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Ifc ID IMi.-ïaiuiu biiav V.U.11 ico on; tv n i A ai nell may be the man who will write Kobert Emmet's epitaph. The only possible hope for republican success in the coming campaign is by a thorough organizaron and a fight upon party principies, not upon the merite or demerits ot' individual candidates. The republican newspaper that attempts to discourage republican organization is an enemy to the republican party. If tliis hits the proud bird of liberty ;it Grand llapids, we are sorry for it. A. bilí is before congress appropriutinír $000,000 for arming state militia, and if the bilí passes, Michigan will get eaough Springfield rilles to equip all foor of her ivgimeuts. Quartermaster General Hart is in Washington woiking for the p:ssa,re of the bill. _ We have received a proposition to tlo sonie grntuitous advertising, and take in exchange the Pólice Gazette. The statement that that sheet is "indispensable in the household," is one upon whiili we Huil beg to disagree. It isn't exactly the thing for Suuday schools eitlier. Regent C. K. Whitman, of Ypsilanti, wentdown to Washington last week, looked longingly at Col. Eldrege'a seat in the House, was introduced to th President and other high officials, and doubtles spoke a good word or two for some Washtenaw peoplc. He will probably teil us all about it when he returns. Mrs. George H. Pendleton is credited with luvcling at Oscar Wilde one of the keeaest shafts of wit of which he was the target wlien visiting this country. He had remarktil, disparingly, that "America has no ruins and noted curiosities, you know." She is taid to have retorted: "The ruins will come In time, and as for t the curiosities we import them." We have watched witli great interest the slow creeping up of the Detroit Art Museum fund, and when in the Sunday's Xt'ws cauie the gloriou intelligeuce that the $100,000 h:ul been raised, we must con. fess it was a joyous piece of news. Saturday night at 12 o'clock midnifrht, time was u p, and the fund lacked $4,224.23, which Messrs. V. H. Brearley and Jas. E. ScripM divided equally- Scripps paying the odd ) cent. It was a glorious effort, jfloriously consumuiated, and the people wlio so gallantly came to the rescue- poor and rlch alike - never did a more commendable thing in their lives. For one, we were pleased to notice that the Biibscriptions came larjrely from the niasses, and tlie poor laboring girl wlio gave her 15 or 50 cents is as much to be honored as the more wealthy who gave their liundreds. We hope no one will take exceptions if we add just a word of praise for the indomitable will and untiring energy of Wm. H. Brearley, to whom is due the pushing of this gcheme to succes. He certainlv deserves great praise. May he live to enjoy the fruits of bis 8elf imposed task.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News