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Tbf. Senatc on tfce 9th look ap t li. - nsoliitions reportad bjr Mr. Bdranndi rrotn the .luliciary Commlttee, wbtoh, mowm ottaor tbingg, oondema the Attonwy-GeneraJ fbr refusingto transmitió the Benata paf Tor, anil ooademn the discharge trom tho Sovermiii'iit MTvioe of ei-ÜDion soldli Mr Kdiuuiidssnokcat jfreut lonjrih upon the subject, bul the Senate adjouroed without any acticm biMiiir liiki'u ., [n the House a bltl was phssimI - 24J (o B- forblddlng the lui-ing out ot the labor of PWeral prisooers. Mr. BldridRp rpixirti'd nbill KrantiiiK pensiona to the soldiere nnd sallors of the Mexlcan war. The lodian Approprlation blU ($5,öU2,6K) was considrroil. Thi debato in renard totlir suspension of ofliclalB by tho President was oontinoed In the Senato on the lOth. Mr. Pusrh dsfending tha Adminlstratlon. Tho Urirent 1 -il-it iu y bilí waspasscd. wlth au amendiuoiü approprlating f ü,OOo to dofray the expenses ot Oeneral Urant's funeral In tho House a bül irM reportod bv Mr lloxbertto Inorease the naval establishment. The Seney blll to repeal tho ('Ivll-Serviee Reform luw ni reported alversely by Mr. Pulltzer. Mr. Stone was ai on permission to filo a minonty report Tho Iridian Appropriation bill was discussod. Tnx debate In the Senato on the rltrht of the Sonate to papers on flle In tho departmentt wascontinued on tho llth by Mr. Wilson (Ia.). Mr. Hawloy reportodadversoly the Vano blll for repeal of the Civll-Servico law. Mr .Iones (Nev.) gpoke In favor of an unlimii of sllver. The bill f or the forfaiture ol part of tno lands irranted to the Stak nt' Iowa to aid In the oonKruotlon of railroadswaa 4ebated....In the Houso Mr. Long presentad a politlón from Methodist ministers of Boston donouncinf? the irnovous outraffea perpe" tratcd upon the Ubioeee In WyotnlDK and Washington Territorios aiul In the States ol OreffOD an4 California. The ludían Appropr ation blll was f urthcr considored. In the Sonate on tho 12th tho debata on the riffht ol the Senate to havo papen and information rolatinjr to suspensions from offloe was resumed, Mr. Konna (W. Va.) spraktiifr In defense of the Admlnlstratlon A blU waa passed to forfelt the Sioux City Paolflo rail rotid land jrrant in lovvu, ezoepl thai portion clalmcd by tho Milvnuikir si Paul road, In the House a resolution waa offered by Mr. Woavor tlmt th ralea be SO amended that It sliall require ui least tiro members to objoet Co the consIderatiOD of a bilí, "it now beingr in the power of an M ot. insano man or crunk tn prevent theoonslder. ation oí ur MHuit, " Objeoted lo as disrespeottul A bilí irr.intinjr a rniMon of a,UOü perannum to th wldow oi UeneraJ ITirioock was favorably reportod. Al thoovcninjí session torty-üve pens on bilK won' pitssed. DOMES! IC. Focr TH0U9AXD carpentors iu New York City struck on the bth for an advauce iu wages. Cases of semi-starration wero reported on the 9th trom Green Hill, a village near Lafayette, Ind. Speedy distribution of food sa vod raany livos. The strike on the Gould Southwestern railways remained unchanged ou the 9th. Virtually trafilo in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas was paralyzed, while the strike was groninf; in oxtent. Miss Emma Fkkxch, aged twonty-two years, in deinonstrating at Toledo on the 9th how suicides act, aecidontally discharged a revolver, the bullet killing her instantly. It was hinted that the shooting was premeditated, owing to an unhappy lore affair. Mrs. Jüus T. EvKuiiAitT and her aged mother, living near Lickingvale, Pa., were nnrderod on the 9th by having theirthroats cut, the assassins then robbing tho house of three hundred dollars. Six hundred minora in the Huntingdon (Pa.) district struck on the 9th forten cents per ton advance in wages. The funeral of Jacob Bixby was held on the 9th at Mount Carmel, Pa. He weighed over five hundred pounds, and the services of twelve strong men were necessary to carry his coffln. At the grave a female relatire feil dead. Another five-day billiard match for the world's championship, between Schaefor and Vignaux. was commenced in New York City on the 9th. A dispatch of the 9th from Ashland, Ky., asserts that it can be conclusively proven that Neal. Craft and Ellis were innocent of the murdor of three chüdren, for which they were erecuted, and that tho real perpetrators were about to be arresto!. The Territory of Utah owes the General Government nearly $300,000, and Comptroller Durham on the 9th advised the Secretary of the Treasnry to withholrl nll jiayments to the Legislature of that Territory until a settleraent was made. Ax anti-Chinese convention, composec of delegates from all parts of California, met at Sacramento on the lOth and adoptet a resolution discountenaucing the illega expulsión of Chinamon. TnE two little daughters of Frederick Reed, of Bakersville, Mass., broke through the ice on a pond on the lOth and were drowned. The wife of George Hankins, of Chicago was robbed in New Orleans on the lOth o diamonds valued at $12,000. Handt Woodward (colored), who attemptod to outrage a child, was taken from jail on tho lOth at Russollville, Ky., by masked men and hanged. The Ohio Legislature has adopted a res olution for the celebration of the centen nial nniversary of the first permanent settlement in the State by an exposition on the fair grounds in Columbus in Septem ber of next year. Five men were killed ou the lOth by the explosión of the boiler of a Boston tug boat. A shortaoe of noarly $80,000 was on the lOth discovered in the accounts of S. S Hollingworth, the late treasurer of Kuox County, Ind. The spinners in the Cohoes (N. Y.) knifcting milis, about five thousand in number were ordered out by the Knights of Labo on the lOth. The Southern Paciflo road on the lOth made the f are from Los Angeles to Chica go ten dollars for first-class passenger-. J. E. Brau and M. E. Grace, prominen New Orleans citizens, killed each other in an affray at the district court on the lOth. The Missouri Pacific officials on the lOth notifled the strikers to leave the company' premisos. The shops at St. Louis were guarded by thirty-flve armed detectives It waa the intention of the superintenden to send out several freight trains, and i the strikers interfered the Governor woul be asked for a military guard. A mad stoor charged into a crowd ol school children at Cincinnati on the llth, knocking many of them down and tossing several into the air. Three of them were fatally injured. Handt Woodward, a negro who assaulted a little girl, was on the llth taken from the jail in Russellville, Ky., by masked men and hanged. A NEW oil well was ttruck on the llth near Washington, Pa., that was said to be good for one thousand barrels daily. There was great excitement in the county. While in bed at Philadelphia on th llh Frank Murgatroyd was taken with a violent fit of sneezing, and died before a phyaician arrived. As a result of the Uniondale (Pa.) mine xplosions up to the llth five persons, had died, and three others were still in (langer. Flames originating in the Brunswick saloon at Hot Springs, Ark., destroyed property a few days ago valued at $150,000. An aged inniate of tbe almshouse near Lebanon, Pa., threw paris green into a huge kettle of coffee on the llth, by which one hundred persons were poisoned, ten or moro of them fatally. The Secretary of State of New Jersey on the llth ordered the Dime Savings Bank of New Brunswick to close its doors. There were rumore that Arthur G. Ogilby, the treasurer, was a defaulter for $80,000. Harlow Varnet, aged eiRuty years, banged himself on the llth at MUlmwaka, Ind. Domestic trouble was tho eau The boilers of the steamer Ik. Bonham exploded on tho llth, eleven miles bolow ViohabDrK -Miss. A number of persons irme killed and sevaraj I Tïi e iiext mooüug of ths American I ;rss of Churehes will boboldat Cleveland, ).. begin niug May 25. The Ministers' Assoeiation, composod of represnntntivos of each church in . .il,. Mum . pMwd raotattoni rocently to nithdrnw tlioir patronngo frora all Sunday .; 1 1 ¦ i pnlilihed in or out of that city. The Chinese were on tho Uth being din hargod in largo numhors by omployers in tot Angeles, Cl JOBS P. Hii.dretit, town treasurer of Stowe, Mass., was missing on the llth, and lis accounts were $20 OUO short. A negro lnd aged thirteen was taken 'rum jail on the 11 tb by a mob at Ridgeand, S. C, and hanged for beating and obbing a widow lady named Sauls. The two greatpowder milis of the Gambo 3owder Company, near Portland, Me., blew up on the llth, killing two mon and iestroying a large amount of property. Theke was no change in the great railway strike on the Gould lines in the Southwest on the llth. No trains were running. A tf.khific sno w-storm prevailed in Colorado on the llth, and all railway travel was greatly dolayed. 'lm ke were 211 failures in the United States reported during the saven days ended on tho 12th, against 227 in the preceding seven lays. An unknown man, of middle age, walked nto Niágara river on the 12th. about a quarter of a mile above the Horseshoe falls, and was swept away. Fire Cmief Mauadt was thrown from lis buggy at New York on the 12th, and was killed by falling under tbe wheels oi a fire engine. l'vntioic Ford and John Murphy, two New Orleans politicians convicted of the murder of Captain A. H. Murphy, were hanged in that city on the 12th. They ¦ought to escape the gallows by taking rnison, but were partially revived and exocuted at tho hour appointed. Louis O'Neil was hanged at Portland, Ore., for the murder of Lowis McDaniol. No chaxge of note occurrod on the 12th in the relations between Btriking Knights of Labor and raüroad managers in the Southwest. The great strike was still on, wit It no sign of j'ielding on either side. It is snid that a proces has been diseovered at PittsburgU which renders explosions of natural gas impossible while all the heating qualities are retained. TfiE winter-wheat erop, according to advices of the 12th, would only reachan average, even with favorable weather for the next thirty days. The greatest falling off in acreage was in the States of Illinois, Kansas and Missouri. The outlook was the most eneouraging on the Pacific slope. At Logansport, lnd., on the 12th the tank of a gasoline stove exploded, its flaming fluid saturating the clothing of Sarah Hassett and Joseph Heffner, and they were fatally burned. lx the billiard match at New York between Schaefer and Vignaux the former made a run on the 12th of 230 points, beating all previous records. Tbe house of Joseph Galce, near Pittston, Pa., was destroyed by flre on the 12th, and his two children, aged four and six 3'ears, perished in the flames. Ax anti-C'hinese convention in San Francisco on the l'Jth adopted resolutions in favor of boycotting all firms employing Chinese labor. Ex-Senator Sargent, who opposed the boycotting resolution, withdrew from the convention. Secretarï Lamak on the 12th submitted to Congress a List of about 4,500 Indian deprodation claims. The total number of claims cali for an amount approximating 118,000,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tui: National House Committee on Invalid Pensions decided on the 9th to report a bilí to give twenty-four dollars permonth to veterans of the rebellion who have been totally disabled since their discharge. A decisiox in favor of the Pnhibitionists' appeal, in the matter of the Atlanta election, was made by the Georgia Suprema Court on the 9th. TnE committoe of the New York Senate which investigated the Broadway raUroad charter unanimously reported on the 9th that it was procured by bribery, and recommeuded that swift justiee be dealt the guilty parties. Mus. Thompson, wife of Colonel W. B. Thompson, ex-Second Assistant Postmaster-General, died at Chattanooga. Tenn., on the 9th. Mrs. Bkxjamis Harris Brewster, the wife of ex-Attorney-General Brewster, died at her residence in Philadelphia on the 9th. Ex-Senatoh Simon Camekox celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday on the 8th at Harrlgtmrg, Pa. The Grant Monument Assoeiation of New York had up to the 9th received $115,881. Ex-President Arthur has been elected permanent chuirman. Jerome B. Chaffee, the first United States Senator from Colorado, and the father-in-law of Ulysses S. Grant, Jr., died on the 9th at Purdy's Station, near New York City, of acute meningitis. Mr. Chaffeo was bom in Cambria, Niágara County, N. Y., April 17, U8fc The President on the lOth sent his first reto message to Congress. The act vetoed was one restoring Lieutenant Callis McBlair to the retired list of the army. Josepu Cakxet, a prominent farmer of Edinboro, Pa., celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday on the llth. The family, numbering some seventeen, wero seated abont the dinner table and the old man was engaged in saying graee, when he was stricken with heart-disease and died initantly. The National House Committee on PostOBlces and Post-Roads decided on the llth to report against any chango in the rate of postage on packages of merchandise. A hass convention of the citizens Uring near tho Sisseton Indian reserratiou in Dakota met on the llth andpassed roHotutioii asking Congress to open up the reservatiou. TnE President on the llth sent a mo- g to Congress vetoing the bill tor the relief of settlers on tho Des Moines rrrer lanía ia lim l. Commodore Trcxtoh on tbe llh attained tho age of sixty-two years, and wh retii'ed undor the compulsory law. A special committee of tbe Hoase of Representativos commenced an inquiry in Washington on the 12th into the issuance of Pan-Electric telephone stock to offleers of the Government. CorNTT Clerk Dalton, of Cincinnati, submitted certain election returns on tbc 12th to the Ohio House, and was purgad of bis contempt. FOREIGN. TnE extensiva paper milis at Freudorf, Germany, valued at l,0UU,U00 marku, ware destroyed by fire a few days ago. The report of a medical commisiion wal presented in tbe Dominion Parliament on the 9th showing that Louis Riel was of sound mind though he held peculiar views on religious and political questions. Much anxiety was feit in Italy on the 9th at the strength developod by the agrariaa party, which aims at the overthrow of tb Depretis Ministry. (iíkat distress prevailed on tb lOth among people along the western cxast of Irelaud, wbo not only had hardly any thing to eat save moss and sea-grass, but wer without fire, and ofteu without dothing and shelter. At Esquimaux Point, Pentecoit and Blanc Sabine, in Canada, the people wer in a starving condition on the lOth. Isoi.ated cases of cholera conttnued on the lOth to be reported in Padua, Italy. Tuihtï-five persons, including several women, were burned to death on the lOth by a fire in a flax-drying house at Gels, in Germany. Emploïes of fhe stroet railway at Torouto, Ont., who had formed a branch of the Knights of Labor, were peremptorily discbnrged on the lOth. No unión men wauM be i'ii'"' ¦¦¦'"' Tan forty-first birthday of thB Ciar oí flussia was celebrated in an elaborat manner on the lOth in St. Petersburg A 8EVKRE storm preralled on tb lflth oa the continent of Enrope whiob grrw to a hurricane when it reaehed tb horos oí England and Scotland. Mach damag wn done. An attempt as made at Amiens, Franc, on the lOth to assanioate Jules Verne. Two shots were fired at him by a yonnR student, who turned out to b th awttor's own nephew, and who was thoufht to be a monomaniac. A loss of f130,000 waa oaassd on the lOth in Montreal by a fire which originated in the ship-handlery house of 8onneLeroy. An incendiary flre on the lOth destroyed a block of the principal store in Valparaíso, Chili, causing a loss of $1 000,000. A COLLISIOK a few dayi ago between railroad trains near Monte Cario reraKed in tho loss of many lires, some of them bing English visitors. Extreme cold weather on the llth forced the Austriau railways to suipend operations. Sereral persons were frozen to death in the streets of Vienna. The hospitals of Paris were orercrowded with sufferers from frost-bites. An attempt to run street cars on th 12th at Toronto, Out., precipitated a riot, bota ui' .ii ti t i-d aud foot pólice charging the mob, who had wrecked a car, and several pergons were injured. A pire broke out on the 12th amoag a larga quanity of cotton in the railway tation at Oldham, Eng., and destroyed $350,003 orí h. A Loxdon cablegram of the 12th, in announcing the bankruptcy of Princesa Helena, states that in the past ten years Rhe spent L5,000,000. Tmt eustom-house at Catalinas, Brazil, with its contente, was burned on the 1'Jth, causing a los of $5,000,000. LATER NEWS. An expresa train on the Rock I.sland rood, which started westward from Joliet about one o'clock on the morning of the VMh. ti-U into the hands of masked robbers. Between Joliet and Morris a retaran express messenger named Kellogg Nichols, of Chicago, was shot and pounded to death, and his safe was robbed of about $25,000 in muney and jewelry. A reward of $10,000 has been offered for the capture of the murderers. hundeed Chinese left San Fran cisco for China on the 13th, where they will reraain. Heavv losses of cattle in Texas were rported on the 13th, owing to the cold weather and poor graas. A fai.l of snow, a most surprising occur reuce at this season of the year, was reported on the Uth from Saltillo and Mouterey, in Mexico. Lokdon adrices of the Wth say that as a rosult of a recent Cabinet meeting the hopes for the ultímate triumph of hom rule in Ireland were increasing. The offlcers of the Missouri Pacific road on the 18t,h mad sereral unsuccessful attenipts to run freight trains out of St. Louis, and late in the afternoon they applied to the State Circuit Court for injunctions to restrain leading strikers frora entering on the property of the road. At Scdalia, Mo., ten prominent Knights of Labor were arrested on State warrants for disabling an engine. Owing to the strike at the knitting-mills in Cohoes, N. Y., six thousand personi were on the 13th out of employment. An invostigation showed on the 13th that the inmates of the Soldiere Orphan' Home atErie, Pa., had been shainefully treated. Immense audiences gathered in Chicago ou the 14th to hear the erangelists, Messrs. Jones and Small, and thousands were unable to gain admittance. The steamer Oregon, with eight hundred passengers on board, was wrecked off Fire Island, twenty-fire miles from New York, on the 14th, by a collision with a sehooner, and sank a few hours thereafter. All on board were saved. The vessel was ralued at $1,250,000. Tuk five-day billiard match in New York between Jacob Schaefer, of Chicago, and Jfsartee Vipiiaux, of Paris, for the world's championship, terminated on the 13th in a rictory for Schaefer, he sooring3,000points to hls opponont'8 1,808 puiuts. Di-rixo the week ended on the 13th $1,300,000 in gold was exportad from New York. The obsequies of Senator Miüer, held in the capitol t Washington on the 13th, were attendrd by tho President and Cabiuot, the Diplomatic corps and the Supreme Court. A special train bearing the remains, th stricken family and the Congressional comtnittee left for California at sevon o'clock in the erening.


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