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A WalkiPg Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, ot Mj-Chanlcsburir, Ph., wntes : "I un alllicted witli huiji fever aml ahscess on Iúují, and rfilnoecl to i imlking Skeleton Got a free trinl bottle nfDr. líing's New Dlscoverjr for Cn iiinpiin i, wliioli (Mil meso ínur.h gdod that I boujíht a dollar botlle. Af'ter u?n{ lliree boules, found myself once more íi man, omiplctcl v rc.tored to lieallh, willi :: beurt; sppetite, aml a gn in flesh of' 18 Ibs." Calla) Eberbach & Sou's drug tora md freí ¦ free trial bottle of thtsoerain cure for all Lung Distases. Lfttge iiottles $1 00. Ni iirai-ka Slaie Journal : "An orante jrmuT in Florida writes to a t'rieml in l.inciiln to come down to see liim next i iiiu-r and briii}; ;iloní as inuny frienil ns he can can. ' I want,' be taya, ' aomel)ndj toeat up all my oranges aml (farden ¦ tutt'. La8t se aíiiii I sliipped eirhty crates t 'uraiijri'S and ubout a car load ot truck iiid melons. My commiíslon merohaiit il the etui Of scason sent me a bilí of s.".: ii to balance account9. Now I am iiol disenuraged lilis is a lovt-ly country, and 1 propose to stny licre; but, I propuse to ecoi omize. Sol want enou;ligood felfnwl lo oome down liere to tat my stuff and save me tlie expense of selling it.' " Educated and Experlented. tarapaiiila is prepared bv C. I. Hood ifc (Jo., Apothecaries, Lowell, Í hís., lio have i thoroagll knowledge of pharuiHcy, and tnany years practical experience in the business. It is prepared witti ilic freatest skill and care, untler tlie direction of tlie men wlio originated t. Henee Ilood's Sai saparilla inay be depended upon as athorouglily pure,honet, and leliable medicine. Wonian's intluence : o I believejin woman's iutluence?'1 sald a man on Twenty-second street recently. " Well, you see that young fellow trundling a baby CHrrtage along the street wlth a look of anfrelic resijínation on his face an inch aml a lialf thiik? I knew that tellovv a han he would swell around town as biir as a circus advanee-iigent and order beer for tlie whole crowd. He doiit do it any more." _ "Tlwnsands Say So. Mr. T. W. AtUins, Kan., writes: "I never hesitate to recotnmend your Electric Bitters to ruy customera, they give entire satistaclion and are ripid selléis." Electiie Bitters are tlie purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidii v and Liver complaints. Purily the blood and regúlate tlie bowels. No family can aflbrd to be without them. They wiil save hundreds of dollars in doctor's billg every year. Sold at íifty cents a bottle by Eberbach & 9on. A young man who believes in self-improvement having recently married, sugtfested to his wife that they should argüe sotne questions frankly and fully every morning, in order to learn more of each otlier. Tlie tirst question happened to be " whether a woiuan coulcl be expected to eet along witnout a hat," and he took tlie afflnnative, and when he was last geen he had climbed up into a hay loft and was pulling the ladder after him. " The best on earth " can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve - a speedy curo fui culs, bniHes, scalds, burns, sores, piles, teller aml all skin eruptiou?. Try this wotiucr healer. 25 cents. Guaranteed. The Dangers of Short Hair. Tlie hair is a conductor of electricity to tbe brain, and it should never be lesa than two inohesin length. Unless thetactsnre taujíht in the schools so that the boys are warned, in a few generatione more we sha! I have a general softeninir of the brain among our masculina populatlon. - Medical ilairaz-tue.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News