tbc matter vvitli yon, Qus?" asked Judge Peuny bunker of Gus De áinlth. " I was Bnjnged to be marrieil to Miss Uirdie Mcliiiinis, and now slie has gone back." " Don't let that worry yon. As pretty i eirl as she is will soon liml some otlicr fellow to mnrry." Three Keasons Why evory one needs, and sliould take FTooda S 11 s;i p nilln in tbe spring : lsi. Because tlie system is now In ils L'rc-itcst nced. ílood's Sarsaparilla give strengt h. 2d. Uecause the blood is fluggish and iinpiire. Hood's Sarjiaparilla purifies. 3d. Because, from tlie above facts, Hood's Sarsaparilla will do a greater amouiit of gobé now than at any other time. Take it now. Dora White, a western advocate oí iditttOnal rights for her sex, dfmands that divorce shall be made easier fcr tli women and entirely impossible for men. For only by such a reform, she tliinks, would feminine helplessness be made cqual to mascnline perfldy Ín courtship and marriage. Ten Rcmarkable Discoyery. Mr. Geo. V. Willing. of Manchester, Mieh., wtite&i "Mywife lias been almost tielpless for five years, so helpless that she could not turn over in bed alone. She used two Hottles of Electric Bitter?, and Is so imicliimprovcd, that shelsable nowto do her own work." Electric Bitters will do all that is claimed for tbeni. llundreds of testimoniáis atteet their great curative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Eberbach & Son's. Sare the Birds. Tlie American Humane Association, impicssed with tlie importance of the report of the comniittee of the American Ornilhologists' Union, for the protection of birds, whicli appears In the current number of Science, s making arrangements for the distribution of 100,000 copies, and would be glad to receive ubstantial aid from friends of our American birds. The report shows that unless immediate nieas-ures are taken to prevent the present rate of destiuction, our woods and fields will shortly be without birds. "Think of your woods and orcharils without birds," and lend a hand to the Association. Address Q. E. Oordon, President, Milwaukee; Thomas E. Hill, Secretary, 103 State Street, Chicago; or Levi Knowlcs, Treasurer, 252 North Broad Street, Philadelphia. Checks to the order of the Treasurer. " The best on earth " can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve - a speedy cure forcuts, brulset, scalds, burns, sores, piles, Icllcrainl all skin eruptionc. Try thia nmiuer healer. 25 cents. Guarantecd. St. M ii ks Rectort. ) Gkand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 11, 1886. 5 Iloptonic (Jompany, of O rand Rapids, Mich.: I have used your Hoptonic and gladly tcstify to its beneflnUl qualitles. I have u-cd min v preparations of a like cliaraoter, but none have done my system so much good as your8. It has helped me veiy much to keep up my mental and physieal torce, in the arduous dutles of my profeMion and large parish 1 have been verving fer years. As an aid to healthful digestión and maintaiuing an equilibrium in the system it has, I think, no superiors. I therefore recummend it to all my írieuds and acqualuUinccí. Sprcillk BuaroaD, Kector of St. Mnk'scnurch.


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