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Michigan (Tentral The JJiagara Falls (Rouíe. cutral Manilaril Time. Time Uble LsklnR elTect Nov. t!tlth, 1816. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. tí H i H Pt a.m. i, r. m p. m. r r. a. m. Chicago.. I.v. 660 0l 380 4 00i 9 05 56 MIchiganCHy, (MU 11 11 B 17 682,1118 1802 Nlles Ilu88 12 16 6 13 7 5u!l25K 120 Kalamaroo... ¦ 142 123 90 200 3 03! 646 Battle Cre-k_ ¦¦ ' i 23 8 01 J 50 3 50 7 31 MaríhallÍLv! .... 307 8 22 !"'.'.'. S 18 Í"Í7 TBT Albion p m. 3 82 8 39 3 43 4 40 8 20 Jackson 3 10 4 15 9 15 4 86 6S6 915 Qiankke.... 8 33 - 647! 88 rhelsea 3 56 6081 957 Dexler 4 13 _ 6 2811019 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 530 100 5 46 6 4" 10 ÏS Ypallantl 4 60 5 ÍS 10 21 .... 6 00 6 56 10 45 WayncJunc. 6 1516 05 110;.... 6 3U 7 47 1106 Dtrol'....Ar. 6 OOi 646 1115 _.. . ? 00 8101146 DKTKOIT TO CHICAGO. . gí I „I Jj TAT10M. St S& K" L& " BÚ Í a Sfi y 8 1 V S O á L X A.V. A.M P.K P M. P.M. P.M Detroit.... Lt. 700 9 10 180 4 00 800 9 16.... WayneJn.. 7 4 58 108 4 4 8 40 9 56 Ypallanti ....I 8 01 1018 2 2(1 6 13 906 10 21 AnnArbor... 8 Ín 10 28 2 33 680 Í43 1038 D.xter 835 660 955 Uhelsea 848 605 10(i9 GrastLake... 10 637 1088 Jaekaon 986 U4J S Ï2 7 16 1155 12 08...,. Man-hall 1038 124' 4 22 8 S2 11 55 1 Ín . Battle Creek.. 1108 1 81 4 40 8.W1420 150a.m. Ülama... 11 M i 16 5 15 s 45 1 1 10 2 40 4 46 Nile 147 346 632 ,8 418 640 MichtganCity 3 10 457 780... 436 640 808 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 45 7 10 9 O 7 00 80611036 Canada Dhi.i,,. ktroit To mrrrALO.- standard Time. r. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Detroit. ..Lt 7 SO! 11 26 5 00 7 1014 05 r.M [.Thomas Ar 11 10 2 45 10 90 10 45 3 40 I A. . P. M. Toronto...Ar I 8 45( 6 05 8 20 r. v Ottawa 'pml.V '4 W a. w. Montreal fio 00) [8 18 Qnebcc 'a680;p. . a. m 2 20 p. m. Ht.'l homas,Lv 11 16 a 15 1 (' 10 56 8 65 Weiland 153 5 17' 5 121 1546 28 Falla View 8 45. I 9.... N. Pulí. Oit. 2 22 5 48 I 2 33 6 5 SnüD'n B djre. 2 85 6 00" 2 50 7 10 r. u. N.Falls.N.Y I i.... Bastero time A. M. A.. P.M. P.M. P.M. Bo(T1o....Lt 4 60 8 10 9 00 4 45 9 OU Kochegier_Ar 6 50 9 56 11 00 6 45! 11 00 Byracnue 9 30 12 ISr 130a 9 301 1 30am Utiea 11 SO S 19 SOS 11 361 8 OR Albany p3 30 5 00 ! 10 'a i 80 6 10 Troy 2 86 6 66 6 36 2 0! 66 SpriDgdeki... 6 30 12 40a i 10 67 6 15 J0 57m WorceBter.... 8 28 5 0 1 18p 8 20 1 18um Boton 9 46 6 25 Ï 45 9 4fll i 45 New York Ar 7 00 900p1030a[ 7 80 10 30am hhtladHphla. 10 35 10 86 I 7 051". ...... BUPPALO to DETKoiT- Hiandard Time. i Al -¦ I i"-" Ï L -c-o ' a í L ¦¦a Si -s 5 11,: sílfe-Sá .tations. L 3&=eLt2 r 1 & r % _ s S Phlladel'a. Lv 900 ' P. . & New York... 10 30 6 00 ......... 9 6' Bofton 8 39 8 00 7 X) Wo-ceter... 9 60 4 Ï0 '.'. .] 8 3 Sprlntfleld. . . 11 85 6 05 ... .. .. 10 6p Albauy 8 Utpm 10 05 . . .. % 15a Utica 5 45 12 33am 6 16 8yrncae 7 40 2 00 '. 7 20 Rochesler.... 9 66 4 00 10 00 lluffalo....Ar 12 15 5 60 lí 15p a. ni. a. m. Buffalo Lt 11 SOpm 530 605 9 C0 11 36a N. Kll.N Y n.m SOKp'iiB'H'fc. 12 31 6 30 . ÍS 88 N. Palli.Ont. 12 51 B 48 .'.'.'... H 67 Falls Vicw 46 102 Weiland 7 16 7 SI 10 15 133 St.ThomaeAr 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 86 Qaebec... Lv 2 30 110 00 Montrtal, 800Í9O0 Ottawa. 1140 12 23 Toronto, 8 0 8- St.ThomasLv 4 15 965 255 1I6 44S letP'it....Ar 806am 1 UOpm 8 45 5 20pl 8 16 t Stops only to let off paaeengcra. t Stope only on sígnala. O. W. RUGGLB8, H. W. HAYES, G. P. T. Agont Airt. . Ann Arbor. Cblcaso. Toledo, Aan Irbor & ort1i MU-hlgrau Kailtraj. TIME SCHBDULK. To tuke effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sundajr, September 27, 1885. (Southern Dirisloo.) Traln rnn by Standard Time. GOINO NORTH. OO1NG SOUTH 8 4 2 1 3 5 6 'I -- rlfciliS ÓS. STATIONS. cLo-3- OL ñ ' &z 1. (.1 r. a a.m Leav. ArrlveU.ji !.. iri. t 9 50 +3 40 7 06 Toledo ¦ 30 5 00 5 00 9 5 3 45 7 14 Manhatmn Janct'n ,9 26i4 66 .. . 110 00 352 7 Ï8 Alexie Janction 9 I84 47 .... 11007 400 7 36 Hawthon.. IB104 4O.... :inl34 07 ; amria 9 00 4 30 Ü1035 4K' R06 Lun. '8 47Í4 2O.... [10 SO 4 ü 8 15 Monroe Jnnctlnn ,8 42 4 14,. . 1037 4 33 8 SO Docdee 8 3O4O44O4 110 43 4 40 8 37 Macón 8 28:4 no . 11047 445 8 m Azalla ig 203 64i... . til 00 4 55 8 59 Milán Jnnctlon '8 CHtf8 45:845 a.n. 500 9 09 Milán 8 003 41pm 5 08 22 Urania 7 53,8 80 523 9 82!Pltufleld Junctlon 7 4f8 22l 6Ï5 9 60 AnnArbor 7 27.8 10 66 10 W Lland 7 122 50: tB 05110 30] Worden ,7 06,2 40 1 8 20fl0 45T Sonih Lyon 6 602 25 ! Oonnectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroada dlvers:le at Manhattan Jnnction, wlth Wheellng A Lake Erie R. R.; at Alexia Jonction, wlth M. C. h. R., L. 8. & M. 8 Rt. and F. P. U R. R.; at Monroe Jnnction. wlth L. 8. M. H. Ry.' at Dnndee, wltb L. . II. 8. Ry., M. A O. Rt.; at MUan Jnnction, with Wabash, St. Lonis A PaclBc Ry.; t Plttolleld, wlth L. S. A M. 8. Rt.; at Anu Arbor iih Michigan Central R. K., and at Sooth Lyon with Detroit, Lanplng A Northern R, R., and Mlch. A. L. Div. of Grand Trank Ry. Train 6 and 3 rnna between Detroit and Toledo, dllyexcept Bunday, Tía Milán Jonction : No. 6 arrive at Detroit 12:00 noon. No. S lesvei Detroit ai 2:35 p. m. Flae aiations. t Daily, except Snndaya. I Traln do not stop, W. H. BBNNBrrHGeWnMApt.H.LlIen?n íhnn nnniu p ¦"' " V III I -lend na & cents poaUgc.aud ifi 1 I b' ?a" T0D ""Hret A" WuUiU UU Pcke of rooda o! large T w Talan, that wlll atart jou Ín work that wlll at once biine yon Id monv faster han anjthing else In America. All ahont the 2(X),0001n presenta wlth each box. Agento wanted veryvrhere, of elther sex, of all ages, f. r al) the me, or par timo only, to work for na at their wnhome. Fortunen for atl worker absolutelr -il red. Don't delay. II. Halutt C., I'orv nd, Miine Tb mo.t popnlar Wsfkl r nw.pp dsroUd teíolsno. mechante, enainsrin( dilxMTaries, inTntiMaBdMUntrarpobUshd. ïurjnombsr ü with pUadld Th.s publicatie farmih mo.l T.lab,. faeje lopsdia of laformatisa whlob no mtsod ihonld b withont. Th Dopalarilr of th Bcizirrmc Amieiuin ís sucta that lU olroulstiOB ntrlr aqutli that of all othsr papan of its elass oomblaed. Pnct. 3 20 ar. biaooanttaOnbs. BsldbrallamndMleni. HITNN CO. . Publiihort. No. 361Brodw.7, N. Y. ¦MATrNTS aUohadThlrt¦ mmamÊÊÊm practica bsfor ¦ th Patent Offlce aní haTs prpard ¦ man tbn One Hundred Tbou¦ ¦¦nd arplications for patmts in the m-M United iUtf and foroifa oountries. f CaTeat. Trade-Mark. CopT-riihfi. Aasicnmants. ad all otber papers for ¦ ecurin to innntcm their nrtts ín th ¦ United SUtas. Canads. Knfland. Franu. ¦ Qermanr and othir forsifn conntnes, pre¦ pand at hort notiee and on reaaonabls termii. I Information ai to obtalnlnf patenta ohesr¦ fnlij (iren without oharge. Hand-booki of information snt frse. Patenta obtained thrwuh alvon 4 Ce. are noticed in the Soientifio American fro Th adTant of snch notie 11 well nndsTslood bj all partsns who wlsb te tu'TSsSrj&nrf oo, om scwntno !(, 361 Broadwn, New York. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT I ANN A HKOH. Should advertise in rHE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News