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Saline is seeking light - for her streets. The revival meetings at Mooreville Btill continue. Henry Queal of Webster is prospectlng in Kansas. The Standard paint woiks of üexter, are dolnjg i good business. G. J. tflssly, "f S iline, is making a gfeat ÍUOOBH of liis poultry farm. Hobert Barley and George Weston have gone to Dukota, from Dexter. The Daztac O. A. H. post na Ie $10 out of a recent entertainment. The S iline postoftice has bren fixed up and in now " pretty as a pink." Km S. (;.ipcl:inl, of Dexter has gone to the Normal School at Ypsilanti. M J. Lehman of Chelsea lias purchased the ferm of Wm. Parchase, oi'Lyndon. The Webster sining school closed at the Town Hall last Thunday evening. The April meèffog of the Webster Farmers' Club wil! be held at Wooster Btodgetfa. The rcpubllcans of Webster will hold their caucus at the town hall, Tlmr-ilny, April lst. The Mnoreville-ites receiitly eelebrated the 3d uuniversary of the Mooreville Maceabees. The Presbyterians of Saline wlll rent the pews in their chureh next Tuesday (¦veiling. Ira L. Waterbury, one of the pioneers of the oounty, died at liis home near Vp.silanti, March lSth, aged SI yuara. A. Mallion sold last week eight sevenmontba old pias, whlch weighed i.Iü.'i poundg. - DeXttf Leader. The Dexter Juvenile Bami will give their poatpoiMd eoneert at the Dexter opera boute, Saturday tveniog, March 20th. The Dexter scientific association propom to MtUe the great question whether the man went around the squirrel or whether lic didn't. -cir Sorg, of Ann Arbor, and W. P. Carson. of this place, are doing the palnting on H. li. Watsou's new farm residenee. - Saline ()!server. Here's u stumper for you : " In wliat centiiry is the year 1000? And if so in what eentury is the year one ? ''- Dexter Leader High Schooílteins. living Corbett and wife, who left about a year ago for California, returned to tliis village, bat week. N place ]ke Michigan, after all.- Saline Ob.server. An exchange hopes that Mr. Edison will invent a metbod when-by the baby's midnight shrieks will be earried offon a wire to frighten away the cats on the roof. At a recent meeting of the Webster Reading Circle, Heury Queal, vice-president, was presented with a beautifiil, eontaining a gold pen, ink bottle and stationery. Prof. K. W. Putnam has been seriously sick, but slowly recovering. He has been an incessaut worker and sullered frotn nervous prostratiou and acute catarrh. - V psilanti Commercial The remaius of Roswell Parsons, who died at his home In Wayne, last January, were carried to Saline for final interment in. the village cemetery last week. The maaons conducted the services. We received from H. W. Newkirk, last Monday, a small edition of the Williamsburgli Times, in which lie states that though Scorched, he is not consumed, and that his loss will only amount to $450, insteadof$800, as was stated last week. - Dexter Leeader. E. E. Shaver has purchased and moved into the house that was for so many years the home of the late Mrs. Whitney on Suinmit 'street ; and Frank Shaver has bought the vacant lot lying between that property and the Baptist parsonage.- Chelsea Ilerald. The gun club have cleaned up the grounds, built a new summer house, rearranged the traps, procured a f resh gupply of pigeons and are practiciug daily for the. slioot whlch occurs at Milford, April The Milford club will have to look well to their laurels on that day. - So. Lyon Picket. Saline Observer : The regular election of offleers of the Saline Manufacturlng Company, which was held recently,resulted as follows: PreIdent-Dr. H. A. NIchols. President- HeuJ. smiiti Treasurer- A. J. Warren. Utrectors- H. II. Nlcliols. A. J. Warren, E. W. Wallace, D. Reeves, Geo. Gros, A. M. Clark, B. Smltli. J. L. Qilbert, Esq., supervisor for Sylvan township, has received from Hon J. J. Robison arelic of the old jail, which he appreciates very highly. It is ¦ massive, iron lock and key, that have done service for nearly 50 years, In keeping rogues where they could not hann their fellow men. The key alone weighs ten ounces. - Chelsea Herald. Caesar's ghost! Justlisten to thls from the Dexter Leader man's pen: "Without even one note of warning five angelic forma hovered about our parlor window about 10 o'cloek last night, and in strains surely not of this earth, fllled our soul with estatic joy. They went as silently as they came, land all we have to regret is that thedarknesspreveuted ourseeing the color of their wings." The Ann Arbor Courier reports great complalnt along the south road from this city, ofrecklessmutilation and destruction of trees by th(! builders of the new telegraph line. Ypsilanti, after permitting such wanton exhibition in that line by her own people as is seen at the eastern edge of the city, might be able to endure a good deal of that sort of thing without a groan. The Anu Arbor auil PittsÜeld {armen, however, propose to makc a fuss about it.- Ypsilautian. The Ladies' Library will not be opened on Saturday, the 27th, as the ladies will be engaged moying into their new quarters iu the Union block, where the 3d of April they hope to meet the ir old patrons, not only with a hearty welcome, but with an assortment of new books from the best standard authors. All new subscribers who desire to join the Asaociation will be ffladly welcomed. Iu leaving the old honse for the new, a feelingof regret naturally arisca. Heie 18 years ago the first tffort at organization was made - feeble, tnough conlideiit of auccess, they ventured and have won. A pang of sorrow must also arise when they recall thememory of so many, who with heart and hand took partin their firet organkzation, but bive been called to "The Better Land." Much as the ladies may regret to leave their old quarters, they leel the enlargeil facilities of the uew ones will be appreciated by a


Ann Arbor Courier
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