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Siliin' has i few oases -ot loariel rever ilso. Hewy Waltere, of Salem, has gone to his Dakota home. Xlch. Kern hasgone'to Adrián towork the coming sumuicr. The Webster singlug school will contiuue through another term. Reroember the repnbliean towo eaueus it Webster town hall April lat. Several Siiline yoaag men bare the wild western fevcr in v'milent form. The Mooreville revival li w close 1 hsvlaving ett'ectel many conversión, Tlie goto democratie caucus s to be held at the Dexter opera home Mareto Bttt. The Saline Presbpterian Sunday school eeently sent $25 to mi-sionary !innl-. Xext Baturday evenlng there will be a repetition of the Salem Kbo 1 exhlbltion. Van Vnderwood will tak charge of the If oorevlUe ereamerv the coming; nimmer. The PittsriVld firméis makelt hot tor .he sparrows !h ;:t ciine oul Ihere to live. Gooil. 'l'lie Webster Mei bodists hold a box social at Stearns Wheeler's resktence loii.'lt. The Salino renublicans will cancus lonorrow night in the (iennan Worklngncu's Hall. The Milan ropublieans hold thefr town aueus at the Town Hall, Hilan, April l-i at "2 o'clock p. m. J. Fiegel of Pittsfield, havinj bought a "arm of 176 acres In fcjoio, bis son Fieii will curry it on for him. Kev. I). Sliire had (00 jrïvfll liim :it B ouation visit at the Brfanchester M. K. hurch last, week Thursda . Mrs. X. Ibell and Mrs. L, 8. Pierce we lelecates to the W. ('. T. l district convention at Tecnniseh Apil 13 and 14. Kev. Mr Camphell. Of Dexter hM a hen hat lays cirgs } V' inehes. Tint hen s evldently a heliever - in honeatejrgft. Mr. and Mrs. Henry n. Gregory ntended the "silver" weddin ot Loren lenion and wife at Laoilng lasi week. A party of nelghbois diippcd in on Edgar Black of Welisier, on the l.'itli, il beïiir bil birthday, and had au enjoyahlc ime. .Mort Henderahot, of Manchester, has een appointed uaistnirl poeüal clerk on he M. U. K. K.between Detroit aud Chicaeo. Several $15 wheat men are looking for uyers in this seotion. Don't nibble, for f yo do you will be eauglit.- Saline Observer. Misses Alta and Hattie Calkina have gone to O-ecola einiuty to engage in fchool teaching vmtil next (all. - Dexter eader. Harria Ball and John Hall have reurned from Kansas well pleased with what tbey saw n that .-tatu of gentle 7phyrs. The school in the Sopp district, Salem, will be taught by Addin Atchiaon, wlio ïas recently retnrned from school at ?entonville. Dexter has a member of the Gen. Toni riiumb family. He is known as Gen. Cárdenas, is smaller titan Toni and creates iiueh attentien. Dr. Cbal. Howell, formerly of Dexter, now of Alpena, has been appoiiü' nember of the board of pension examiners for tbat place. Our marshal was in Ann Arbor Monlay and retnrned the village tax-roll to the county treasurer. with about twenty dollars uupaid. - Chelsea Herald. Thecrowded conditlon of theunion and ward schools sujjsrest that the school board egin early to Ünd Mme means of providn; more room. - Maiifliester Knterprise. In the mail for the Michigan Ponltiy arm, Monday, were letters fnmi Maine and Texas, Florida and Washington Territory. Missouri aud Ifáaitoba, and several other states between. - Saline Observe r. Kxtensive repairs will be made on the r., A. A. & N. M. H. K. brldges at this ilace as soon as the frost Is out of the tround. Largo quantities of piles and ieay planks are uow on ,the fru.nd. - Milan Leader. An exebange proponnds the follOwlng connndrnm : " Wliat is the dilferenei; 1m';ween tlie entrance to a bain and a loafer n a printing office!" And tlie answer comes quickly and truly thatone is a barn door and the other is a dam bore. A eolored man named Stone, at Milan, drunk upon the street, daügerously stabled deputy sherilf Redman, a week ago. Stone's companion, Koss Taylor, was arrested, convicted of belug drunk and disorderly, and tined rive dollars ! - Ypsilantian. We have been requested by. and take great pleasure in noüfying the public that at tbc present time .lames H'inna is bolding and lilling, to the best ot his ability. the responsible position of.! " Bonncer" at the depot. So et uil trampa beware. - Dexter Leader. The Methodist social laat Friday evening, at Judge Crane's was one of the most enjoyable ever attended. The house was full, the singing was of the linest (jualily. bat the most entertatntng of all was the charade, which it would paj well to travel miles to see. Receipts $12.;!0. - Dextei Leader. A prominent T. & A. A. R. R. man has been here soliciting aid for the proposed road. We are of the opinión that the farmera of this sectiou have ampie railroad lacilitics already, without glving much mouey for the sake of bavlng thelr farms cut upbythis road. - Webster cor. Dexter Leader. Farmers arecomplaininf bitterly about the wheat prospecta tbis spring. On low ground the spasmodic thawiiifi and freesing has about used up the roots. The pleasant weatlier does not bring it frward as was anticipated ; in tact the blades are turning black, and fears are expressed that not more thau half a erop will be matured. - Leader. Rha Conklin who has been a suceessfnl business man here for manv years has aocepted the position as foreman of the broom department in the state priiion at .laekson for Uve years, providinjr that BTerythine is satiefactory. He lett here on Saturday, but Mrs. Conklin will rem ain here for the present. Muy success atteinl hiu in his new field of labor. - Manchester Enterprise. The next meeting ol theSentBern Washtenaw Farmers' Club will met wilh S. IC, Merithew in Sharon on Friday, April 3d and all live members are requested t be present. The program will consist of select readingby Mrs. J. P. Lapham and Miss Lucy Knglisb. The subject for dlscussiou is, farming compared with other occunatious. Papers on the subject bv


Ann Arbor Courier
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