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Hon. Geo. It. Wendlmg is witüout doubt one of the most eloquent orulors on the lecture platform of the day, and since the death of John B. Gough probably without a peer in thut line. Ot' him the Buffalo Newssays: "Mr. Wendliug who lectured here on Fiiday night, has had a brilliant career at the bar and in politics, althoujrh scveral ycars under 40. I recollect well wheu he carne conspicuously to the front in Illinois and claimed the attention of men of both parties just after passing liis 'ilst year and entering upon hls flrst oflleial trust, by representing a district in Egypt as a membcr in 1871. One day a grave question involv" in; tbc relatlon of the Federal governmont and the constitutional limitution of each was uuilcr OOBtlderatlOD. ÏOOnJ Wendlingtook the lloor and clcctrilied his colleagues with n dtaooone so com plete and masttrly tlnit it iinmcdiatel gave him front rank with the most pro found thinkers of the bencli nd bar and he continúes to boar his honors inod cstly." Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge, of ühio will s[)eak in University hall under tb auspices of the ITnivcriity tempcrance as sociation next Friday evening, Mare ltth. Mrs. AVoodbridge is one of the of llcsra of the W. C T. U., a very abl speaker, and was the manager of the cani paijrn in Ohio two years ago that secure 323,000 votes for constitutional prohi bition. Next Monday evcning, before the Unty Club, at the Unitarian clmrcli, Dr. raogfaan will read a paper on "Mental lygiene," and Mr. Eldredge one upon 'The Novel of the lOth Century." Miss May Breakey will give a recitation, nnd sotne excellent music will be discoursed during the exercises. By special rcquest the "Brave Woinan't will be again presented at the opera house ?riday nirht, March 19tli. Perhaps no ïlay hns given sueh general satisfaction this season as the "Brave Woman." The storm scène is partieularly beautiful and startling, ind the whole play one of deep nterest and full of noble thoughts and jenerous acts. The annual meeting of the W. C T. U. will be held at the rcsidence of Miss Brown, No. 13 South State street, Tuesday, Maicli 22d, at 3 o'clock. All memtiers of the society and others who are interested in the temperance work are earnijtly requested to be present. Temperance masa BMMpg in the opera house next Tuesday Rig, March 23d Hon. John I!. Finch, Albert Dodge and others will be present. Reserved seats on sale at JUougliton's news stand, P. O. General admission 10 cents, reserved seats 15 cents. Excursión rates over all ruil 1_ luaus. A ncw lirin of Rrocers is moving into tlio Hangsterfer block. The wcather signáis these ilays Jaro numcrous - and so is the veather. Mrs. Elvira Marsh, wife of Thos tfnb, of BctO, dled March lOth, of in tlauimaüo.'i of the bovls, aged t year !' mus. A numbeiof the rueuibers of tlio Jek sou Conimandery will visit the Ann Ai bor ComiimiHlopy Krkluy evefllng to it ik -s work in the temple. „__ To-Uiiy is St. l'atrick's l);iy. and tb ¦¦wearfng of tbc Kreun," is viry fiishiona ble. This eveninr g grand btnqaet wil be held at Cook's Hotel. Mrs. Mary Martin, wife of Jotepb Mal tin. of the 8d ward, ilied Snnday, MkTC 14th, aged 31 years 8 mos. Siie leaves husband and two children, the youngc hut two weeks old.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News