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MlGHjOM (TENTRAL TTíó Uiagara Falls (Route. ('ntrnl Siaiidui'il Time. Time tahlc tHkfng efl'i-ct Nov. 2flth I ( BICAGO TO DBTBOIT. A.H.jA.M. P. V 1 . M. p. M. I'. M A. M. l.v. 660 ROO ¦¦:!O () BOB BH .... MlcblganUltj 9181 11 11 ".17 682111 IS IS 02 Nllei 1 88 1215 613 7 .. . alaron zoo. ..! - 1 12 788 BW 200 8PÍ 846 lattle nik..l ¦ ! 82S 8 01 j S 50 3 50 7 8]}. -¦¦ 2 47 _ ...... rüïil.vyi Alhion p . 382 83! 34,'i 4 40 8 20 kêon ¦ :: 10 i li 9 U . ... i BR ',¦:, t ]:, OnwLake....1 S3S; 547 BM hels 365 008 Dexler 4 12 8311011 Aun Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 10 if . .... 5 ir, 640110 28 YtKilantl 160 548 1021 .... mi ii.V.1045 ii'Jiih: ." l.í 605 110".... II21I 7 47 1105 I)r tr . ...Ar, 600 8 4611 18 , 700 81011145 DETliOIT TO CHICAGO. i, 7 I o o a A% S ,tít,onS. ,.; i SC J_ U _ _ L A .. VM p.M T M. P.M. P.M Detroit.... Lt. 7U0 10 130 4 00 800 9 15 .... June. 740 158 2 03 145 8 40 9 56 Vptilanti .... 8(1110 13 2211 5 li 905 1021 Ann Arbor . BJfcMOH 232 530 9 23 1038 Drxtcr i 836 BU 955 'helsca '8 48 (j 06 loo!' (iiasi-Lake.. MÍO 6 271033 Jackaoi '.'.fill4í! 32? 715 II 66 1208. Miirlinll. ... 1088 134' 4 22 8221 1155 lia]. ... BaltleCrick.. II (13 181 4 40 852 1220 150 A. M. II f S 15 5 15 45 11" 2 10 4 45 Niles 147 34!s 6S2Í 30S 4 13 6 40 Yl.ihlganCitj: 3 10 4 57 7 80.... 4 35 5 40 8113 Chicago... Ar. 545 7 10 9 0 7 00 80511035 ramilla lllvixlon. Detroit To hcppalo.- SUndard Time. ¦s í Uís rsl s ¦ . STAT, mnï-H il Ifi íík .,f Jo" 58 caso. I' M. t. M. A. M. A. M. I Detroit. ...Lv 7 30' 11 25' 5 00; 7 10 19 06 St.TbomasAr; 11 10 2 40 I" M 10 451 3 40 Toronto...Ar "%i 7" 'sQS8Sr.a. Oitawa prnSOT) 4 38 a. m. tontreal WW Quehcx a6SUp. ¦. a. M 2 20 p.M. '.lhoma9,Lv 1115 i ló 1 m 10 66,8 69 Wellnnil 1 5;i 6 17 D 1! 1 94 6 28 Falls View 5 45 - 2H N. Fall. Oít. 2 22 5 48 2 ÏI5 68 -iiri.'i, 11 dye I 3 86 6 00 2 50 7 10.P. u. N.Falle.N.Y.I ' Eastern time A. 51. A. M. r. M . P.M. V. M. Bufólo. ...Lv 4 50 8 10 9 (i II, 9 00 Kocbof:er..Ar 6 50 9 55 11 00 6 45 11 00 ttmctue 80 ISlSr 1 30a 9 1 30am Utlca 11 H0 2 19 8 OH 11 86 3 VA Albany p2 2() 5 00 RIO a 2 30 ti 10 Troy r 235 655 62fi 200 r, :, SpriDgflel ... 6 311 12 40a 10 57 6 15 10 57am Aoneeter.... 8 28 5 0 1 18p 8 20 1 18m 'ioston 9 45 6 25 S ir. i' l '.! !" New York Ar 7 00 9 00i10 30a; 7 31) 10 30a m fhllnd. Iphia. 1U 35 10 35 ' 7 05 ' . .' BtTFPALO To Detroit- Siandard Time. si - rtJjfLtí stations. g _Bg T raja __ IB L A. M. V. VI. Philrtdel'n. Lv 9 00 P. 8 M New Y,,ik... 10 80 00 .. .. ... 9 5 li.ton. 830 3 00 : 7 )0 o ecter... 960 4 20 83 Sprinuflelii. .. 11 35 8 06 ¦¦ 10 wp Klbany 3 OOpm 10 Uí .. 2 !6a Utica 5 45 I2:,idi ... 5.6 Syricuse.... 7 40 2 00 7 20 Rorhetter.... 9 65 4 H0 10 00 luffdlo....Ar 12 15 5.50 , 12 15p I. m. a. m. Biiffalo. ...Lv 11 30pm 5 SO 6 05 9 00 1135 1. 1-nlKN Y ;..m i2 31 6 Sí) . .. ÍS 38 N. F],-,Olit. 12 51 6 48 i 12 57 Kuil Vii-w 6 5U ' 102 wi'iisiiil 7 10 7 21 10 15 188 si.ihíinia Ar 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 35 Cuebec... Lv 2 30 10 00 Moíilual, 8 00 i 9 (JO Utlawa 11 40 114 23 I'oronto, 8 3) 8 20 St ThcmasLv 4 )5 9 55 2 5r 1 15 4 45 'otmit....Ar 805am 1 OOpmj 8 4.5 , 5 20pl 8 15 t Stops oDly lo let i.ff paesentre. í Stops only on eiDule. O. W. RUGGLK8, H. W. HAYK-i. G. P.&T. Agent Aït.. Aon Arbor. Chicago. To edu, Ann Arbor & Nortft Michigan Kiiilnny. TIME si lli:i)ti.E. rotake elTcct. :it 12 o'clock, bood, on Suiiday, September 27, 1885. (Soutliorn lliyision.) Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NOBTH. GOINO SOUTH i i i i 3 r Ib _ „I "-'teS -" a éa stations. ..E3 v a. m. i', j a.kILmv. Arrive . p.. n. Toledo l 30 5 00 5 00 9 51 :4." 7 14 Manhntian Jonci'n 9 '.'tí i 1000 ¦¦;.)¦. 7 z Alexl Jnncilon 9 1614 ¦ 110 (7 4 0" 7 ai Uanthor . Ín i 40 .... I ¦ Ti i ut 7 li. Samirla 9 W i 80 i" -'¦" -i i oií ni u. - iT i ai .... [080 -IL' s 15 M.nroe .Junciiou s 12 i 14 '1037 I 88 Duuilee 9 88 I 04 1 04 10 18 14 4M 8 37 A'arou 8 26 4 00 0 : I 1 - 4fi, A.alin 8 20 8 .",1 .... ti! 00 4 551 k u Milni. Jnooilon 8 OH 3 4.'. 843 a.m,! 500 !' 08 Milán 8 i!:) 41 n, Urania 7 68 8 80 52; B 83 Pittafleld Jaiictlou 7 40 ; -- 5 3i 9 50 Ann Arbur 7 27 :t 10 5 .i."10 2ii L lan I 7 1ÏS teoóilo 3(i Worden 7 Ofl j li2010 a Soii'h L'on t, 60 Connc-ctions: At Tol. do, wlth railroad iUversiDg; at Manhattan Juuuiun, wlth Wheclinc & Lake Kiic H. R.; at Alexis JunctioD, with M. C' I . a., L. S. & M. 8. Ry. and K. & 1. M R. R.; at Moiiroe Jiinction. with L. S. & M. s. Ry.; at Dondea, with L, s. ,fc M. 8. Kv.. li. A t). líy.; at Milán liii'i'tinn. with Wuhanb, St. Lonis iS Pacillc Ky ; it rmslU'ld.witb L. . A M.s. Ky.; at Ann Arbor -i ib Michigan Central H. K., aiid at South Lyon -ith Detroit, Ijuipíiik & Northern íi. K., and Mic.h. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Hy. Traiiií (i aud 3 runs hetwecn Detroii and Toledo, dally cxrupt Siinrtay, vía Milán Jnnction ; No. 6 irrtvea at Detroit 12:00 noon. JNo. 31eaves Detroit a 2:85 p. m. Fia; 8iation?. t Daily, except Snndays. Traille do not stop, H. W. AS H LEY, General Supt. W. H. BBNNETT. Gen'l. Pas. Aifent. (A1 finn '" gtvn auay lili s.nd usöcaiits poBtitre.aud , 1 1 I by mail you wilf get free a UlJUiUUU Pckai;f of ftoods oi large T } rahu-, that ill start you Ín work thai will at once brin? you in monoy fasu-r han anythin' else in America. All abont the 2J0.000 in presenta wlth each box. Agenta wanti-d verywhere, of eitlior ex, of uil aee. tut all the me, or ipare timo only, to work íor us at their Q harnea Fortunes lor all workern aheolutely ¦iired. Dau'tdelay. II. Uallett ¦& C.t PortnH -t -: - , Ereathes there a man wth soul so dcd Who never to his witc hath said# ' I will a flower garden inake, Loth íor my own and thy dcar salce, And sow with secds to come up quick, M'hich you, of course, will bny of VicK I" If such there be. I pray repent, And have an order quickly sent. Thcn swect thy rest, l'm sure, will be, And thy dear wife witl smilc on thee. TheGuiDE s a work of 150 pages, Colored Platcs, 1000 Hlu&trations, with descriptions of the bet Fluwer and Vegetables, nriecs of Sceds and plants, and how to grow 4ienl. It tells you what yon want for the garden, and íiow to pet it. Printcd in Engllah and Germán. Trice nly 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. BCYON'LYVIlKSSKKnS, ATHEADQUARTKRS. JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rocnester, N.Y. 07 T EIMob at 1-2 and Olil ,5# ) V Testamenta at lea than tlJL.I A 1-Stheprioeaof theEng# ƒ 7liíi cnltions. au'l e'jiinl "MDIDI [l '" tho KuKtih in type, MÍLJ ti I í I H T"I"T. priuttiitfautl ju-, u Sfí "-"- '-gmmcy. Hrst agent s, ;.: ílíREVIS 'E 'DÊMrrJPr" an orrltr at . ,? [ ' MJcaU for tiro irefk.i. Knn mVERSI O W M0 chance for agonts to niakft #ƒ ¦mqney. Send f 1.00 for out ABIMHMMmV Su TruMs vriiy i.ibxral. W JTl ilenry BUI Pub. Ci., Vij, - y fiorwicti, vtin, -U471M1


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