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BOOKSmEïHE M I LLION Complete Novéis and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away The followinii book are puMUhud in neat pamphletform, maoy of tbem haiidftomcly Uluatrated aud all areprinted from mud tvne unon cood nitper. Tbey treat or great varlety oí ohjecis, and we thiük no on can examine the SrtïrfKi%SLtr3aiaa&5 Im h ihi MM Uit M pOMMk iu a&fe Mud bn Uhm bok Wuid HM1 00 aab. Kacb book li complete in ftself. I. The Wldow Bedott Papenu TM is the book is. At the World' Mercy. A NoTel. By Florcae ver which your granduioihers laughed titl thty cried, and Warden, authur or " The House on the Marh," elc. lt is Jutl aa fumir to-day as ft ever was. 17. Mtldrcd Trevanlon. A Novel. By "The Ducti¦i. r'anty Work for Home Adornment, n eneil- muihor oí " Molly Bawn." etc. tlrely uew work upon tliU Mhjeet, coniaiuing easy and ig. lMrk laya. A Novel. By Hoa Coaway, author practical lnttructions for mak i nu fancy baskeU, wall of Cal led Back." etc. pockttU, braeketa, needie work, embroidery, etc., etc., pro19. The Myitery or the Holly Tree. A Novel. íuielv andelerantly lllustrated. By the auilior of " Dora Tborne." 5. Urtmm't Vmirj Storle Tor the Younf. The w Khudow on the Know. A Norel. By B. L. Farfinett collection ol falry stone-. ever publisiied. Ttiu ohilujeon, author of " Brt-ad-and-Checseaud-KIstea," etc. ren will be dellfthtd with them. 21. The Cray Homun. A Novel. By Hri. Üaikell, 4. The Lady ot the Luke. Ry Sir Watwr Scott. anthor of "Mary Barton,1' etc. "Th Lady of the Lakt" Is a romance In vertir, and oí all 22. Kruien Deep. A Novel. By Wllki Collint, the workt of Scott none ft more beauüful than thit. anthor of " The Woman iu White," etc. 6. Manaal of Ktlquotte for Ladiea and Gentlemen, a M. ucd Oourt Farm. A Novel. By Mn. Beory futdt to politeneta and good breediag, git iuf ihe rulet of Wood, author of " Ratf Vynne." etc. modern Uauette tbr all occaaioDt. H, in Cupld'a.Net A Norel. By the Author of "Dora 6. Th Htandurd Lrtter Wrlter for Ladiet and Thorne.' Qentlemen, a gulde to crrepoudiice. givlng 25. Back to the Oíd Home. A Novel. ByUaryCedl piala dlrection tot thp compottition of katers of every Hay, author of '¦ Hirtden Perilt." to. ÍÜnd,wlth Innumerable formt and examplea. 26. John Ho trbunk'n Wlfe. A Novel. By llitl t. WlaterKreatnc Hecreatlona larire collection of" John Hallfax, Oentleman." eto. f AcUn GharadM, Tabloaux. Uamea, Puzzles "o., for 27. Lady Uwendollne'a Urtaa. A Novel. By the ooi! catheriDga, prívalo theatrlcaU, and ceni&ga at ftuthor of " Dora Thorne," etc. home; niattraUd. 28. Janper Uane'a Secret. A Novel. ByMlM.K. 8. DI locura, Kccltfttlona and Keadtiiffa, a large Braddoo, author of "Aurora Floyd," etc. and cholee oollection for school exntbltlaat aad public and 29. Leollne. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, uthor of private entcrtainmnti. ¦ Brenda Yorke," etc. Parlor Magie and ('hcmlcut Experiment, n (abrtel'a Marrlasc A Novel. By Wilkie Ctlinat book which teil how to perform liumlreda of amming author of " No Ñamo," eto. trlckaia niagio and iatiructive experimonu with sitBple 3]. David llunt. A Novel. By Krt. Ann S.SUphess, aftoU. author of " Fathion and Famlne," eto. 10. The Home Cook Kook hik) lamlly Phyai. 3. Ueaolns the Whlrlwlnd. A Novel. By Mary clan, contalntag huudreds of excellent oooklng recipes Cecil Har. author of '¦ Oid Midiilílon1 Moncv,1' etc. and hlnti to houaekeopen, also telliug how to euro alt com33 pódley Carleon. A NoveL By Mts M. E. Bradmon allmenu by timple home remedy . don author of " Lady Audley't Secret, etc. II. Minitn and ('utom la Far Away l.and", 34 Eaalcai oa The Mystisv of the Hia&lihdh. A veryitiu-reitlog and Inttruotive book of travols. detcribjjoel By Rtta W. JMerce, autbor of "The Birth Mark," etc. lOC the peculiar life, hablts, manuers and eustoui of tbc 3 A Golden Diwn. A No vel. By the anchor of people of foreign cou n tries ; illu't miert. "Dora Thorne " eto 13. Blzteen Complete Mtorlea hy Popul&r Authors, 30 Valerle F a te. A NoveL By lira. Alexaoder, mbraclng love, humorout and detective elories, storlen oí autjior oí " The Wooing O't " etc. ootety Uft, of adventure, of rallway Ufo, etc., all very in37, sinter Rone. A Novel. By Wilkle ColUoa, author _ _ . of "The Womau in White," eto. 15. Taellnlff,ofVI(, Humor and r un, a large jg Anne. A Novel. By Mn. Henry Wood, aathor or oHeottoo of the runny ttorlei, sketches, anecdotcs, poemi, "Emst Lynne " and Jokes that have been writlfn for tome rear ; lllui'ted. 39 he Laurel Unah. A Novel. By Mls M stock, 1. Ufteful Knovrlrdce for the Mllllon, a hand. v nthor of ' Johu Halifax, Gentleman. " etc. fcook ofuKful Information for all, upun mauy and varlous Amo Harten. A Novel. Bv Oeorge Kliot, author "f :illï'ti' . . -vr of "¦Adam Bede' " The MUI on the FIom," cío. 11. Called liark. A Novel. By Hagh Coovay, author f "Dark Dayt," etc. min IIUrAIIAI I m nrrrn, W wlll -n-l anv foor of these booki and onr catalofQO, conuioinc UK UntUUALLLU Uritrii priora!llr.iilfriIiiHriandbookWor t cenU iu tarapv Any 8 fiUka T u.fXtiuTi4 To . ,. i.o. ádP.o. Amariran Pub Co Philad'a Pa ürdc-r, and addrew at once. ftmerCan rUQ. OO., rnilUU U, #". 1290-00


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