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ABUiLwosIntroduoed In thfl Senate on the lst to legallze th tncorporaUoti of National tralies unlona. A messaaru was road from the President concerning hls official remováis and ppolutraents, and It was roferreil to the Juilclary CotumltteO In the House bilis wero Introducid: To repeal the patent laws novr in force and cstabhsh another systetn of rewards tor Inventious; to repeal the Internal revenue laws; to créate a dapartmenr of Induatry nd burean of labor; to admlt free of duty lumber, alt, coke, coal and ron oro producod or mined in Canada: and for tho dlstrtbutlonof the surplus mone. in tho troasury, during the next four years, amonif the respeotive States In proportion to their representatlon In the Seaate aud House. A resolution was introduced to investígate tho past and procent adminlstratlon of the Penlon Oflioe. A resolution to lu.spend the rule and pass tho Mexican Pension bül, wlth a proTlso eiocpttusr frora lu provlslons persons olitlcally dlsabled, was presentrd, but no pctioD ras taken. In the Sonate on the ld a blU was introduoed by Mr. Gorman the President to invite the PresidenU of the sixteen Amerloan rcpubllcs to mett In Washington on the 4th of March, 1889, in honor of the one hundredth anolversary of tho constltutlon of the parent republlc of tho Uulted States. The House bill to iucreavo the pensions of widows and dependent nlativeg of deceased soldiere and sailors was report ed with an amendment tbat the amount be four dollars instead of two dollars a month to minor chlldreo. The Educatlonil blll was further discussed. A mewaie was reeelved from the President urgmgr measures to nroteot Chtnamen In the Western Suiteand Terrltories, and insistintr upon the punishinent of citlzens who cominit mitrares uuon ttiem In the House the Consular and Diplomatic Aperopriation bül und the bHl eitniiiDf uat 1 July 1, ÏSW, the time withln whlch appWcatfon for arreara of pensions muy bo nled were reported. The were aniong the bllls introduoed in the Senate uu the M . liy Mr. Beek, to modlfy the law relatins to theslnking fuiiü o that hereafter the Secretary of the Treasury sball not be required to pay or redeem over i0,000,000 annually of the prlnoipal of the debt of the United States; by Mr. Evarts, to allow the sale of goodn by sample in nny State, or Terrltory or In the District of Columbia by resldents of other States or Terntories. A petition wad presented from citirens of New Jersey for the le?al protection uf jouiitf k'nisln all localities uuder the Jur.sdlotlon of Oongrress. The Educational bil] himI the Pension blll wero f urther discussed In the II. Mise the rrmv Approprlatlon bill ($23,887,5ti was reported; also u bill to establish aKru'ultiiritl experimental stations In connectlon with ooilelies estaulished lu the several States The mrssiure of the President on tne Chímese troubles was read by the elerk. A Bir.r, was passed in the Senato on the 4th cceptiuif for the United Btatea the Grant memorial colleot.on presonted to the Government by Mra. Grant and W. H. Aranderbllt. Mr Sowell reported favorably tho House blll for the relief of General Fltz John Porter. Mr Teller presentad h nipmorial of the Colorado Legislatura urgingr leirislation to protnet the rights of nettlera on the public lands. The de bate of the Hluir Kducatiou bill wa contiuued, and an araendmont providinff for an appropriation of S2,0U0 UUO to be used in erectiuff school-houses in sparsely inhabited districts was adopted. After the debate, on mot ion of Mr. Platt, the Senate adjoumed. In e.xpressioq of thelr sympiithy with Senator Hawley in his bereavement lu tho House thePension-ApproiiriatiotbilUafteraspirited debate, was pusneil by a voto of 'M veas, only Mr. BannettiN. C i votiBK'agaiDst ir. Several bilis for public buildings at rarious places were also passed. The Blair Eduoational bill was paesed- 38 to 11- in the Senate on the Hh. It approprlatcs $70,000,000, and a section of the measure declares that it is only lutended to ald the State Oovcrnments, and not to establlsh an independent school system. A resolutlon offered by Mr. Hale calling on the Secretary of the Navy for all the paper and infonnation in his possession to the Dolphio affair was adopted. The Urgent DeOclonoy Appropriation blll and the Invalld Pension Approprlatio bill were received from the House and referred to the Committeee on Appropriations. Aajoiirned to the 8th In the House the Urgent Deflclency bill, appropnatlnir $834, 452 to meet thn emergreneies in various depurtments, was passed - 2üfi to 20. At the evenlnff session several pension bllls were considcred and flfty were passed. DOM EST IC. Tng great windstorm in New York City entered upon its sixth day on the 3d with the wind blowing at the rate of Bixty miles an hour. Great damage had been duno. Tbe Champion reaper works at Springfield, O , on the 2d declarad war on the Knights of Labor, and diicharged three hundred men, while four huudred others were locked out of the Champion malleable works. Heiti wind, accompanied by intense cold, prevailed on the 2d at Baltimore, Md. Several houses were unroofed and other damage was done. The people of Northern Alabama are greatly irritated by the presence in that región of Mormon missionaries, and on t%e 2d notifled tho proselyters to leave. The stable of J. C. Crall, at Atchison, Kan., was burned on the M. The loss was about $40,000, including thirty-six liorses. Three men were found frozen to death in the streets of New York on the raorning of the 2d. At Piedraont, S. C, on the 2d James W. King, a white laborer, stabbed bis wife to death and then killed himself. They leave uiue childron. The cause of the crime was unkaown. For robbing the United States Sub-Treasury of $35,000 Jobn H. Aufdemorte was sentenced at New Orleans on the 2d to flve years' imprisonmontand a fine of $5,000. Acommittek of Toledo (O.) citizaos,who returned from Washington on the2d, stated tbat they bad secured an appropriation oí $150,000 for a straight canal íroin Toledo to Lake Erie. It was reported on the 8d that the strike on the Texas & Pacific road was likely to become general on the Gould lines in Texas, and might extend to other railways in tbs Btate. Thi wheat plant in Kansas, Western Missonrl and Kastern Nebraska was ou the 3d reported to ba in good condition, bnt the acreage waa largely below that of last year. Eli Beabsen, of Harriston, Ark., who was twica senteoced to be hanged for the raurder of a neighbor, has on the third trial been acquitted. The cost to the State was $20,000. All the employés of the Jersey Central railroad have been granted ten per cent. ioarease in wages. Wbather Prophbt Db Vob, of New Jersey, on th 3d predicted a season of bllzeares, cyclones, floods and severe cold for the remainder of March. Rkports on the 3d from the wheat-grow Ing distriets of Ohio were decidedly diseouraging, and fears were entertained that th erop would be qually as short as It was last year. An. the dri vers and conductora on eight lines of the Brooklyn (N. Y.) street cars struck on the 8d for shorter hours. The National Base-ball League met in New York on the 3d. It was decided that each club in the league ahall play eighteen games with each other. K. W. ifiCKEueos & Co., West India traders and oommission merchants of Boston, failed on th3d, with liabilities of about si 000000. W. B. Thorw, recently cashier in tho ticket-ofBoa at the Canal atreet depot in Chicago, waj on the 8d discoverod to be a defaulter for nearly $12,000. The census of the Northwest Territory Canada shows 23,000 whltes, 30,000 Indians and 4,000 half-breeds. Esraobd ata fractious cow, Gaston McCartney, a farmer, of LaGrange, Ga., Bred at the animal on the Sd, missed his aimand ¦hot dead his nine-year-old son. Tas American House and six other business buildings at Kearney, Neb., were destroyed by flre on the 3d. AleLxndbb Dat, agedeighty -eight years, ona of the oldeit settlen at Leavenworth, Kan., feil down-stairs on the 3d and was killed. Huoh McMahon, of Philadelphia, was on the Sd convicted of arson and nentenced to solitary conflnement in the penitentiary fox ten joars. TBX reïtdeno or WUUam Halloran, near Erle, Pa., wu burned on the 4th, and liin two boys, aged flve and three, who had been shut ia the house by their motber while she wnt on mi errand, porished in the Dames. The Secretary of the Treasury inforined the United States Senate on the 4th that National banks held $6,385,550 of the bonds called for paymsnt April 1. The strik in New York City of the street-car employés assumud serious proportions ou tho 4th. It required the protection of one thousand policemen to more the care on the Dry Doek road. The officers clnbbed the rabble, who threw stones and other missiles. Many persons were serious" ly injurod. TmiuT prominent citizens of Edgefield, S. C, who participated in the recent lynching of A. J. Culbreath, are to b tried for murder. Tho Central Union Telephon on the 4th notified its subscriben in Indiana that it intended to discontinue business in the 8 tato. The railway offices in San Francisco were on the 4th selling limited tickets to Chicago for (25. The rate westward f rom Chicago was $39. 50. The Treasnry Department at Washington on the 4th ordered the cutter Bear to the inlands off Alaska to prevent the taking of seals by pirates, and also dispatched the Corwin thither to suppress whisky Binuggüng. men, identified as being in the mob which droTe the Chinese out of Oregon City on the night of February 31, were arrested at Portland on the 4th. The strike of weavers in the Amoskeag milis in Manchester, N. II., which resultod in the lockout of six thousand men, ended on the 4th in a victory for the mill-owners. Advicks of the 4th say that a two-day's snow-storm had seriously interfered with business in Nebraska. Br ttie burning of a dairyman's barn on the 4th near Owensboro, Ky., thirty-fiva Jersey cows were cremated. Dispátches of the 4th announce the loss of the schooner Virginia Dore, of Gloucester, Haas., and her crew of fourteon men, in the recent gale off the coast. This made seventy-flve men from that port who had found watery graves since last Christmas. Sixty Mexlcan outlaws ditched and robbed a north-bound freight train on tho Mexican Central road, near San FranciseO station, Tex., on the 4th. The outlaws robbed the train hands, stripped them entirely naked, tied their hands and started them afoot toward San Franciseo station. On the 5th over one hundred Chinese laborers were driven from Mount Tabor, Ore., by a masked mob, who marched them to the ferry, whence they were conveyed to Portland, three miles distant. Thb strike of street-car employés in New York and Brooklyn was amicably arranged on the 5th and travel was resumed. Dlkino a quarrel the other day in Jefferson township, near Bolívar, Mo., Alonzo Z. Swingle shot and killed his brother Sigel. The Turner-Ho ward faction war still progresses in the mountain section near Woodbine, Ky. Several men have been slain on both sides, and within two weeks four persons have been murdered. The suow in Nebraska was twelve tofour teen inehes on the level on the 5th. It had not drifted, and railway trafile was not seriously retarded. Mks. Mary L. Terrt, aged sixty-nine years, for the past eighteen years keeper of the light-house at Escunaba, Mich., was cremated in a fire on the 5th which destrutnd the structure. V, A. Witcher, well known in West Virginia for some years as a leader among the Hormons, was recently lynched in Southwestern Virginia for the murder of his fifth wife. The fire losses in the United States and Canada during February last were $6,500,000, about the average February loss for the past eleven years. Half of the Alabama warehouse at Montgomery was burned on the 5th, with over three hundred bales of cotton, causing a loss of $150,000. Jame9 Holland, the Texan who killed Torn Davis in New York, last year, during a quarrel over the purchase of some counterfeit money, was acquitted by a jury on the 5th. Charles Marple, an extensivo florist af Gloucester, N. J., mistook his daughter, aged twenty-three, for a burglar a few nights ago and fatally shot her. Thomas Christie and Horatio King, olerks in the First National Bank at Bradford, Pa., were arrested on the 5th for enn bezzling $00,000. Br the explosión of an oil tank on ths 5th at Point Breeze, Pa., Thomas Armstrong and Thomas Murphy, workmen, were fatally burned. The receipts from internal revenue for the flrst seven months of the fiscal year wore $06,878,117, an increase of $1,535,157 over the corresponding period of last year. Ddrino the month of February the Secretary of the Treasury purchased 1,450,000 ounces of silver for coinage into standard dollars, beiug about 500,000 less than the usual monthly purchase. MiXBitsof the Wyoming (Pa.) valley resolved on the 5th not to work for the Susquehanna Coal Company unless efforts were continued to rescue the bodies of the men and boys entombed at Nanticoke in December last. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Secretary Mansisq on the 2d reportad to the National House of Representativos, in reply to a resolntion of inquiry, that between May 1, 1862, and May 1, 1885, General Butler seized and accounted for $262,534 taken from New Orleans banks, whilo General Banks seized $47,889 in cash. Dr. Fabrand, of Charleston, W. Va., who was ons hundred years of age on the 2d, walks alone about the city and reads the bnest print without glasses. ThE fiftieth anniversary of the declaration of Texas indenendence was eenerall v observeil as a holiday turougnout the Stat on the 2d. Thomas Cbüsi, a millionaire minor of Helena, M. T., was married on the 2d to Miss Margaret Carter, by Bishop Bronson. The bride receired from the groom a check ior $500,000. The President on the 3d nominated Brigadier-General Alfred H. Terry to be MajorGeneral, vice Winfield Scott Hancock, deoeased. The wife of Senator Joseph Hawley, of Connecticut, died at Washington on the 3d, aged fifty-five years. She was a niece of Henry Ward Beecher, and served as a nurse in the hospitals of Virginia during the war. The Rhode Island Prohfbitionists met in State convention at Providence on the 3d and nominated a full State ticket, with George H. Slade, of Providence, for Governor. The Mississippi Legislature has repealed the Agricultural Lien law passed in 1870, which operated to keep farmei's in debt for supplies. Speaker Cahlisle annonnced in the National House of Representativos on the 4th the special coininittee "to investígate the Pan-Electric telephone scandal," asfollo ws : Messrs. Boyle (Pa.), Oates (Ala.), Eden (111.), Hall (Ia.), Hale (Mo.), Ranney (Mass.),Millard (N.Y.), Hanback (Kan.), and Mofïatt (31 ch.) In the recent municipal elections in Maine the Republicans were generally successful. The President on the 4th sent to the Sonate the name of James C. Matthews, a colorad lawyer óf Aibany N. Y , to be Register of Doeds in the District of Columbia, vice Fred Douglass. Tui: Mississippi Legislature has rejected a bilí for the repeal of the law forbidding ,iny State offleeror legislator from acceptine a íoilrond ñas.


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