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x ne rni ivaps nave Deen quarantined - searlet fe ver did it. Prof. C. W. Carman, llt. '8i la spendng a part of liis vacatioa in this city. J. L. Crombie 77, a superintendent of schools at Minneapolis, Miun at a salary of $2,300. Prof. Geo. S. Morris went to Chicago a day or tvvo since to altend au alumni meeting. Prof. V. H. Payne is at Bay City ttiis week and at Spring Lake next week, in in-t ii nti work. Hon. Elliot T. Slocum, of Detroit, reMntly spoken of as a eandldate for eivi) service board, is a gradúate lit. class of '60. The proponed trip to Pittsburgh of Prof. M. E. Cooley's class in tnechatiical enjrlaeerlnsr, lias 'been postponed until some time in May. J. D. Ronan, who died recently at Modroe, was a member of the class of '71, and also a member of the Phi Delta Phi, who have passed resolutions of respect on his death. Prof. Calvin Thomas has secured subfcriptions for the $4,000 he wtehed to raise for the Goethe fund to purchase book for the library. He does not intend to stop here, however, but to raise a permanent fund. The second number of the Philosophlcal Papers, being issued by Andrews & Witherby, will be out soon. lt will be one of the most attractive iiiimbers of the whole series. "Goethe and the Conduct of Life," by Prof. Calvin Thomas. Prof. Stowell received a letter last Friday that went down in the U-fated steamer Oregon, the greater portion of the mails being recovered. There were four orfive pieces received at this office. They were still wet from their submersion in the ocean. A portion of tbc basement of the new mechan ical laboratory has been set apart for the use of Prof. Brac in some of his more delicate electrical experimente, the floors of the physical laboratory being too unsteady on which to perform them gatigfactorily. Elmer Dwiggine, lit. of '84, has been writlng some very acceptable poetry for the Current recently. " The Wooing of the Princes8" is a description oí the love affair of one of the lovely co-eds who is known to many of the students now in the university. E. J. Shaw, of Chicago, who has been under Dr. Frothingham's treatment for the past two years for lupus of the right eye, has at last been sent home cured. This has been one of the most difficult and tedious cases that Dr. Frothingham has ever contended with, and final success proves how much we owe to the medical skill that makes such cures possible. The latest scheme credited to the co-eds is that at one of the boarding houses where scarlet fever invaded the sacred precincts, and a quarantine was proclaimed, a young lady hung a rope out of the window by which her adorers might climb up to her exalted position in the second story. A sophomore admirer one nightseeing a junior rival ascend the rope in truly gymnastic style, greased said rope and when the fellow descended he carne down so qulck that all the Romeo and Juliet romance smasbed to atoms, and words very like profanity escaped the lips that had but a few moments before reveled in honeyed gweetness. ABOUT KICKERS. Eü. Courikk : The kicker, that natural and disagreeable product of a community of enterprise and progress has put in an appearance at the gymnasium, and declares that ho 1i;ih the managers of that laudable institution " on the list " because they have admitted the ladies and have allowed them to particípate in the exercises. Now, if the management had, without due deliberatioii and investigation.admitted coedl inlo the gytnnasiiun, and their admittance had interfered with the gentlemens, hour's hours or work, we would be the flrs to object. But atter thorough investigation and obdervation it was tound that not enough of the fellows were at the gym between the hours of 8 and 10 a. m. and 1 and 3 p. m. to justily the manager, Mr. Dorn, in keeping a janitor, and henee the ladies were given the privilege of occupyIng the gym during those hours. In this way oearly $100 has been added to the exchequer of the asgocittion and no Imnn is done nny one, nor anybody's riglits invaded. With the exception of the chronlc kicker everybody is pleased and much god will remilt to all onaarnad. Ji.T. THE CÜIRONICLE'S rUIZES. The Chroniclc prizes donated by our business men to be awarded to studeuta of the university as explained below, are now on display at Hundall's art store. The prizes, as may be secn, are very rich and represent a sum of nearly one liundred dollars. They will be awarded as follows 1. Pobk. Not to exceed 126 lincR, open to studentsof the university oniy. lst prize Klegant pair of opera glasses by Wra. Arnold. Al prlze. Qraven brouze cundlestlck by H J. Brown. 2. Short Stort. Not to exceed 3,600 words. Open to both student and alumni of tlie university. A complete set of Waverly novéis, donated by Andrews 4 Witherby. 2d prlze, a flne Hangtng Lamp with Kocuester burner, by Messrs. Dean & Co. 3. Best Humorou Sketch, In poetry o prose. Open only to student ol the uni ver sity. Matter not to exceed 1,600 words. A Huperd elghl-day oloek in bras8 with Imnd Borne glass Nhade. This elegant prize i awarded by Messrs. Jacob Haller 4 Bon. 4. Bkst Deaxatic Scens, not to exceed 400 Unes or about 3.U00 words. A very rlcli KI ony Iede8tal, by Messrs. John Keek & Co. 5. Best Original Cartoon lllustratlve o university lile, lo beexecuted with pt-n km lnk and sultable for reprcKtucllou in til Chrouicle. MagniQcentptioto. 18zM,orPrei ldeut Angeli, neally frumed; by Ueun Kandall A Burnham. Professors Prieze, Demmon andThoma have kindly consented to act as juriges ou the literary production, while Professor Morris, Dennlson and Hennequin wil act as judges on the cartoon. The cartooi must be drawn with pen and iuk and b suitable for reproduction as a full page cut in the Clironicle. Those inteuding to compete for the above prizes will be required to have thclr productions in by May löth, 1886. These raust bear nosignature but have some mark correspond ing witli a mark on au euvelope containuig the name of the contributor. The productions must be mailed to the Clironicle or to one of the judges. We havt gone to considerable troultle and expense in submitting this écheme, hopiug that it will awaken a new interest iu literary and artistic nrodurtions tht tn.