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Prof Rogers is lecturing on criminal law. T. .1. Ballinger '8G, is down witli the pneumonia at the Zeta Psi house. J. H. Andrus medie '85, of Ashtabula, Ohio, is Prof. Frothingham's new assistant. Miss Louise Whitcomb of Battle Creek is visiting her sister of the class of '88 this week. The shower batlis at the gym are appreciated to the full extent of the law by tbs boys. Calkins pharmic '84, has beca visiting his parents for a few days. He now lives in Pontiac. Prof. Steere delivered an address at the Webster Congregational church last Sunday evening. Mr. Enieriek of Fayette, Ohio, is in the city visiting his son who Is in the medical department. It is said thut about 300 boys do work in the rym. We wonder how many girls are on the list t The laws had two lectures on Mondayi and will be excused for the spring recesa Thundag Dljiht Jack Hlbbard is at liis home in Hyde Park, 111, tliis week, attending the wedding of his brother. Dr. Stowell received three orders from three different coliegel for his text books last Friday morning. The new mechanical laboratory has been connected with the old middle brick one by a door and g.mgway. Who destroyed the bill board opposite the main entrance of the University, a week ago last Sunday night? It is reported on good authority tliat the University is about to be presented with money enuugh to erect a good gymnasium. Because of Dr. Sewall's continued illness the lectures on physiology before the medical and literary classes will probaoly be abandoned. Prof. M. E. Cooley is arranging a visit to the great factories of Pittsburgh to be made duriiifr the cmning vacation, for the hnnpfit of his classes. I. II. Hinchmaii, Royal Farrnnd and Teddy Smith, of Detroit, visited their student friends last Saturday and Sunday. They expect to belong to the '91 erop. Dr. Vanghan's lectiire on " Mental Hygiëne " in the Unitarian church parlors Monday night was well attended. In au instruotive point of view it is regarded ae one of the best entertainment? of the seasnn. They do say that Prof. Hennequin receivci $100 for certain changes he made in tlie play "A Brave Woman," (iresented here lat Fridny ni?ht by Sarah vou Leer. His changes do not extend to more than lüilf i dozen lines, and yet a much lnrger business is expected oy the management as a result. Dr. Herdman is having physical measurements and thorough examinations made of those who use the ftyni, every Frklay and Saturday afternoon. The date thus obtained is mane note of, and at the close of the college ye;ir a second examinttion will be made of each student, and the differences, wliii.-h will snroly be aii incrense. in every case, will be compiled and presented to the lrislature at the next gesslon as an arffuuient in favor of a gyinBMlom. The New York Tribune of last Saturday has tbis among its items: "The alumni of the University of Michigan in New York and iU vicinity are arranging for a reunión and dinneron April 2, and President Ansrell, of the University, Adams, of Cornell, and Miss Freeman, of Wellesley College, are expected to be present. All tliose formerly connected with any department 0Í the University and now 111 the East are invited to send their addressos to the uecretary, W. H. Boardman, No. 78 Bioadway." Senator Jones, of Florida, is not alone in lus uneuccessful love aftair, as the followlng from last Friday's papers will prove : John P. Delphy. o gradúate of Michigan University, iiud wlioso paren t are iwld to be S53SS? SsSe: fg'fig wt-ll-knnwn inner. Iu Kebruary, 18!, DelDbrWMflMd fr kiiwluK the lady hiapaMlfwreievator, Imtsentonce was suspended come he was yterdaj aflrnoon called upon to liquídate töe old One. "nd being nnable to ,d o was Bent to the Toledo woi kliouse to work lt out. Look at the frn(l lHlay f Mikado Sllks in Wines & Worden'a window, on lMiday and Ö;iturduy, Mareh 26th and 27th.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News