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DUTTING DOWN PRICES n. i suuurs EARLY SP... image
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DUTTING DOWN PRICES n. i suuurs EARLY SPRING DRESS GOODS. One Case All-Wool Canvas Homespuns at 25c. a yard25 Pic's Uouble Fold Spring Dress goods at 12 l-2c, worth 25c. a yard. 18 Pieces Dress Goods at 10c, worth 15cNewCorkscrew serges wide beautiful fabrics, at 50c , worth 75c40-inch French Cashmeres in new Shades and Blacks at 50c. 52-inch All-Wool Canvas Homespuns at 50c, worth 85c. A big Bargain. 25 Pieces vV ooi Tricots at 50c. 50 PiecesSpring Dress goods -in new mixtures- a cheap purchase at 12 l-2c. a yard, worth doublé. New Styles in Buttons, Clasps, Braids and Feather trimmings to Ladies, they are worth coming to sec CUTTING DOWN PRICES IN SILKS. All Silk Tricotine at 75c, worth $1.00. All Silk Satin Rhodame at $100 worth $1.3515 Pieces New Spring Colored Silks would be cheap at $1.00. Our Price, 75c. 3 Pieces Rich, Heavy, Black 24-inch Dress Silks at $1.00, worth $1.35. A great Bargain. Ladies, be on time if you want them, for they will not last long. Cutting clown priees in Curtuin Laces, and Scrims. 10 pieces Curtain Scriin at 10c. a yard. 4 pieces Curtain Sciim at 12}Lc. 8 Pieces Nottingliam Curtain Lace at I2%c, 15c, 18c, 25c. to 50c. a yard. It is needlcssto remind our lady friends of the great success of our Kmb oidery Sale we shall continue the saine and oftVr the biggest Burguins at 5c, 10., 12c, 15c. and 2fc. a yard, ever shown in the city. Our new Muslin underwear at 20c, 35c, 50c, 75c. and $1.00 a garmeut is worthy your attention. We exhibit an entirely Xew Stock of Spring Styles in Jerseys. Iiitnglug in price Trom 37c. to$4.00. We are Cutting Down Priees. Th.,si; who are shrewd enough to proflt by our announceincnt will come. D. F. SCHAIREK. Paper for Sale. A lirst class county paper; gunrmiteei circulutioti 1,500. Power preñes, gooc engine, new type, and fine job worlf. patronage. Located in one of tbe best luis iness towns of Southern Michigan. Brasem for selling, failing liealth. Por lurther particulars address 15ox 2940, Ani Arbor, Miuli. Try Grainlet, a new morning dish, fnr superior to oat meal. C:in he cooked ii flve minutes. Sold by W. U. Warner State st. It s by copying after Datare that mai grets best results. Dr. Jones' Red Clove Tonic is naturas own reniedy, is purel; vegetable, can be taken by the most dt-li cate. Cures all itomacb, kldney, and live troublcs. 50 cents. Parify your blood, tone up the cyrtein and regúlate the disestive organs by tak ing Iloods S;irsapariila. Solil by all drug gists. HALE'S HONEY s the best Cough Cure, 25, BOo, L GLENN'S SDLPHUR SOAP heals and bcautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Coms & Bunions, 26c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE-Black & Brown, 50c PIKE'S T00THACHE DROPS cure n 1 Minute, 26c DEAN'S RHEUMATIC P1LLS are a sure cure, 60c Real Estáte for Sale. STATE Ot' MICHIGAN, County of Wasli tenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Colclzer, deceased. NOTICE la hereby glven, that In pursii anee of au order Kranted to the ir clrrMgnn admlnlstratorofihe estáte of sald Henry (.'ol clazer, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the ltíth day i Munt, A. D. 18S6, therewlll be sold al pub llcvendue, to the highest bidder, at the eas iront door of ihe court house, in the city ol Am Arbor In the Couuty of Washtenaw in sai State, on aturday, tlie lat day of May, A. D 18SU, at 10 o'clock In the I i of tha day (fiubject to all enemnbrunces by mort gage or otherwlse exlst liia ut the time of the ilpitih of said deceaHed the foüowhig dOüOrïb ed Real Estáte, to-wlt: li mti certain tract or parcel of land lyi' iz hik beinï tlie city ol Ann Aibor in the county o Waihtcnaw and SiatR ol Michigan, known tnd descriDed as loll-iws: Four aerts ol ta d tobe tnken from the north end of the eunt half ui ihc weet balf of the t-outliweat quarter ol Sectioi Number Tweniy, In town iwu, outh ol range sixeaKt,bya lne parallel witb the North hoe o i-ld lot, and slxteeu rods Boutn therelnm. Al-i tneweBt half ol the weet huif of the tOQ'hm! quarter ol ectiou Number Twenty, in town 2i couti of ranye ix (6) east, containin forty ktm ut lnn( be the same more or lea;, exeepuug ind reserviu; thereirom about elgtit acre til land in tl e -ouib west corner of the nald forty acres herelofore aeeded hy Hieromeüoodppeed and VVilliam Jones to Kiuneth Davideion, uuü al-o excepting unl ra Bi-i vlim onc acie of land on the ast ildx ol saiil Davidaon's eipht aeree, sold and conveed by Abi gail C. Goodspeed to Joeeph ilsun, subject to al riLhtfl and privllejes ol a road or bihMay on the east side of the wnd piece of land uran el (o II ilam Jones by Abigall C. Goodtpeed b) her dt'rd Dated, March 6th. 1886. W1LLIAM W. WnEOON, 1290 7w Adinluistrutor Tho rooit popular Weekly newpper devoted toscience, mechanics.enKineenng diacovenes, ïnventions and patnt ever published. Every number illuatrated with splendid enRravings. Tnis publicationfurniBhesamostvaluabloencyclopeaia of information whicb no penon should be without. Tho populanty of the SoilNTino Amekican i auch that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its claas combined. Prico. f 3 20 a voar. Discount to(Mubs. öoldby all newndeftlers. MUNN A CO., Publishcrs. No.MlBroadway, N. Y. ¦¦ isptlWIt Munn 4 Co. havo A&TFNTS alKobnJThirtyB ¦¦¦ prnctic beforQ Hthe Patent Office and have prrpnred ¦ more than One Hundred ThouHsand application forpatents in tno LB United States and foreitin countnri. F Cayeats. Trade-Marks, Copy-ri(thts, AsnignmentB. and all other papers for ¦ seouring to inventora their nchta ín tho ¦ United States, Canada. England, i raneo, ¦ Oermany and othor foreign countricB preH pared at short notice and on reasonable tprms. I Information as to obtaining patentscheer¦ fully Kivrn without ohargc. Hand-book ol ¦information aent froc. Patenta obtained throuch Munn & Co. are noticed in the Snentiflo American froo. The advantage of ucn notice ia well underBtood by all persons who wish tooi"Tddr'e'wilSN ' CO.. Office Scraimo Amibicax. 361 Broadwty. New York. THIS PAPER sif 's S i?. I IlKJ ¦ flllfcll ItOWELL A COS Nowspaper Advcrttótng Bureau (10 8pruco M If flffll t Ishipr contract may WÊ ¦ MM W I I K K bo ulado for it ai 11 til IUI1I


Ann Arbor Courier
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