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JICRATR was rosumed In the Stnute on tho liith mi the resol ution requïrlrqr the President lo furnlsh the papers In OUM of removal lrom ollloo, Senators Culloraand Dolph apealeinjrin favor of the resolution umi Bcnator M.ixey aifulnst. The l.ill te Increas pensions of soldior' wldows anil dependent relativos tntta eiiíht dollars to twelve dollnrs h month wiu piissed. ...In the Hnuse bilis worr introducid Hy Mr. KowpM. to amond the act to prohlbit the unportiition of oontrmot labor; by Mr. Townshcud, to Inoreue tiiu pensiona o; poi-suns who havo lost au arm or les; by Mr. liTiinm. t pny to Mr. Thotnns , ,- drickH the saliiry of the Vloe-Prctldeat tor ono ycar; by Mr. MoCoinns, to estabiicfa Mtoffl e savlntrs banks; by Mr. Upaban, to provide tor ¦ conieranoa of AiueiicKii iiiiiunn onacommou Standard silver colu; by Mr. Warner, lor a cortiTiiission to Investígate the ' laini8 of loyal cltlzens of the border States; and by Mr. Voorhees, proposinir a constltutioual ameuduicnt prohlbiting pulytfThe debato on the refusal of the Presideut to furnlsh the papers in oases ol mimi hI irom ofliee was coutluued lu the Senuteonthe lTth. A resolution was present ed hy Mr. Wllsou to stop the frauduleiit iuipoitntion of t 'hüii'srfntotbe ünltml Stntes. Mr. Honr In' troduced abill to extend the jfO'H-ral huid hihI laws of the Lnlted gtates int,, the lerrltory of Aloska, and to lticilittiti' the letleinent and development ol A XUe hleetoral ('mint blll ws passeil In the Home the debate ol the Iiuiian Approprlatlon blll wasclosed, aml the Crgeat Dnlrienoy bill was consldored. IvMie Senate on the 18th the ritrht of the Senato to official papers wns f urther discussed. Mr. Spooner susuiuiujf the Beoats an,l Mr. Brown the Admluistrution. The Itankrunn v bill was niHdua special ordor tot HwobBL Uills wor,' paued: Btoc a oommissioD of Uvo persons t, investígate the alcohollc liijuor tramo, lts relations to revena and taiatlon and lts (feneral, economie, criminal, moral and suientlüc aspecta; lor the stmiy m tlie schools of tho Terntories and tbe District of ('olumliia of the tinture of alcoholic stimulants and aarootlcs: to remove the charffeof desertion aifiiiu-it soldiere lm ro-enllstvil 1 the lato war without huvuiir ]¦(¦- oeU ed a discharge f rom tholr tli--t riments providod the re-cnlistimiit was not to secure abounty tlm ilouso Mr. Hiuris mude a Favorable report on a bilí to sutbortee the estullí shmoitt nf fnctorloR for the manufacture of tobacooexeluslvely tor exportatlon. Mr. Ooillns reportad a Wil toeïtabltsh u uniform B.V8UM.I ..I l.ilMkrupK.y throil(fllOUt tilo ülltted State. AlsoamondiDfrtiiesuiiutoa o to nllow oatha to be adniinistered liy noUiiies pubUc. Tuk resolotlooï roquirinR official papers conecrniii(?removnl3 frorn office wis tnrther discussod in thé Seaate on the lflth. All the private pension bilis on tho calendar favorably reported were pasaed ; also bilis to establish n National live-niock hiithwar and for 1 '"' i'i'lic't ot iicus of oavalry reorulta killed iv t'iKMiilliis at Lawrciuc, Kan. Mr Bowou 11trodiiced a bUl to remore the Bouthern Otes frnm ('olorndo to (tah. Adioiirnod to the SM. ...In the House a number of bilis of a private character wero reported, and the eveninfr Hi-sslon was devoted to considerin private pension bilis. DOMESTIC. At a large meeting of citizens of Portland, Ore., on the ltíth, toconsiderthe antiChinese agitatiou, it was resolved to tuins condign puuishmeut upon any one who tiy unlawtiil or riotous oonduct should endeavor to intimídate or do violenee to any person engaged in making a peaceful livelihood. The general situation in the railway strike remained unchanged on the Itith, all efforts to run other than mail traius over the Gould linos proving futile. ToUKO grasshoppers appearei on the Í6th in great mimbors in the Toledo (O.) section, and farmers feared the worst. Reports of the 16th from the Lower Mississippi indicated nohigh water this season and splondid prospects for a good erop of sugar. Joseph McMiNif was arrested on the lfith at Port Royal, Pa., for the murder of kis wife, mother, sister and cousin. At a railway crossing at Orrrille, O., Mrs. Yaehen was killed on the 16th and her husband fatally injured. Their buggy was smashed to splinters and the horse destroyed. By the recent wreek off Fire Island of the steamer Oregon 593 bags of mail matter were lost. The total loss by the disaster was on the löth placed at í:,l6,000. James F. Baker, of Kranklin County, Pa., on the 16th receivc-d back jjension amounting to $11,000, the largest ever paid in Ohio, and the third largest ever paid In the United States. Milton W. Henry, an aged merchant of Akron, O., after serving on a jury on the 16th, walked home and feil dead. Foür Apaches arrived on the 16th at Camp Lieutenant Maus, in'Arizona, with the tidings that all the hostiles wished to Burrender unoonditionally. The suit brought in New York against William S. Warner, by an official in the interest of the creditors of Ferdinand Ward, resulted on the 17th in a decisión by the referee that Warner must pay over to Re ceiver Davis, within thirty days, the gum of #l,3it5,75:i..t. Rich deposits of silver quartz were on the 17th found at Palisade, D. T., and the discoveror had staked out claims for himsell and friends. Strangers were floeking te the district. Ihe Obio, Indiana and Michigan trottinj circuit was formed at a meeting held in Kalamazoo recently, the premium list aggregating 135,000. Old Sokkel, Stonewall Jackson's warhorse, died at Richmond, Va., on the 17th He was thirty-two years old. Tui explosión of a. boiler on the 17th al Korth Waleott, Vt., killed three men and wounded two others, One of whom expired a few hours later. A body was incinerated at Pittsburgh or the 17th by the aid of natural gas, the remains being reduced to ashes in less thau an hour. Laura A., aged nineteen, hanged herself on the 17th at her parents' house, at Kast Bufitalo, N. Y., because she had been forbidden to attend a skating rink. A FRE3HET in Nebraska on the 17th did great damage at Wilder and Crote. Hundreds of people were driven from their houses. Abkanoemevts were bolng perfected on the 17th to settle the great railroad strike on the Oonld lines in the Southwest. It was thougtt that a United States Judge would act as arbi trator. Neakly three thousand cloak-makers in New York City struck on the 17th for higher wages. At Memphis, Tenn., on tbe 17th Emma Norman, aged twenty-one years, shot and killed Henry Arnold, who had betrayed her and then married another woman. A was wrecked near Marshall, Tex., on the 17th, and the railway bridge near Fort Worth was partially destroyel by flre, the structure having been soaked with coal oil. The strikers were charged with the crimes. S. B. Watrous, one of the wealthiest Bierchants and stock-raisers in New Mexico, committed suicide on the 17th af Watrous by shooting himself through the heart. Grief oyer the recent suicide of his son was the cause. A mob rode into Carrollton, Miss., on the and repaired to the court-house, where thirteen negroes were on trial for murder They shot ten prisoners dead and mortally woanded the other three. Jobn Gii.lespik, the negro who murdered Mrs. Ihomas Gray, near London, Tenn., was lynehed by a mob on the 18th At Salem, Mass., Earnest Tripp paid a debt of ono dollar to Kdward Hatch by giving him a season ticket to the G. A R. fair. Hatch took it reluctantly. On the 18th the ticket drow a one thousand dollar bond. The strikers on the New Orleans división of the Texas & Pacific road resumed work pn the I8th on an agreenient with Receiver bbeldon to submit the case to the United States Court for arbitration. The two little children of Mrs. Mandy Oreer, of Ironton, O., were burned to death on the 18th during their mother's absence A special agent of the Treas'jry Department reported on the ISth that extensivo frauds were perpetrated upon the customs revenues by sendiug Texas calves into Mexico to fatten and bo returued free of A stkírb of the street-car empioyts at Columbus, ()., was begon on the 18th. No Bh wern running. I'asskkqih ratea from Ban Francisco td Ihicago wore on the 18th radaoed to $14.50, and from Chicago to California points to $24.50. NrntM UtMB hundivd employés of the National tube-works at McKeesport. Pi , struck on tho lSth for au advance of fifteeu per cent. in wagos. Thk ninety-ninth session of the Philadelphia conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church o])ened in that city on the lUth. Tuk ico was nvjving out of the Mississippi riveron thelSthas f ar north as Dubuque, la. Mns. BoHRUllf, of Avondale, a Cincinnati suliurb, cut the throat of her son Albert, aged fourteen. mortally wounded anolher son and thou killed hei-self with a razor on the LSth. She beuame insane orer the loss of a lawsult by her husband. Telegrams on the litth to BradstréeC statel that general business throughout the country was dull, nuuierous strikes cauing a portion of the dullness. The grand total of those on strikes at various places was placed at fifty-five tbotttend. Lkakixu natural gas exploded on the lfltli ut Muiraysville, Pa., fatally burning three persous and eiiusing the deshuction by fire of seven dwelliugs. At Back Creek, Va., the other night a man named Uriffoy called from theird welling John and Pike Metz, aged seventeen and eighteen, and shot tliem dead for alleged intimacy with his wife. Tui; steamer Beda of Marshfleld, Ore., sprang a leak off Cape Perpetua a few days ago and foundered within a few minutes. Only two of her crew of thirteen wero savod. A fire on the 19th in a tenement house at New York caused the suffocation of Mrs. Maria Bech and her infant son. Thxbi were 209 business failures in the TJuited States and 30 in Canada during the seven days ended on the 19th, against 239 the previous seven days. The total number of failures in the United States fi-om January 1 last to date is 2,948, agaiust :!,4;4 during the same time last year. .-! viuj uvuiiiíji, lelilí., Lili Uit' i.ii r 1 IUO eix-yonr oíd dnughter of Joseph Taylor a cidentnlly exploded a revolver, the bullet kiiiing hor father. Tui: thermometer registered seventy-two degree above aero ia Chicago ou the afternoon oL the 19th. Ki.kvkn buildings, including two hotels andsovonil Imsimvs-, houses, were destroyed by flro un tbe l'.Hh ;it Poplar Bluffs, Mo. Tin: farm hands in Pettis and Saline counties, Mo., struck on the 19th for an increaM in waos, and their demands were oompliod wlth. The city hall at Fall River, Mass., with all the municipal records, was destroyed by flre on the 19th, causing a loss of $250,000. Le.viiaw & Co., of Duluth, Minn., who own eight elevators on the line of the Northern Paoitii in Daltotrf, made an assignment on the 19th, with heavy liabilities. lx answertothe communication of Grand Master Work man Powderly requesting a conference. Vico-Presulent Hoxie, of the Missouri Paeiflc road, declined on the 19th, stating that as previous arrangements with the Knights had been violated by them no guarantee could be given that futuro arrangements would be of a stablo chnracter. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Germán miuisters of Cincinnati have declared themsolves in favor of the Ohio Sunday law. Ax order was issued from the War Da partment on the 16th retiring Major-General Pope. IdCHBBT, the oldest resident of Western Pennsylvania, died at Edinboro on the lüth aged one hundred years and three days. He was prominent in the war of 1812. Tltiiill Kino, one of the pioneers of Chicago, and a millionaire. who recently marfied at the age of eight3--one years, died of pneumonía on the lCth at Thomasville, (ia. Secuetakï l.niuumthe lüth requested the resignatiou of GoTernor Murray, of Utah. The President on the 16th nominated Wllliam L. Trenholm, of South Carolina, as CompLroller of the Currency, and John H. Oberly, of Illinois, and Charles Lyman, of Connecticut, as Civil-Service CoininisBioners. Gejtiral Devereaux, president of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis railway, died at his residence in Cleveland on the 17th, of cáncer, aged flftyfour years. Geokge Q. Cansón failed to appear in court at Kalt Lake when his case wa ealled on the 17th, thereby forfeiting $25,000. The United States Government on th 17th decided to eommence suitat Columbus, O., against the Bell Telepuone Company to test the validity of its patonts. The necessary preliminaries have been arranged by Allen G. ïhurman. Dr. J. W. Rogers testified before the Telephone Investigatiou Committee at Washington on the 17th. The witness said there was no intention of deriving any advantage trom the official positions of the men to whom Pan Electric stock was donated. The object was to bank on their names and reputation. The United States Senate on the 18th confirmed the nomination of General Alfred H. Terry to be a Major-General. Mrs. Grant on the 18th sent to Mrs. Virginia Corbin, a sister of General Grant, a check for $25,000 invested for Mrs. Corbin with the flrm cf Grant & Ward wii&uiU her knowledge and lost in the failur?. Tue President was forty-uine years old on the lëth. Henrt W. Jaehn-e, an aldennan in New York, was nrrested oa the 18th for bribéry in counection with the Broadway railroad franchise. - Ax election will be held in the Second Congressional district of Louisiana on May 20 to flll the Tacancy caused by tho death of Michael Hahn. Botii branches of the New York State Legislature hare passed the bill requirinf that street-railroad franehises in New York be gold to the highest bidder. The eight-hour ordinauce passed by the Common CouncU of Milwaukee, affecting all persons paid by the day, was signed by Mayor Wallber on the 18th. Mrs. Harriet Fhexcii Kndicott, mother of Secretary of War Endieott, died at Salem, Mass., on the 18th, after a year's illness, aged eighty -flve years. Misi Abagail Bates died on th ISth ut öcituate, Mass. In 1812, in company with another girl, she played a fife and dmm so vigorously that the British loft Scituate barbor under the improssion that a large American force was at hand. Inspector Btrnks, of the New York police iorce, stated on the 19th that of tlio members of the council only Aldennen Grant and O'Connor were free froni coinplicity in the Broadway railroad Rteal. O. O. Howaiid was on the 19th nominated for Major-Geueral to take the place of Pope. retired. lx the Hnrd ts. Romeis eontested seat case the National House Committee on Eleetions on the 19th agreed, eight to six, to reject Frank Hurd's (Dcm.) claim to the seat f rom the Toledo (O.) district. The President on the 19th approved the bill to iucroase the pensions of widows and dependent relatives of deceased soldiere and sailors. The National House Committee on Education on the 19th voted to report no educatkmal bill. Thk funeral of tho late Congressman Hahn took place at New Orleanson the 19th. Thb Illinois Suprome Court on the 19th : ¦' rehear ag In tho case of JTotéph la si'i-vin? a flre y tvm' ; n oonn iction witt I ¦ ¦'¦ ' i:.... ., ,, . i; . Oh." ii FOREION. , A üeavy snow-storm was prevalllng Mirougliout Kngland on the J(ith. In au electiou rioton tbo 16th at Huacho, Peiu, thirteon persons were killed and wouudod. A Londox dispatch of the ltith state tbat Joseph Chamberlain and Mr. Trevelyan had tendred to Mr. Gladstone their ¦vsignations as niembers of the Uabiiiut. Buth gentlemen disagree witli Oladstous on the Irish land scheme. The dUappearance of gold is attraeting atteution to the silver question in Spain. li was said on the 17th tliat the adoption of Mr. Gladstone's Irish land acheuie would iucreaso the British public debt twenty-üvo per cent. Official telegram receixm at London on the 18th from Zanzíbar contirm the report that Bishop Harrington was put to death by the King of Mumbasa. Fatal cases of cholera wero reported on the JSth from Tarious points in Italy. CotTVTERFEiT coin to the amount of L500,000 has been put in circulation in Egypt. In the Reichstag on the láth it was stated that hydrophobia had become almost ext iin-t in Oermany. Thb people of London and Paris were greatly surprised on the l!th by the weather suddenly becoming oppressively warm, the thermometer registeriug sixty-two in the , shade. In Liege, Belgium, on the l'.M h a mob of SociaÜNts MK'ked all the .shops in Rue Leopold, and were dispersed by gendarmes only after a severe fight, In which many of the riotera were wounded. LATER NEWS. A F.ori in the Menomoneevalley at Milwnuki on the 30th inundated the St. Paul shops and foreed seventeen hundred men to qgit work. A MUM farmer named George L. Pringle was instantly killed by lightning near Scranton, Pa., on the 20tb. The funeral of the late United States Senator John H. Miller took place at San Francisco on the 21st, and was one of the Largett uverwituessed in California. liiüfn.uisrai the 20th chloroformed Mr. Snyder and wife in a farm-house near East Aurora, N. Y., and secured $2,500 in currency, which had been drawn from the bank to purchnso land. A stiwkk of ligutning at Watertown, Conn., on the 20th di'innlishcci a residence and killed Harah and Eliza McUaffey. A KNow-sTORM of such severity as to blockade the street-car tracks raged in St. I'aul on tbtrtfth. Anotiieu gruat blizzard raged on the 21st at tíangnr. M,., and vicinity. AU roads were badly drifted with snow, and travel was suspended. CiiíKAT sutïering from the overflow of th Missouri rivor was reported on the 'ZUt from Elk Point, D. T. IK discussing the propositions of the Goveruois of Missouri and Kansas for a settlement of the troubles ou the Gould roads, H. M. Hoxie made the qualiflcationon the aoth that the Missouri Pacific Company could not re-engage men who had injured or de.stroywl its property, but wonld pay a rate of wages equal to that of other roads in the same section of country. At twenty-six lcadlng clearing-housea la the United State the exchangei during the week eudod on the 2üth uggregated $925,4Xi80T, against tS50,014,30!) the praviou9 week. As compared with the correpondingweek of 1SÜ5, the iucrease aiuounti to 40.0 per cent. Tue post-ofiice at Huspukann. Miss., was robbed by burglars on the 30th, and the postmnster, M. Blasser, was killed. The winter in England has been the longest and most severe on record in recent years. vears. the )th there was $148,455,521 in gold in the treasury at Washington, an increase of over Í4,OOO,OOO since Maren 1. The umount outstanding in silver certiücates was tsr,,OOO,OOO. Fouu notorious Mexican horse-thieves, with seven stolen horses in their possessiou, were overtakon on the 2Oth by a party of Americana near Lordsburg, N. M., and in the fight which followed three of the Mexicaiis rere killed and six horses recaptnred. A hkavt snow-storm prevailed nu the 8Oth in portions of Illinois, Iowa, WIkobsin and Indiana. Tuk 1'nitiMl States Senate wasnot in RSésion on thp'Jtlrli. In the House thy time was .1 ¦cupied in ilchatc on the adverse itp.)it on tbe Ki"t;-Cinai;e Silvur UU.


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