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OCR Text' IMKIii TOUYA.NV A.KBOR COMM AXDKKY, No IS nlwts flrst 1'uesdny of eaoli moath, W. Q. Uoty. B.C.; W. A. 1. Reoorder. WJUtWTMWKW 'H VIM'Ki:, BÏO. 8, B A. M. - Mentó ij i -. l .M.indav .-i--n. montb, Isaac Uandy, H i'.; . U"" M iy. BUSINESS CARDS. o. imi. nyn-ïTiisr, I CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC ! Aml Coramon Cotllns. cálfSttenred nr NUlit. Bmbalmlng ¦ apeolaliy. Hto erooin .)ti K. Washington sm-ei. Etesldence Cor. Liberty nnd Kiltli. W. II. JACKSOV, h;íesi! tiitiíihshtíl OFFICE : OTPr Bach & Alx'I's Dry Uood Store. Entrance next to National Bank. WILLTIAM IIEUZ, House, 8ign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l'api-ring, Glazinc, GildinE, it aU imintJiL-, ai.ti work nr t-very (le(crittirtft ttoB In Ü.nt-tt style, and warruntud to j;iv. ntishctiooShop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A. C. MCIIOI.S, Uooins Over Ann Arlior Sanias Uank, Mu-otii; 'JVmiili' líliK'k. GASorVITALIZED AIR AdmlaUtored fr ih' palolen tractíonoí t h. looiril BEKKl , The Prndicnl ÏAILOR AND DUTTl, Of the late flrm oí WINANS ft BKBRY. tía located his place of badaeaa M NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, WITH A K I ¦ I . I . l.INK "1 Suitings and Trouserings, Aml vtuulil eay to hia oll [rl '"J that ir they want a (iOO!) PIT and a JfOBBt Hl at REASONAHLE PRiCE, rail on hira .md ihev wlll be sure to get one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secarity held for the BrottCtton ol ihc " mcy boldere. CHRISTIAN MACK Represent the followini: fir-i-cls-s -om.:inii'-, "f whlch one, the vKtna. liaf :iUn: pud i-r)l),lKKI,OiX)üre Iohhi'H iu Hlxty-flve yarn : tna,of Hartford $ 9,192,64 Kniiiklin of Phlladelphia :,iis,,i:i (Jermanla, N. Y 9,700,728 ( i.Ttnaii American, NV 4,005,968 Löndon AsenraDoe, London. . , 1.416,78? Mientan F. & M-, Detroit.. . 287.608 N Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartfor.l t," Phtenix, BnH.kly n 3,75!,03ti Losses liberally adjvisted and promptlv piiJ. Poüeies issued at the lowc.-t ratcs nl pi-rinium. 1191tf LX7MBER! LTJMBEE! LÏÏMBEK! lt yon coritemplate huiMinjr, eall t FERDON LtiMU Ïih! Corner Fourlh and Depol Sts.. ar4 ?e onr ligures for all kinds of LÜMBER! We manufacture onr own Lumbéj and gtiarantee AERY LOW PRICES a-Give us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and well ended stock fully ustains our issertion. Telephone Connections ?Jjh.KaKCHlpt JA M I.S TO I-B KRT, Prop W. TREMA IN, OEXGRAL NSIRANCE 1! OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HÜROM AND FOÜRTI1 81., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinbur. [Capital, ?13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine Tnsurance Co., Canh Awets tBWV"1". SprlnfleUl In, t'o. r Maoachnsett, CksbA'Oslf l,SOu,(X'. llowiird Ihs. ('onipaiiy f w York, Canh Asset ilfiOOfi. Agricultnral Ins. Co., Watertown,N.Y., Caeh Akbc'k $1,200,000. Loet;Uborally Adjnr"i"' aul Crumptly Pald. THE VEBMDIlfrsUIUrËV APOMTORS HL to malntaln V their rcputiv F tionformoBt jJ? 5 rapld evaposS' ?- mtioQwlth -'VI9V ll'Ht fUl'l. .ESSSBr y Thcy have js - r no complica.5 B tedOUTTKBB and CBiI; WF hei. that JHBt bt-coraeclog¦M W" ged aftcr L-HMp om aeaion'a '5 S' u'1, and that BOtattoclean. All part !¦¦ inaibtofthüoiiurator. in-, ioid a low MlniiMior uiiintratm1' Bcnufcr ne Ulusu aterí i iMoJani. vf Vï. KA KM MM.-UIXE CC . BrtlOWB Fall, Vt II 12M UW


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