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MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared wlth sppriul regard to hcalth. No Ammonia, Ltmeor ;ïlum, PRICE BAKIN9 POWDER C0., CHICACO. ST. LOUI8. P SPECIAL JZ Uextracts MOST PERFECT MADE ftal mu! ¦traOMSl Ntturdl Fruit Flavors. V imilla, Laman.Oñng, AJmond, K.w. ,i,-., navr .i drllc u 'y nd _%tanll) tli.fmit. tuiti..o. Price Baking Powder Co. si. lous. Invalids HoteliSurgical Institute BUFFALO, "S". Organlzed wlth m ruil Staar of eighteen r.M-rlcnrrd and Stlllful Pbyilelang and Surgeona for the treatment of all Chroulc DIkihi. OUR FIELD OF SUCGESS. Obronic Naaal ('atarrh, Throat and I.iuiK (ieae, l.ivcr and Kldiiry lii'iir, Bladder niñeases, Diaeascs oí Uonnn, Hioixl Diseaacs and Nervouu Affectious cured bere or at home. with or without seomgr the patiënt. Come and see us, or send ten cents ín stamps for our "Invalida' Gulde Book," whieh gives all particulars. __a. IVorvontt nebility, ImpoI llri ,m. I IPnCJ, N Olí II i II. 1 1 r.OSBCM, CATE I mi. 1 itll Morbid ('oiulitioiis I" loaused by Tontlifnl FolllllriCr I lies and Pernkoui Soll UiaC,iLO. lary praetlce nro speedily ¦ and pernianently curtd by our Speciaiists. Book, post-paid, 10 ets. in gtamps. aa,, Hiiplnrr, or Breaoh, radlPÜ I cally cured without the knifo, I HIIPTIIBF I without tniBW'S, without pain, I uuriunu. Bn(1 without dang-er. Cures ¦""¦¦"" Unaraulecd. Book sent íor ten Cíente ín Ktampe. PIL.E TDJ1OHS and TRICTCKES treated under Kaarantee to core. Book sent forten conto in stampt. Addrees World'8 Dispknsary Medical Asbociation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. -¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦a The troatment of many n..r..r ¦¦ thousands of cases of tboso UISEISES OF diseases peculiar to Wnuru womktj at the Invalida1 Hotel and ¦" Surifical Institute, bas afforded lare eiperience in adaptief remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this rast ezperience. Tt la a powerful Restoratl-re Tonlc and Nervlne, imparta vigor and strength to the system, and cures, as f bv magie, Leo corrhea, or " liitr," excesslve f lun iiix, painfnl meiiHI ruai Ion, unnatural suppresaions, prolapsna or ruiling of tlie uteruH, ueak bark, aiilevemion, rotrovcrxlon, boarinudowii seiiHatioiiK, cliroulc ronis'- Hou. Inflamiuation and ulceración of the womb, iiiflanimatlou, pain and tenderuess in ovarles, lnteriial beat, and "female weakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Vcaknrss of Stomaeli, IndiseNliou. Bloatl nif, NcrvouH l'rosi ralion, and Sleeplessncss, in eltber sex. DDIPC t I fifi OR 6 BOTTI.ES rnlut vi. UU, kor $o.oo. Send ten centa in stamps for Dr. Pieroe's larfo Treatise on üiseases of Women, illustratcd. World's Dispensary Medical ássociation, 663 Maim Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. L SICK-HEADACHE, Klllons noadm lic, P TiL DizziucNa, Coustipa xsK, .f-l, tiou, Indigeation, 'W MN and Bllioim AttackN, 9V Tii JËuB promptly cured ty Ir. Wm tomüm Plerce's Plcasant 'xJÊl Êr Pnrgatlvc Pellets. 25 cents a vial, by Druggi6ts. MiMUNITYfromANNOYANCE Pat. Ost. 30th, 1833. l lailo only of Hip flneat andbestqnal ity of Ulass for illulmidlnï heat. Every good thing is Counterfeited, and consumers are OAUTIONED against IMITATIONS oi these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GL ASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. n anufaet il n-tl OM. Y by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. I-i i(sl.ur-li ï.end UlHSS Work. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. J 2 S s iífcrc'i f -" yi''-lj BBL 3 " 5? F' ? THIS PAPER ïï2? - " Iil# I Hrtll 1UJWELL COS Newspaper Advertlslng Buruiui (10 8pruco ¦¦¦il tffiffll tislngcontrnctsraay MNMf VII KR lm made for it In II kil I UliHa ATlTiTrjTI Send lx cent for postale. I I II nl1 receivo freo, a costly box I PI I I V ot eooili which wil) help you I II Ij io more mnnpy rlghi away ihau xfc" anythlnii elpe In (bis wnrld. All, of eltber sex, encceed from flrBt honr. The broad road to fortune opens belore the workers, aboolately enra. At onoo ddrt, Tn 4 Go., Angina, Meto.


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