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The caucus is the place to reform ' ties. Examination at the schools this week. Next week vacation. The five column proclamation on page 2d is respectfully referred to you. The whole city will now ba reuiirabered. And it ought to be. "Transforraations of Satan" will bc the subject of Rev. James Bixby's discourse next Sunday evening at the Unitarian church. The whole of the electric street lighting system is being overhauled and put in good shape by the present owner, E. Brady WendelL If Bishop Tuttle could be heard by the public more generalij-, it would be a good thing. lic would not only entert tin them but would instriict alsi. Aa excellent paper upoii "Noxious Weeds," will be found apon the lirst page of this paper. Every farmer should read it and act accordingly. The case containing the display of pictures In front of R&ndall & Burr.ham's was sprung open by some thiel eariy Sunday evening and about $1 worth of frames, etc., stolen. Among the contributions tor the Detroit Art Hall fund we noüeed one item reading " Q. C. Literary Club, Ann Arbor, $22.00," and another "Several citizens of Ann Arbor, $20.00." Good for tht-m. In making the appoitioiimcnt of delegates last week for the rail for the city convention an error was made in the 4th ward. That ward being entitled to 13 delegates and not to 14 as then allowed. See corrected cali. Since County Clerk Robison has got a jail of his own he takes people down to its precincts without regard to ige, looks or previous condition of gerrif.ude. In tact he is very democratie about it. But just wait until he gets in thut jail hiinself 1 Jas. Clements was down to Detroit Saturday, and there met a delegation of Kalamazoo citizens who were in Detroit to induce the M. C. authorities to adopt one of the Ann Arbor depot plans for Kalamazoo, the citizens of that city agreeing to pay the dlffereace between Üe cotl and the appropriation, $10,000. They are all alive up there. Dr. A. J. Oven, who hai been an Mafotant to Dr. Geo. E. Frothingham for the past two or three yeaw, will leave Ann Arbor about April lst, to locate at Petoskey. The Dr. will be a valuable acquisition for our Petoskey friemls, and we predict for him a successful practice. Dr. J.II. Andrus, of Ashtabula, Ohio, will take bis place in Dr. Frothingham's office. E. Baur, secretary, gives notice of the monthly meeting of the Washtenaw Pomological Society, April Bd, at 9 p. m. sharp, in the basement of the court house. Topics: Report of committees on land piaster, insects and insecticides, truit package?, on g'ape rot, distribittion ol rules for berry pickers, and ihlpping crates; exhibit of the fralti and preserves of the season, of plants and flowers. There has been considerable carelessness about children attending school from houses where scarlet fever prevails. It amounts almost to criminal carelessness In some instances where a childi permitted to go directly from the sick room to the school room. It is wicked to expose others to this terrible disease. Our Board of Health should be very active at present, and our school board rigid In enforcing quarantine. The addresses of Bishop Tuttle of Utah at St. Andrew's church last Sunday a. m., p. m., and eveninfr, were of veiy great interest. The Bishop has been at work 18 years at the monster polygamy, and liis description of the methods and wayi ol the people he came in contant wit WM told in an entertaining way. Tho Iliihop bas establiahed numerous schools in utah, and is educating the young, and in that way killing oö' that deadly enemy to the home, polygamy. He made a good report oí the work that is being accomplished there by the Episcopal church. xr„,. AJnnH.v pvp.ninsr the republicani of this city will meet In the rarioui wards of the city to nominate aldeimen and constables and elect delegates to the city convention. The good men "1 the party are espeeially urged to attend these meetings. The groimd woric oí the entire political fabric is founded upon the primarles. The character of the men nominated dependa very largely upon the character of the men atteudinf? these primarle It seems as if there would be very little use for "cilizen's ticket?," did thc citizens themselves make a practice of attending their party caucuses and thui help shape the policios of their p.irties. Men who complain most bitterly of the party's action are usually men who have not endeavored to assist their party, and who never attend the primaries. The republican city convention will be held in the City Hall on Tuesday eveniníf following, and each ward will be Uowed dotogates as publiihed in the cali on the editorial page. K. of L. meeting to-morrow night. Bemember registration day, next week Wcdnesday. The two Sam8 are all the rage just now - Sam Jones and Saín Small. Manager Sawyer is having a new drop curtain painted for the opera house. Regular meeting of the G. A. R. post Friday eveniDg. Comrades will please remember. It is hinted that Anti Arbor people dare open their mouths, now that the convention of dentista has closed. The robins and blackbirds looked heartily ashamed of themselves yesterday morning for trying to make folks believe it was spring. Milo B. Qould who is furnishing street numbers reporta that in the first ward over two-thlrda of the new numbers have already been put up by residents, and il is living the very best of satisfaction. The resignation of II. H. Breiman, as Justice of the peace having been placed in the hands of the city recorder since issuing the notices of election, leaves another vacancy of justice to be provided for. Nancy C., wife of the late D. B. Thomas of the 6th ward, died March I9th, at the age of 45 years, and 4 months, of cancer. Funeral Sunday afternoon at the home of father, John B. Uerbert, of Lodi. Jas. W. Smith, who some years ago acted as Supt. of the T., & A. A. R. R., and ran it for a few months in the interest of the Detroit & Hillsdale R. R., has secured a verdict of $1.431 against theT., & A. A. U. i:., in the U. H. court at Detroit, for back salary. Miss Mimiie l'ierce, to-morrow, leaves for Ann Arbor, where she has accepted a situation in a leaüing milinery establishment. Her removal from Dundee will be greatly regretted by her large number of friends and by the social circles of the village.- Dundee Reporter. In givinjr the lists of nouns last week, that of Miss Cora Marsh, of this city, was in is iid and so not given. She had a list of 250, and it was neatly prepared. The list of Mrs. Chapin should have been 1481 instead of 1281. They say figures won't lie, but someway they made us err about It last week. Sibley A. Moran has in press a work oí' some 200 odd pages, entitled " Ono Hunlreil Valuable Suggestions to Shorthand Students." It is a compilation of important facts relating to every branch of the study and practice of shorthand writing. It is specially arranged for students, teachers and young reporters of all systems. Uncle John Geddes was surprised lus' Friday, on his 85th birthday, by the coming in of a party of old friends and neighbors to the number of 20 or 25, at the home of Mrs. R. L. Geddes, in Superior, where he now resides. Mr. Geddes is one of the oldest and most respected pioneers in the county, and is ha'e and hearty in his advanced years. There Is an ordinance of this city that provides if any owner or occupant of any dwelling, store, shop or any place of business refuses or neglects to iffix and maintain the proper number of his dwelling, shop, etc, after notification by the marshal, he is liable to $1.00 fine for every 24 hours. There is also another ordinance that the mayor, recorder or any alderman niay direct the city marshal to kill any dogs found upon the streets unmuzzled, if he deerns it necessary for public safety. The following suggestion is taken from the last Ypsilantian, and may be worth thinking over by those interested in this city : "At the regular weekly meeting of the ministers of our city, last Monday BMrning, it was suggested that it would be pleasant ind profitable for all concerned to have the ministers of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti form a club, similar to the ministerial clubs of the large cities, to meet about once in two months. The suggestion was discussed but no action in the matter was taken." Another valuable relie of the days of our fathers and mothers has been added to the museum department of the county pioneer room. It is a weaver's harness, just in the coiidition it was left fifty years ago by the mother of Peter I). Woodruff, after weaving and takinjr oft' a piece of cloth. It was donated by Mr B. Fj Woodruft', of Brownstown, Wayne county, a brother of Peter Woodruff, of this city. Eider Davis says that he ha now a large portion of the machinery used in an early day in the manufacture of cloth, about all there is lacking being the loom frame. Perhaps some old pioneer will resurrect one of them. I,ast Sunday, March 21st, was the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Banfield, of the :id ward, and the event was pleasantly observed on Monday evening following by their children. The couple were married March 21st, 183H, at 8t. John's church, London, Eng , the bride being a daughter of Iiev1 Thos. Allen of that city. The couple came to America in 1849, locating at Saline, where they remained one year, then moved to Anti Arbor, living here ever since. They have six children, all of whom were present except Mrs. Chamberlain, of Pliihidelphia, and the presents made the aged pair were numerous and appropriute. Last Thursday night, at about 11 o'clock, the flre bella rang out nn alarm for the lirst ward, caused by the burning of i little old house on S. Main st., just north of Captain Manly's residence. The building belongs to a Mrs. Mogk, of Manchester. It was unoccupied and had probfcbly been set on flre by MM icrklcss person who thought the thinfr would be of more value in nshes than ;niy other way. As the flames were extinguished it 9 altogether probable that the council will be obliged to order the bnild,,,r torn down aa a public nutiance. writinjr tbe above tlie buildin hu been ton down-for the IdadUng wood there was la it, robably.] . ., _ .i m.n T ir:tMir lipld all At tlie lime uiius. o . wuw ¦ ami.iiiüon for applieants for govcrnment appoiiitineuts ander the civil service rules, in tbtl city :i few months since, Arthur Whitlark, of An;Arbortown, was among tbOM examined. The event had nearly passed out of bis recollcction uutil last Thnnday, whnn he received a letter f rom Washington which he took to be a circular of some kind ndhe carelessly put it In his pocket and went to his classes at the university. Having a few leisure he bethought liiua of the "cltcu,ar " received in the morning'f mail and concluded to look it over and seo what it was about. You can imagine his surprise when upon opeuinji the same he founu contained therein a government appointment in the post office department at Washington at $1,000 per year. He lm pMMd under the civil service rules. Mr. Whitlark will leavc the university and accept the position we understand. As he is a good republican, we are plea.-d ¦- h-iTeBUCli BÓrtof timber .composing the f ,n es in the department at Waihlngton.