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The two Sams will furn9li the senior lit lass bata. Randall & Burnham are now taking the enior sittings. The Diamatic Club will be "Amongthe Jreakers," May 7tb. Fred Main, M. D., '85, of Jackson, was n the city yesterday. A ches8 club of 25 members bas been ormed at the university. The Rogers' models are slowly a9suming he shape of models ODce more. The astronomy c'asses go to the obervatory occasionally no-&-dayi. The class of '81 will hold a reuinon uring the eoining coturaencement. Prof. Kirchner wlü give two evening ectures on " The Logic of the Law." The Jefl'orsonian society bas now 46 ïemhers, and is in a flourishlng condiion. The new teacher of botany at the agriultural college is George B. Sudwortb, if85. Lacey, of the junior medical class has een obliged to go home because of sickïess. Dr. Swain, the new trainer fortbe gym rrivei) in town Tbursday, and bas commenccd Ii is dulies. Dr. Frieze's classes are much larger han usual this semester, and now meet in he east library rooms. The tirst indoor spring meeting of the iugby Association will be held in about a iinmtli, it is tbought. Several of the law students are taking the lectureson medical jurisprudeiice now being yiven to the medies Tbat handsome design of the Oracle's cover is the work of I. II. Ricburdson. It is a meritorious work of art. The last Argonaut hada thrilling de. scription of the forth coming Calendar, gleaned from the proof sheets. Remembet the lecture of Hon. Geo. R Wendling, university hall Saturday evening. His subject, " Saul of Tarsus." A private club has been formed by mem bersofthe Jeffersonian Suciety for improvement ia " off hand " speaking. The Oracle is out and the class of '88 may well feel prou'l of their production, for it is a lueritorlous one in every way. The Hon. Stanley Matthews will not deliver the commencement address before the law school, having withdrawn his ac ceptance. It is confldently asserted by tbose who have liítened to him, that Hon. Qeo. R Wendling is far superior as an orator to any one on the lecture platform to-day. The series of musical entertainment givcn in university hall under the auspl ces of the School of Muslc andChoral Un ion, will close April 20th, wlth Rafael Jo seffy. Trof. Jones, wrltlng frora Rome, Italy says that the artists of that city value tb gift of models which the sculptor Ran dolph Boffers bas given to the University at $200,000 cash. A munifleent gift, eer tainlv. ïke boys wlio have the best interests of the gymnasium at heart, are receiving great encouragement from tlie ladies of the medical department, who have already formed a society and propose to racasure musclcs with the boys. In the „New York Tribune of March llth, is a report of the first scmi-rinnual meeting of the American Ecouomic Association, held in thatcity atllamilton hall. Aiuong thosc attending wc noticc the name of Prof. Henry C. Adama, U. of M. Prof. Stowell reccived a picture- photograpU - of the 'Stowell Microscopical Club "of Albion college, IC in number. The rcmarkable thing about this is that the photo is no larger than a pin hcad, but uiider the inicroscope cvery face is hown up plain and can bo easily recognized. The eastern colleges seem to bc torribly fraid of Fred Bonlue, and have been qulrmlug around in a truly athletic maner to get hlm bounccd out of the Coming ntercollegiate athk-tic contest. Butthcy an't do t. Bonine will run again this ear, and BonlM will win, algo- stick ¦ )in there. The Alpha Nu and Adelphi literary soieties present the following program for riday eveniog in room 24 : Oration by L O. Graves; pocm by Miss Elsic Jones; ecliimation, S. B. Todd and Louis Boyle; apers, B. Mc Donald, J!. Antisdel ; deate, II. S. Tibbits, A. C. Oricr; marie, )oth vocal and instrumental, interspersed. The Ladies1 Athletic Association will e allowed tho use of the gymnasium from to 9 a. m., and from } to 2}L p. m., tandard. The offleers of this associatiou re : Miss Houghton, Pres. : Miss Potter, ice pres., Miss Marx, treas.; Miss Orr, ec. ; Mrs. II. W. Rogers, Mrs. Bryan, Miss tiller and Miss M. S. Ashley, wcre lected members of the executive cotnmittee, of which, according to the consüution, the President is chainnan." Mr. B. 8. Smith, a coloied senior law rom Springlield, Mo., at the last meeting f the Webster society, read a paper on The White Man of the Solid South.'1 'he paper was in replv to a recent adress on "The Colorad Man and the Solid bouth " delivered by Mr. Pickens of N. 'arolina. The paper has been universally poken of asan ablo production, taking road and liberal vicws,and as a complete nd masterly refutation of the artlcle of Ir. Pickens, as well as one of the most loquent speeches delivered in the Webter this year. - Ohroniclc. Judge Cooley has recelved the followng from a committee of the luw class of 86: " Inasmuch as at the beginning of lic present college year we, the law class f '86, by unaniinnus action requested you o deliver before tlic law department a ourse of lectures on the constitutional aw of our country; and inasmuch as we ecognizc the fact that your accediiifi to ur request has entailed on you much adItlonal and wholly gratuitous labor for ur benefit; therefore, we beg leavehcrey to expresa to you our sincere gratitude nd deep appreciation of your able and ffleient efforts in our behalf, and our reret that your pressing duties prevent you 'rom giving us further nstruction.'' At the last meeting of the Chess Club, leid at the Sigma Chi house, S.iturday afernoon, the following permanent officers were elected: Preiident- Chas. P. Beckwith, Lit. '87. Vice PreBident-Chas W. Kuhne, L iw '87. Recording Sucretary- Bobt. K. Parke, Llt. '87. Correspondmg Sec'y - Jolin Chllde, Law 'ö7. Treasnrer- Wm. W. McNair, Law '87. Game Kecordei-Orla B. Taylor, Llt. '86. Kditor for C'hronlcle- Cbas. W. Kuhne, Law '87. Editor for Argonaut- K. L. Bower, Med. '87. 'lm club nuniliers ahout thirty memjers, but quite a number more have stated lieir intention of joining. It is the inention of the club to play correspondnce games with otlicr universities, nd ) arrange for a grand tournament In the ear future. The club has quite a num)er of good players, original chess probem proposers, etc. For the present the lub will meetevery Saturday cvening at :30 Standard time, and until suitable ooms can be secured tlie meetiugs will e held at the Sigma Chi hou6e. The evenings for play" will be spent in conultation games, private gamee, the soluon of problenis, discussion of different penings, etc. The meetings will doubte8S be of great interest and profit to all nterested in the game of chess.


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