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117 UI ninremoney than at anythlnpelse by tak I 11 I V Ing an ajrency tnrtho hc'1" "elllni; book ¦ I I 1 Beginners sucneed etandly. None 11 MiI l,ill. Terms free. Hai.lett Book Co., Portland, Mulnc. I TTT1T f lor worlclnt peoplc. Send 10o-nta i llil II potaL"', nul w. will mail yon fret ' royal. valuante ampie box of gomia I thiii will put yon in the wuy oí mahinp more moncy in a few day th:in on rverthnught poulbleat nny business. Capítil no reautrud. Toacas liv ¦¦ at horne nml work Ín sp re tune ouly, or all the time. All ot both nexea, of all nt;v. rundly succemfnl. 66 cent to (" oBl!y eiirncd i-venine. Thít all who want -vork muy tal the imMnes, wu m.ikt thtl unparallc-1 (I ofl : i 011 wli.i me DOt well natl-lledwr wlll -.¦lid l t.. p lor tho tronble of wrltlnj; uk. FiiII ptrücnlsn, lirectlon, etc., sent free. lmmcni'e pty a soVateiy wir loi all who ."tart t onre. üon i de'ay. AddrsKf Stirsoh A Oo., Portland, Maiue. A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance, Píate G-lapp Insurance, steam. Boiler INSURANCE ! Lom-st Ralos, Honorable A1jiistmfiit-i and Losses Promptly l'aid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Sl'Ki I L ATTKITTION O1VEN TO COLI.KCTION sis and Managkmkkt ok Rkai. EsTAT1 N I'KKKSTS FOR NoN-KkSI h I :.N Is. E.NII KK HATIsrACriON TO OWMÍItS OtAltANn- i i. A. DeFORK8T. "Insurance ÍM'.AI, KSTATK and LOAN AGENCY O F A.W. HAMILTON Oflloe, No. 2, Fitst Kloot, llainiltoii Illock. raft Íes ilt'siriiiK to Imy or sell tteat Kstftle will tliul it tO thelr ulvanlage lo culi OD 006, 1 1" llrst-cluss Iiisiirièiu-n ('onipanle, Imlin un tiiiiiiilii iillnl ovi 1MHI.1KRI. ll:itrs !.ov. Losses libcrally adjusted nnd IHOniptly pald. Inlso issue Life and Inveatment l'ollcies in lili' N.'w fork Mutual Lile Insurance ('milpauy. rt Wllttl. tWi.fflrff 1'i'ison.s deslring AcCident Insurancf, can have ycarly polich'B wrltten lor tliem orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets IsnMd M l.ow rates In the Aoolitent Insuranic ('onipniiy of North America. Money to Loan at Current Rntes. Office Ijours from s a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. V. HAMII1'OX, Ilatuilton l'.lnck. ANN ARBOR SHALL FRUIT FARM ! Strawberrie8, (;(ioel)crrips, Baspbarrics, (Jiiriants aiul Grupo, vety cheap. Rememer tliese planta aro stroiijr nccliniatcd. Rupkrry Syrap, $2.00 per gal. RMpberry Bbrab, í.")0 pergal. (ir-iiiiinc Onipc whie from fl.00 to $1.35 per rnl. Improved Plymotith Rocks per sittitifr, $1.00. Extra Choice Plymonth Ilocks per sittinjí, $2.00. Afrt'iits of Bllwunjrer & Unrry, of Etocheater, New York, fr all "t .Niir-ct-y ftocU. E. BAUR &. SON, W. Hurón St. 1 f


Ann Arbor Courier
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