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Wlien the slop and the slush O'er your gaiu-r-tops ush ; And your rnbber Is lost lu tlie bottotuless mud: Whenyoa'respnttered and sineared. And at laat wildly jeered As you slip and come dowu with a sickeuiiiK thud, You'U agree wlth ns Uien ' Tía a stiame and a pity That thoae horrible men Kont deun up the city. Dr. George and famtly were called iipon t niourn the death of tlicir iufant child Tuesday last. Next Sunday is the second quarterry meeting in the M. E. Cliurch. Love feast in the mornins at 9 o'clock. Martin Clark saya he ú not, has not been, and will not, be a candidato for Justice of the Peace on any ticket this spring. Jas. Dugan, of FosteiV Station, died Sunday atghtof dropsy. Funeral services ere held Tuesday from St. Thoinas' ('iilioliu cliurch, at !) o'clock, a. 111. The Mayor of Jackson gets $1,000 per year. The ïuayorot' Ann Arbor $1. But we will wager a big apple tliat Ann Arbor is as well governed today, as is Jackson. The mother of Mrs II. S. Warner of this city, died at iliuvhull on Sunday, and Mr. Warner and bmily have goue there to uttetul the funeral wliicli takes place to-day. Thefalherof Mrs. Eli W. Moore died at Adrián last Sunday, and Mr. Moore and t'aniily lelt the city ytstciday to attend the funeral, whicli taki'á place at Adrián to-day. The fellow with a $20 bilí to cuaiige was in town one day last wtek, and he played his little gauie OU oue of the s uewdest inerchauts in the city, ligh(iuf[ out with Li0 ahead. Died In Ypsilanti, March 2ïth, Mrs. Carlista Duvh, widow of the late Dr. Davia, of that city, agcd (1 yeaw and 11 inonths. t)r. DttTia was a urother of L. Davis of Aun Arbor. That fainous " Mother üoose concvrt," occurs on Weduesday evening: of uext week, and you"re goose it jou can, but don'tsavea quuit t I" lee it,tor il will be oue of tke events ot the seasou. Grand Conimauder K. A. Hall, of the Knijíhts Templar of Michigan, was in the city Monday eveuing, and several of the boys from Chelsea and Ypsilanti witnessed the work worked that evening. We are indebted to J. E. Wyman, of Detroit, for au nivitatlon to atteud the grand opening of ''The Battle of Gettysburg," Mouday eveuing lust. Sorry, but we had other engagfiuents aud couldn't Httend. Complaint is made by the rnembers of the board of health that the scarlet ferer signs are torn down, and as there is a sevtTe penalty attaclied if any one should bedetected therein, they had betterlook a little out. Granel Lecturer Claik gave a school of instruction to the inusous of tlie county In tlie Masonic Temple last Alonday. A poor, deluded fellow was found to pmttice upon, and we ciin teel the treuibling ol lii.- hands evea yet. Chief Engiueer Hawks, of the M. C. R. K. etated to a citizen of Ann Albur, Monday, Chai the next duy after their lawyers had declared tlie contract witfa this city correct, men would be put to work apon tlie ímproveiueuts. "Thafs the stuíl." Papers tliat give tlie people credit for having judgruent enough to vote upon a questiou of public interest without dictation, have sense inough nol toattack public offlcials in eucli a nianiíer as tobe obliged to Bwalluw their words in tlie t'oliug issue. We wish some public spiiited friend of the Courier, in each townsblp would send us a list of officers chusen at the coming town meeting, with majorities. Our readers by taking Gfcete lita and preserving them would lind it a very convenient reference during the yenr, well worth the trouble of sendiug in. Uncle John (i-ddes drops into the Courier office on the 27tii or 28th day of March every year about as regular as the year rollsaround, and leaves hissubscription in advance. Though having just passed his 83th birthday he is hale and liearty, and bids fair to be one of our rerespected old pioneers for uiany years to come. The republicana of thls county held a conference at the St. James' parlorg last Thuraday afternoon. Nearly every township in the county was represented. Florus 8. Finley, of Ypsilanti, was chosen chatrmtn, and Jas. N. Gilbert, of Chelsea, secretary. Tliere was a thorough discussion of the situation by those present, all pilases belDg talked over, among the speakers were Andrew C' impbel], Col. H. S Dean, Capt. E. P. Allen, Eugene K. Frueauff, W. H. Pottle, Wm. Birkitt, etc., etc. Jas. H. Stoneof Detroit, met the compuny and reported what was being dona tbxougbouJ the state to secure better workfor the party. Il wastinally resol v' ed to lorm the Repablicaa dab f Washtenaw county, and further votad to elect every republican in Washtenaw county :is a member of the organtzation, so that all mlffht fcel at perfect liberty to attend any and all of the meetings. A committee, oondtting of Ooi. H. s. Dean, of Ano ArlMir; Capt E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanli; Jas. L. Gilbert, if Clielsesi ; W.H. Pottle, of Manchester; and Geo. S. Wheeler, ofSalam; were appotnted todraflaconstituli n and by-laws, to report at a future meeting. Tlie meeting adjosroed subject to thw cttll ut' tliv abors aouiuitUw. Rev. James Bixby'a subject at tlio Unitariaii church next Sunday evoning will be "Modern Miníeles." Jas. Kearns, Register of Deeds, has a letter that went down in the illfated Oregon, which he proposes to keep as a cnno8ity. The prohibftionists will hold their city convention at the old Baptist church, this evenlug, at 7 o'clock to nomínate city office rs. Bishop Brown, of Pon du Lac, Wis., will deliver the next lecture In the course before the Hobart Guild one week from next Sunday. Nellie E. Beman, secretary, gives notice that the annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Association will be held in the library, Monday, April 12th at 2:30 p. m. J. T. J.icobs & Company announce to the publk that they will opeu in their doublé store on or about Monday, April 5th- eleotion day, just in time to be counteci in. The T., A. A. fc N. M. R. R. Is selling round trip tickets from this station to Jacksonville, Fla., for $25.25; St. Augustine, $25.95 ; Cedar Key, $27.40, etc. etc , tickets good to return uiitil M lst. The democratg of Ann Arbor town have nominated Andrew Smith for supervisor; Patrick Finnel for clerk, Jacob Haagen for treaaurer; Augustus Savage for justice; Chas. Brauu for school inspector, etc. The gold badges won by the Ann Arbor polo club, as champious of the Southern Mich. Polo League, six in number, are now on exliibition in the window of B. F. Watts' jewelry store. They the woids "Chainpions," "8. M. P. L.M Sportsmen are complaining bitterly of of the disregard of the law by mili ownen who negleet or refuse to put in chutes for the fisli to make their way into the various (lams, and have entered coraplaint to Prosecuting Attorney Norris in respect to two or three of thein. The Town and Gown Dramatic Co. of ihis city is composed of some flrst-class talent, and whereverthey have given entertainmentsthey have given the very best satisfaction, as a quotation from the Dundee Reporter, in another part of this paper proves. Theywill very soon produce a pUy In this city, and it will be worth hearing, llcmember this and wait for them. It is stated that David Henning has made a suggestion that seems to take pretty well with souie people of this city. It is for the city to pinchase the triangular strip of land north of the M. C. tracks laying between State and Pontiac streef, and convert the same into a park. Tliis could be bought very cheap and a park licre woiild be a good thing. especially for the ïnany excursión parties that visit this city. jlihsi iiiiirsuay mere were more pretty school marms in the city than ever before known at iny one time. The event was the regular spring examinntions of teachers by the county board, and tliere were upwards of 150 on the lists. They invaded even the sanctum of Deputy Clerk Robisou who blushingly resigned his easy chair and well worn desk to fairer bands tbr a time. We hope to give a list of those securing certificates for our next issue. There will be a meeting of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society at the Court House on Thnndty, the 8th day of April at 1 p. m. As this is the last regular meeting of the society for the yexr ie is desirable thut tlie board of managers, superintendents of dopnrtmenta umi all members of comraltteetbc present as business ot vital Impórtanos to the success of the society at coming fair will be transacted at this meeting. J. E. Slmnbr, Secretary. Dr. George, as health offleer, reports thut the semiet ferer is completely under control there beiDg only six cases now known in the city. There have been ten cases altogether, and one death, and but three or four cases have been violent. The doctor says that either himeelf or an officer have visited every place where cases have been reported, hare told the people what they must do to prevent the spread of the disease, and given copies of the circulars issued by the state board of health giving thorough instructions how to treat the diseaae, etc. Furthermore, the doctor assures the public that there is not the sügluost cause for alarm. At the twelfth annual meeting of the W. C. T. U., held at Miss Brown's, March S8d, 18b(, the following persons were elected offleers for the ensuing year: President- Mrs. H. M. Ooig. ist Vice Pres. - Mrs. L. S. Bourns. ad " " -Mrs. M. A. Dy. jd " " -Mrs. C. H. Worden. Kecording Secretary - Mr. L. A. Parker, Corresponding Sec. - Mrg. S. H. Bishop. Treasurer- Mrs. J. M. Davert. Supt. of Temperance School - Miss M. S. Brown. Assist. Supt- Mrs. J. R. Mincr. The new actiou of the society was voting the contenta of an annual mite box (f125) for the beginning of a fund to be appropriated for a home in our city. They are desirous of doing their part for the "booming" enterprise of our town.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News