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f TM! LINE StLCCTED BY THB U. 8. OOV'T TO CARRY THE FA8TMAIL. It ii the only line with lts own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER Either by way of Omaha. Pacific June, St. Joseph Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots wlth throuqh tralns from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Easlem polnts. It Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND i CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx great States of ILLINOIS IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA, KANSAS. COLORADÍ with branch lines to all their important citios ani towns From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, it runs every day in the year from one to three clegantl equipped through train s over lts own tracks beiwee n Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest Itsequipment Is complete and first class In every particular, and at all Important points Interlockln; Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc. regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Tlcke Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 18T V.P. 4 Gen. Mor., Chicaoo. HENRY B. STONE, AsST. Gen. Mor., Chicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. AoT., Chicaoo. MAKKE NO FEE ! ! ) E9T1BMSHED 1831. i Merrill UNTIL BETTER f DETROIT.M1CH. ƒ Block. rrpr The Regular, Old-Estahllshed fojkgj PHYSICIAN & SCRGEON ]SXILL AND 8UCCESS YOUNGmen,middle-agedmen and all persons who by their own acts of Imprudenceor Follyat any period of Iife havebrought apon themselves, the cvil cffects following closely upon the heels of tTansgression of the laws of nature, should consult the eëlehrated ïr.Clarke at once. KemembtrlNervous diseaes(with or without dreams) or debility and loss of nerre power treated scientifically by new methods with never failing success. JKglt makes no difference what you have taken orwlio lia:, failed to cure you. ;O-The terrible polson of Syplillis nnd all bad blood and skin diaoases, completely eradi catcd without mercury, Kemeinber that thisone horrible disease, if neglected or improperly treated. curses the present and coming generalions as-All unnnttiral discharges cured promptly without hindrance to business. No experimenta, ïiolh sexes consult confiricntially. Age and experience Important. A written gunrantee of cure given in every case undertaken. ftJ-Sufferer from any chronic disoase write Hitory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Case Bolicited which others have failed to cure. 53"Send two stamps for celebrated irorks on Chronic. Nervous and Delicate Diseases. You have an exhaustivo symptomatology by which to study your own case. Consultatiun, pcrsonally or by 'letter, freo. Consult the old Doctor. Thoüsands cured. Offices and parlors private. You sec no one but the Doctor. lïefore confidins your case consult DK. CLAKKK. A friendly letter or cali maysave future suffering and shame and add golden vears to life. Medicines Sent cverywhere secure irom exposure. lïours, 8to 8; Sundajs, 9 to 12. AdJre.-, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch Estáte of George Sutton. QTATBOF MICHIQAN.CouDiyot At a eeselon of the Probate Conrt for the Oonntv of Wavhtuuaw, holden at the Probate nfic in the citj of Aun Arbor. on Tiu-sday, the cecond day of March, in the year one thnusand eiifht huudred and .'ichtyiilx. Present, Wiliiain D. Harriman, JudKU of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Sutlon, 2nd, incompetent. Sedgwick Dean th uaidiau of nald ward, coinés into court and represente that he Is now prepared to render hU 16th annua account as such guardimi. Tjerenpon it Is ordered, that Satnrday, the twenty-seventh dy of March instant, at ten o'rlock in theforenoou, be aaetened for examiiiiiig and allowlngsuch account, and that the nel tof kinnfsaid ward, and all other persons interested jiii canl estateare required to appearat a sesslon of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ud show ennt-e il any there be, wuy the said accouut ehoald not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said (juardian glve notlce to the persons intereeted in said esute, of the pendency of said acconnt, and the hearing Ihereof, by causing a copy of this order to le published Jn the Ano Arbor Courier,ñ newspaper ' ed and circulatluii in said county, tbree euccessive ; weeks .prcvlous to eaid day of hearing. (A truc ' Copy.) WILLIAii D. IIAKRIMAN, '- Judge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY Probate Register. 1283 1286 1 Slierifl -s Sale. Notlce is hereby glven tliat by virtue of a certalu wrltof Flerl Facías lsuned out of and under theseal of the Circuit ('ourt, lor the County of Washtenaw, in lavor of Ht'dgwick Dean and Henry S. Dean, plalntlfis, aod against the goods, chaltels, hiuds and lenemente o! George Wllcox, defendant, to me dlrected anddelivered, I dld on the 24th dayof Kwbruury Instant, levy upon, selze and take all ui nuht tule and interest of the saltl George Wllcox, In and to the following descrlbed laiulK, tenements and real estáte, that Is tosay, all that certaln pioce or parool of land ftlluate ia the township of York, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, described a follows: Theeast half of the south-west quarter of sectlon number thlrty-six, town lour Bouth, range six east, of Michigan all of whlcli I shall expose for sale at public auctlon or vendue to the highest bidder at the south front door of the eoiirt house, In the City of Ann; Arbor in said county (tbat belUK the place of holding the Circuit Court tor the Ma county of Washtenaw), on the 7th ilay of April, a. 1). 1886, at the hourof ten o'clock, In the forenoon of sald day. WILLIAM WA I,S1I, Sheriff. E. D. Kinnk, Atty for PlalntifT. Dated thix th dny of February, A. D. 188U. Mortgage Sale. DEKAULT havlng been made In the condltlons of a cerlaln indenture of mortgage executed by Mlchael Phelan and Sarah Phelan, hls wife, of the Vlllage of Dexter Waxlilenaw County and State of Michigan to Patrick Gallagher, of the TowuRhlp of Webster, In said county and stale, bearing date Ihe24lh duy of October, A. D. elghtecn huudrcd and seventy-seven, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deed for sald county of Washtenaw, in LlberSOof Morcases, on page lm, aud by wnion dtfault the power of sale contained tu sald inortaiiKe having becoine operative, and no sult or pro ceedingsat law or In chancery luivlng been 1H-.1 I uu-I to recover the amonnt due on snid mortgage or the note accompanylng the same and tliere being now clainicd tobsaaeoo sa ui note and mortgage. the sum of slx huudred !Vd,e'ihty'two dol'ars and thirty-eight oenta (J882.:), Notlce Is therefore hereby given that tlve satd mortgae will be foreclosed on Saturday. mh duy of June, A. 1). 1S8, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day by a sale at public auctlon.'to the highest bidder t the East door of the Court House, In the city of Anu Arbor, in the oounty aforesaid, sald Court House, being the place for holding the Circuit Court for sald county), of the tnorUaged premist1. describid in sald mortgage, or so much thereof as muy be uecessary tosutlsfy theamount of principal and interest : remalulng unpiild upon sald mortitaire wlth reasonable coMts and expenses toctther wlth an ttorney fee of twenty-flve dollars whlch premises are descrlbed"ln sald moit' iage as follows, to-wlt: lielng lot slx (0) In block three (8) In the Village of Dcxter alöresald, uccordmi; to the remorded plat thereol, and hounded northerlv y the Michigan Central Railroad. Dated, March ISth, 1886, PATRICK QALI.AGI1KR, E. D. Kr.NNK, Atfy for Mortgngee, IMERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You re allowed afrte trialofthtrty dajfot tha ue of Dr. Dye'g Celebratid Voltafc Belt witn Clactrle Supenaoir Appllanres, for the peody Hef and pernuuleut cure ot KervouaVtbililu. loss , ¦f VltaHly nd Manhood, nnd all klmlred truublea. Llao lor mant ottaer dlneaseft. Complete reatora Ion to Health. Vigor and Manhotx] (ruarnntein!. i o risk ( incurrecl. Illustratrd jtnmphlet luseaUd m nvfivp malled frrp. hT adilreulng M VOLIAIÖ BELX CO., Manhall, Kich. 1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News