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High School Junior Ex.

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On Friday evening last, the 2Cth Inst, WU held the Junior exhibition of the Ann rbor high school, in the high school hall V very large audience greeted the júniora ïven standing room being at a premium. The stage was bandsomely trimmed, the :lass colorsyellow and blue beinsr draped iround picture9 of Whittier and Longfel' low, with a large crest in the centre contuiuinj; the class motto: "Non Quam Muir turn Sed Quam Bent.'" Ropes of evergreen were gracefully draped from the centre of the hall in every direction, producing a pleastng effect. Tlie muslcfor the occasion was furnished by the Haydn club, composed of high school boys, and their efforts werecertain. ly comniendable. The Chequamegons wil] liave to look well to their laurels if this organization continúes to exlst. The exercises were opened with prayer by Kev. S. Earp, followed by music. Thomas B.Coolcy of Ann Arbor was the first to address the audience. He said that to tlie observer who travels over the carth for the purpose of storing his miiiil with knowlcdge, one fnct is cunspicuous, the world is not what it was. The ruins of Meraphis, Troy, Balbec, teil of a civilization which in some particulars was perhaps in advancc of the civilization of to-day. By comparing the world of that day with the world of tolay we can judge of the changes constantly occurring. He then pictured the scène in Michigan less than a century past, how rapid the growth and prosperity of our beautitul st.ite had been. Such changes had never before be n known, woods disappearedas if by magie, villuges sprang up, the railway carne, then the telegraph, and still later the telephnnc. lt is a grand thing to live in such an epoch. But in time all thee tlims willchange anda pcople may some day gaze upon our ruins and wonder at them even as we wonder at the pyramids. Sarah G. Come, of Ann Arbor, told of the "Influence of the Civil War," and commenccd with the UMrtkm that at the close of the American civil war uc. i mpire, kingdom or princlpality stood upon a Arm iniMs, tlie success of Üití principies of freedom ben had sh.iken all the powers of the old world. All "vernments tend toward greater liberty. In IrcMud .ind Ru!si:i the pcople have yet to learn that liis not liberty. Kngland is only a monarchy in uum. Germany owes her existence as a power Ki BUmark alone. But so strong are the feltcrs he forgvd tlmt even after he has gone liberty will iind it diiliL-uli to niake any inroaas into that king. ¦ lom The attempt to establish Maximillian in Mexico in 180 wa a dr fea t to monarchial ({overninenls. The war of France with Germany, the defeat ot Napoleon and the formation of a republic for that ii.uinii w;is then refarred to as bcing largely lirought about by our civil war. What a grcat re¦poosibUity often does for a young man just entering life that war has done lor America. This natimi dow withstands the enticsm of the world. The luture has niuch yet to revcal. 'King John and the Abbot of Canterbury," was il line recnation by Almira Curtis, of Ann Arbor. M In Curtis made herself mastcr of the situation, and baring a good voice used it with good eftect. Ilenj. K. Page of Ann Arbor, to]d of "The Kall of Qucbec.'J He thought that the battles recorded in history did not depend so much upon numbers engagetl as upon principies involved and established. Less tlian ,((U0 on both sides were engaged at Lcxington, but they fired the lirst guns of uie revolution. Somcwhat similar was the struggle which endcd in the fall of Quebec. That battle ended Krench supremacv in America and this hadaren Jp renen supremacy in America and this had grea influence upon the fate of America, for with tht power of Üie French overthrown the colonists be Cune selt-rt'liant. It established the supremacy o ÜM Knglisli spcaking race on the continent and thu rendered the revolution possihlc and the republic fact. The colonies being left alone by England be came ca pable of sclf-government. The town meet ing was oneof the important educators. After re hearsing brictiy the growth of the government dow to the present day, he closed by quotiug Bisho lierklcy's prophetic uticrancc of over a centur ago: "Westward the course of empire takes iU way '' etc. After a picce of music, Arthur II. Covert, of Su pcrior, spoke of " En-Luid and Ireland." He di not consider it necessary to dweil on what Knglanc had been, and did not consider her exactly a mode "inother country'" to America. But nevcrtheles he did not consider Ireland the oppressed nation i claimed to be. If England was unjust he wantec the things named in which she was unjust. Eac act of generosity toward Ireland is folio wed by clamoring for more. He considered the Irish po litically impracticable, lacking firmness and self restraint, etc. As for Home Rule he stated tha there were over 1,000,1)00 Irish who did not want i and in its eventcivil war wouldsurely follow, whic was why England look cd before she leaped. A that KtigUnd wants is time, and she wil. bring u in the harbor of success with peace and conten ment as an anchor. Sarah J. Keedle. of Superior, had an essay upo "Thu Mysteries of Nature." When people attemp to investígate they seehow little isknown. We know the mystery ot the loadstone but no one can explai it we view the electric hght, but no one can tel whatelcctricity is; we know that object make im prt'ssinns on the eye and sounds upon the ear, bu no one can solve the mystery of the human soul we sec the sun rise andgive light butcannotexplai why the light gives Ufe, and so on through mauy i lustiations. "The Toledo War," was the theme of Lawrence Cole, of Ann Arbor. He said people had almos forgotten the Toledo war, or Washtenaw war, as i was sometimes called. The war was caused by a erroneous survey in which Ohio claimed 650 squar miles which bclonged to Michigan. Ohio callee out her troops to help establish the survey am Michigan resolved to resist it. Attorney Genera B. F. Butler returned an opinión favorable to Mich igan. John Quincy Adams says he never knew a nistance where right was more clearly on one id and power on the other. It seems singular tha there is no mention in our histories of this war fu Michigan was in dead e artiest. After reciting how acompromise was effected by receiving the uppe península instead, he closed by a eulogy upon tli boy governor of Michigan, Stevens T. Mason. The essay of Nellie G. Phillips, of Ann Arbo upon ' Superstition," took us back to the Persian and Assynans for illustration of how superstitio prevailcd even in those ancient days. It was no the child of ignorance but had to the enligh ened as well. It had been handed down through a ages lrom generation to generation. But she hopee that the "beautiful sunlight from above will at som future time, ad has been prophesied, make all thing clear." Tbe audience was then regaled wit selectioiis from the "Beggar Student," b the Haydn club. What Faces Say," was the theme of Miss Bel Sperry, of Ann Arbor town. Human speech wa slow and tedious ín its growth, but we have the lan guageof the faceto teil what people are. The li tle child is often thus able to judge where kindnes dwells beneath. It is a lamentable fact that a chili often clings to its nurse ralher than to its mothe üur judgment of a person by his face was often co reet. sometimes incorrect, but it is soon made, ant we like or dislike before acquaintancc Is lbrmec Physiognomy may be ranked as an exact scienc On the face may be pictured the four aes of man childhood, youth, middle age, oíd age. It is not s much what we are as what we do that moulds itse upon our faces, and it lies wholly with ourselves t determine what our faces shall say. Viola M. Williams' essay was upon "Tact ant Talent." These qualities were often considered th sume but were not quite synonymoua. Talent tel us what to do, tact how to do it. It is not so ofte talent the unsuccessful man wants as tact. Bri liant mental acquireraents prove a detriment to su eess unie ss assisted by an cducation practical a wcll a theoretical. Stmply a diploma from an mg ricultural college would not make a good farme neither would one from a commercial college mak a good busines man. Some of the frailties of Lort Bacon, and the Lick ing essentials in the character of Co w per, Beethoven, Addison and Swift were then given as illustrations. The man of tact is th fortúnate one, but he who has tact and talent com bloed will accomplish most, and at Judgement Da be will return his talent with two-fold value. ' Our Treatment of the Indians," was not high] praised by Harry E. Palmer, of Imlay City. h asked if the people feit much pride in it, and though many volui: es might be writtcn of thejr wrongs The Indians had often been allotted certain tracts o land and they had no sooner settled there than th Sovernment had ordered them to leave, and if the id not do it an army was sent against Ihcra. Gen Crook, even, says it is hard to go upon such a ca in pnign. He thought Canada's treatment was fa better than this country's, for although she make few promises, she fulfills those made. Althoug the past cannot be undone, the future may produc a history which coming generations may reviex with profit. ¦ Picklnff up Chips," was the last essay, and was a plcasmg one delivered by Gertrude S. Wade of Ann Arbor. The initifitory led off with a moth er's request to her young hopeful to "close the doo iny son, and go and piek up a basket of chips. But chips are scarce these times. The chips of tin: must be carefully picked up, garnered and saved the chips of good thought can be easily carnee a bout with usH Then there are the chips of oppo tunity, and blessed are we if our eyes and ears ar keen in their gathering. ludustry and perseverare are tssential, lor the world is no man's debtor unti he has done something. DifBculty, necessity an( :ulvL-rsity are hard wood chips, but the hadow o the mountain only falls upon one side at the saín time. We must look well to our basket and se tliat it is not unevenly filled, for it is not no mnc how many as how well. Tliis closed the exerciscs and tis doubt ful if any one present went away regrettlug in the least the time spent. Stevens the mnrderer of Bertha Duckwltz only a lew weeks In solitary conrtneraent ha iilnady been let out of bU cell towltness th MlkadO performance enjoylng a festlve sup per Next wc know sentimental ladles wil beadmltted to hls cell and shower him ove wlth fluweri". No wonder our rlpe, modern eenllmentallty and non-hnnglng Hentlment alista are sentimental humbugs.- Ypsltant Commercial. Now, Bro. Pattison why not apply your own principies of prohibition to th matter? Prohibit the prison officials from ffivini; life-sentenced priaoners air of these privileges. Prohibit these senti mental ladies from making fools of them selves. Don't take the human lite tha you have no right to take. Don't be blood-thirsty.


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