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i psiianti lias üve new M. IVs. The Salem Congregatlonalists will wnrship in a stone chuich. The pancake social given by the N.C. T. U. of Saline, brought in 814. The Chotiaguen band of Saline has purcbased $30 worth of new music. A. A. Wood, of Saline, purchased 71 shcep on hs recent trip to Vermont. The Webster-ites have named tlieir musical club the " Nillson Amateur Club." Elmer Bowers of Sharon, recently sold 04 lambs which weiglied 96 lbs. eacli. Mi?8 Wiles cloged a sueceesful torin of school in district No. 1, of Salem, Frlday last. Mrs. ThoB. Marsli, of Scio, in old resident of the county, died last Wednesday, ageil r0 years. The wife of John Peebles, of Salem, one of the county's pioneers, died, of apoplexy, recently. The union school scholars f Salem had a fine time at thcir exhibitiou :it Parker' s hall, last Friday evening. Trof. Waller, of the Dextcr high acliool is lecturing bis pupils on the effectl of alcohol on the human system. School in district No. 8, Lima, closed last Friday, Mr. 1'. J. Lehman baring been verj' successful therein. On Tueaday, Maicb 2d, one of Sylvau's oldest inhabitauU, E. P. Newton, died. at the advanced age of 82 ycars. And now the Boheniian bee scheiire la being buzzed in the farmers' ears. Dou't listen to it. Send it off on the lly. Now is the auction season araong farmers, anda pretty good place toget auction bilis is at the Couhikk ofüce, Aun Arbor. Chelsea talksof having a hitchtrig post boom. The posts are quite plenty now. but not near enough to accommodate tlie teams. Saline bas pancake soclals niul tlicDexter people think it would be do'lng t n " brown " to take a " turn " at it themstlves. Win. H. Voorheis of Dexter, and Miss Alma R. Walker, of Lneke, were locked in Hymen'ejembrace Murch 4th, at the brlde's residence. There is a general complaint throtighout the couuty, of an epidemie of sickness, thoii" li nothing very seriou.s, lias resulted in any locality. Ryan of Chelsea and Mcöinnisof Manchester had a foot yaoe Thursday p. m„ at the latter place f or $100 a side, Ryan being an easy winner. It is announced that an entertainment will be given at Chelsea soon by tlie Anu Arbor dramatic club, with J. E. Harkins as the star- and he is one. The dweiling of Good Conklin of ftfaBchester, bas been sold to Michnel Wade, of Sbaron, who will remove thereto, leaving his sou to run the farm. Geo. A. Strauss, for inany years a clerk in one of Chelsea's stores, died at the homo ot his parents in Waterloo, Tuesday, March 9th, aged about 30 years. Geo. W. Gill of Ypsilanti, bad threefingers of the right hand taken off by a doublé surface pluner, wile he was adjnsting the knives on the same at Grant's factory last Friday. The pupils of the union school will give a New England Supper at the school building, Friday evening, March 26. Literary entertainment will also be furnished by the primary pupils. Proceeds for the benefit of the school. - Saline Observer. If the T. & A. A. R. R. run tueir track through this town on the survey recently made, Mr. Latson can turn bis kitchen into a railroad restaurant, and Sterns Wheeler can ship full blooded swine from his own stockyard. - Webster cor. Leader. A lady in this townanswered an advertisement, offoring to give away a self-operating washing machine, and the reply sho recoived was thatagreat many wonicii smarter than sbe was had been bitten by the same advertisement.- Manchester Enterprise. Tlie Chelsen Savings bank sliowcd de posits of 1118,622.64 in its report for March. The directorsof this bank at a recent meeting piesented Mrs. Ulaicr and Mrs. Ilill with $100 for tlieir efforts in scaring ofl the burglars who attoni]it( d to clean out tlie iustitution a few dayi since, bnt were prevented by thene ladies and a burglar alarm. When the fire on l'tarl strtet brokc out latt week the city team was found useless, not being broke to the engine. To prevent a similar Iroublc, the team was haruessed to the elephant, and nioved about the city, to break it in. No one will dare to cali Ypsilanti a " one-horsc town," after seeing that team. She Is a two horse town with a tar bueket on the hind axle, and don't you forget it.- Ypsilanti Bentlnel. Last Friday evening an official put in an appearance and installcd a uew agent at the depot of the T. & A. A., and M & O. road, vice agent Wilson removed. The reason for the change is not announc ed. The new ajjentis namcd Green wood, and of late has been employed in the offices of the T. & A. A. road at Toledo. Of late it bas been a cold week that a change of ageuts for (his place has notoccurred. - Dundec Reporter. A. Winehell, a well known farmer of Ingham Co., writes as follows to tlie Mason News : " The wolves are abroad. T'iey were at my house this morning, and are selling Centennial Club wheat at $15 per biishel, on the Boheniian oat pUn. They cali it some kind of Routen wheat. It 8 a good kind of wheat, and I r.i9ed 98 bushels on iy acre of land. I have now on the ground 11 acres of that wheat which I will sell to farmers for seed next fall at the market price. There is plenty of it in this vicinity. If farmers of tbis vicinity get bitten by such wolves, it will not be our fault."' Tlie editor of tlie Chelsea Herald was made the victlm of an "outrageous imposition," as he terms it, recently, by sume person sending him several items, among them a notice of the death of a resident of that vicinity, all of which were iinaginary anduntrue. This was real mean, of course, and the editor, Mr. Holmes who was formerly a minister, refersto the deed in nviuibered paragraphs of real dramatic indignation. His indignation over the wrong done him however, should not have been permitted to so entireiy take possession of the ministerial editor as to prevent bis noticing that the " boys " iu his ollice were providing for his financia! ruin by sending handbills through the mails as second cla88 matter, the penalty for so dolng being ten dollars for each package sent from the office - the aggregatc penalty umounting to about f500 00 perhaps. Our brother should not forget that hU relations witli the devil are not so abstract as formerly, and should try to govern hlmself accordingly.- Ypsilantian. The name of the new democratie postmnster at Sylvan Center, is Geo. W. BedeWlth, who takes the place of the offensive imrtisan, Mr. Boyd, removed. Parties in Lima nnd Ann Arbor are 10 ported as desiring the Chelsea postofflee. Wc propose that, if no competent democi:it can bc found n Chelsea, the fintire populace of Chelsea unite In a petition to have the present occupant reappointed. Surely Mr. Crowell lias never been an "offensive partisiin." - Ilerald. We have been eensnred for "throwiDg oold water " on the railroad project. The Sun, let it be understood, is in favor of' raltroads. In favor of thioiigh Unes. It. woulil ratlicr ¦¦ one cour' from Tickson, than to see it come from LeMie, because it is general' conceded a route from that directlon would be of most benelit to Stockbridge. It would unquestionably enable U8 to malntain our present enviable Standinpr as the bost wheat msrkot in this part of tho stute. - Stockbridge Sun. It is from cight te sixteen that boys begin to break aw;iy from the parental tentrol and tbc rettralnts of the firesldo. Ii ltbenthai they neem tn fcrl ihat fljcy know more fhan thetr parent; it is thcïi that thcy beglu to MMrtthe liberty of the street, and taste its delusious, is vlo crimes. Siul an English juribt of tfreat distinction: "A largé niajn'rity of all the crimináis wbo are brourltt before me have been made what tbey are by bcing allowed to bo away from bome cveninjre, between the ajres of eight and sixteen." - So. Lyon Excelsior. Silcm, Washtenaw county, 2'.) miles west of Detroit, is one of the busiest little vill ifrcs In Mlcklnn. Tlie citizens are wide awake and industrious, rcad the newtpupen and (lont bite at Rohemian oat or Uible agent contracts. The villace has tbree stores, a loar mil!, a saw mili, the usual complement of smaller shops, one church and arrangementsare perfectiil for the ereatioo of two Others. Tbere 9n't a saloon in tbc villaje, and water bas come to be the only drink lor destroyiog tliirst. Salem is locaied on the Detroit, Lancine & Northern railroad. - Eveniiig Journal. Wiiy is it that onr honest farmers will lie 10 foolish and unjust ns to patronize thosc fellowj who travel about the country selling giiods toco as tliey can buy ;it any store in the villuge, and at chcaper prices too, is more than we can onderstand. If a farmer needs goods and does not have the moiiey to pay for them be can get credit at any store in tbc village and he ought to feel under oblijratlons to the merchants. But many of our farmers buy goods of various kinds of those traveling fellows, many of whom are sharpers and would not hesitate to change an order for a bilí of goods IrrtO a proniicsory note, and we Dtlgbt add that it isoften done too. Our merchants have good honest goods for which they pay, thev have good stores and are accommod fating and sell at a small profit, and tlio.e 9trangcr8 Can not afford to trayel around the country and sell at a less price If you buy of tlicm you are su re to get bit in some way, and our adviec is to deal only witli tliosé you kuow and those wbo are your Iriends and are willing to make right anything which proves to be different from what it is represented to be. Patronize vour home