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Dr. J. B. Henion's Sure Cure For Malaria

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Tliis is the only reniedy advertised for he complete nnd pertecl cure of Malaria; t is pleawnt to the last;, mul will positivcly mul icrinuH'ntlv enrejalaría and ill of the düqaaes caused by Malaria] blood poisun. It controls all forms of ferer, firodiices leep, rellwve eonstipaiion, puIflea the blood, promotes an appetite and i i Mftahi and imiitive cnri' lor uil kinds 'fpniii. XUg elegant proparation lakepl by all driijtists ,-hkI only costo one dollar t bottle; it wlll :il8o prevent Malaria, as wdl ai te eme t, umi a few dollars invcsted in thi medicine will save you any amount of suft'ering, besides a large doctor's bil). It is pleasant to take aud contains no Qninlne or Arsenic. All thoe who are vising Dr. Henion's Surc CHue for Malaria can consult hini by mail about any qtner tilnratn they may degire. Ut' will i'xainine tlicir case and scnd pn-ctiptions free of charge. He has had gteatêr ezprieaoe in the treatment of chroiiiciliM'iiM'Sthan anvothcr 1 i v i n w jiliysiciaii and can cure you if' you are curable. Write liim at Hicliester, N. Y. It Ir reported thiit cx-lnc Isabella, after eveiilwii ycnra' sepsratlon trom Don Franfisco, litT husiMtii'l. in't httu at the tora b of thilr ion, lie late Kint; Ufoiuo, mul a reconcillatlou between tliem was eft'ectvd. So read a c&blegnUB to the dailies recently. Nou, if there 8 anythiug the whole worlil desired. il was a reconcillation betwccn D'n mul Milla. For years turmoil mik! stiifc has been nunpant on tlmt aocoont. The announcement of this Dew8 will uiuloubtcilly huvc a pacilvin cirfct upon mil' spring electious. A citizen of Iviliunazoo, Miohijran, annouhcon lliat ims huilt a gun that will put a hall throngh fourteeii thickncsses of boiler pi ate and fonr fefct Of oak barkfng from a distance of Bfteeo miles. Kalaniazoo is a good plaoe tor such a ohiiiicra tobe lo ated. Il may be. though, that the motive power is as, in wblob cue thri-e wou ld be nothin so remarkable a hout it. A young gentleman asks tbe editor to teil bim whlch is proper tosay, on leaving a jrouBg lady friend after a late cali. AiiMver: l-iUiiT il proper; but aluays sprak the irutli, even if you have to say good niorning. ('hiklrcn are like okler folks. Johnny haVlnbeen állowéd to put 2."i cents in the cnti ibution box at chureh, gaid to his mama, the deacou didn't notice that qoartei any more than if it was just a cent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News