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Council Meeting

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A meeting of the council was held Saturdaj evening, with uearly a full board present. Alayor Kapp, as chairman of tkecommittee appoiiited toarrange detailsofa contract with the M. C. R. R. authorities read the report of the committee as follows : To the Mayor, Recorder and AMermcn of tli City of Ann Arbor: The underglgned, a committee appolnted at a sprei. 1 1 meeling of the Councll, held Alarch 2, 188, to arrauge the details of a contract for the construction of au lrou bridge over Fontlac street, do lespectfully report to your houorable body, that they have had uuder advlsement the matters subinltted to them and recommeud : First, That the contract hereto annexed be entered Into by the city with the Michigan Central liallroad (Jompany. Secoud, They recommeud that immedlate steps be taken to dtscoutluue ötate street betweeu Kuiler street and the north llneol 'the Michigan Central Railroad Oompanv's right of way; also to close Page street uonh of Kuller street. Thlrd, They recommend that a street be opened between tlie property now owued by Peter Carey and t he property known as the Nniln-i lamí properly lor tho purpose of acouveuientapproach lo the uew depot grounds from Detroit street. JobnKapp, ï. M.Cooley, !:. 1 . Ki.vm, J. K. Lawhenck, ClIKISTIAN .Vlik. The eontract was read as follows: Metuorandum of agreement made thls 20th day of Maren, Ituüi, between the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, hereinafter called the "City," of the flrst part, and the Michigan Central Railroad Company, hereiualler called the " Kailroad Coinpuny," of the second part : Witnesteth: That whereas the sald Railroad Compauy proposes to ereet a uew paweuger depot and station facllltles at suld City, and un iron overhead railroad bridge aoroM It8 tracks upou the llue of Pontiac street, and in order to euablesald Kailroad Compauy to carry out sald depot improvements upou lts property as iocated in said City between lts right of way and Kuiler street on Uie north and nou Ui, and between .State and Page streets as at present lald out on the east and west, and toaldsaid Railroad in such beneneial public work of the construction of Huch station and bridge, the sald City gnOfXMM fco vacate and abaadou tliat porUon oí ï-Uatr street belween the nortb line of Kuiler street aud the nurtli llue of sald Kuilroml Oompany's right of way, and all ol' said Para street north of Kuiler street, and to pay the sald Hallroad Company the sum of five thousand dollars. Now therefore In consideration of the premlses aud of the uuderlakings hereimitter uiulually made: The sald City hereby covenants and agrees: 1. To vacate and abandon, by due and legal proceediugs in that behalf to be taken, that portion of Htate street in said City between the north llue of Kuiler si reet aud the north line of said Hailroad Company's right of way, and all of Page street north of Kuiler street. 2. To change the grade of Detroit, Pontlac, and Broadway streets so as to permit the construction of an overhead bridge across said Kallroad Company's right of way with approaches of a grade uut exceeding Mx feet In a huudred. 3. To close temporarlly the crossing of Detroit, Pontlac aud Broadway streetü across sald Railroad Company's tracks and to stop the use thereof during the progress of the work of the coustruction of sald bridge. 4. To pay to said Railroad Company the sum of nvethouwand dollars on the iirat day of Kebruary, 1887, provldiug, the walls of the station building, aud the rouudation and piers of said bridge are conslructed, respectively ready for the roof and super-sti ucture, at that time or thereafter upon demand after sald walls and sald foundation aud piers are oonstructed as aloresaid. II. The sald Railroad Compauy hereby covenants and agrees : 1. To erecta passenger building upon the premlses aforesaid lu accordauce witli plans exhlbited, at a cost of twenty tliuusitnd dollars, and tobeglu the constructlou thereof, and ot all the work hereinafter mentioued on lts part to be perforined, lmmediately upoa the vacation of said streett as aforesaid, and to push the sald work to completion as rapidly au practicable. 2. Tobuild an iron brHge over lts tracks counecting Pontiac and Broadway streets, with Ntoue and Iron sub-structure, witli a roadway of thirty feet clear width, aud a capacity of one hundred pounds per square foot of floor, of first-class coiiNtruction throughout, and upon loeatlon and In accordauce with design and details to beagreed upon between the City Bnglner of sald City and the Chief Eugiueer ol sald Railroad Company. 3. To bulld the approachea to sald bridge with earth o as to afford a road way twentyfour feet wide, with natural slopes, and wllh agrade Dot exceediug six feet iu a huudred as aforesaid. 4. To bulld asldewalk slx feet wide nlong theeast slde of said approaches with a baad rail on the east line of said sidewalk, and to counect sald sidewalk on the xouth with the present Detroit street sidewalk. 5. To bulld a high close. board fenceon both sldes of sald bridge so that tiorses cannot see near approavhing trains and to build a guard fence of tliuber on the west slde of roadway of Hiinl approaches. 6. To maintain the masonry of sald bridge at 1U own expense. 7. Toextend the sewer pipes now running under the tracks of the sald Railroad Company bo as not to obstrucl the üow ol water thereln, aud in case such exteiiNion shall require the discharge of out-flow upon the premlses of said Kallroad Company, to grant to said City the perpetual right to pass sald discharge through lts premlses. 8. To save the said City harmless from any claim of damages arising from the negllgeuce of said Kallroad Company in the perlorm anee of the work of constructlng said works 9. To dellver the sald bridge and approaches with sidewalks and felices as aforesaid luto the possession of said City free ol' all Hens. 10. To furnish suitable and conventent access between lts station building and Htate street for foot passengers and teams, and in case sald City shall at any time open a public street between nald Page street as now laid out, and Detroit street, running between the property nowowned by Peter Carey and the property known as the Hutherland property, sald Railroad Company will construct mul grant the use of a convenleut right of way across lts premlses connecllng such new street and 8late street. 11. And sald Railroad Company further agrees that In cane s;mi City should hereaitcr at any tlmedesire to construct an overhead Crossing bridge upon the line of state itreel as now lald out, with an open xpan of sutli clent wldth soas notto Inlerfere with or obRtruot the use of said liuihoail Oompaoy's tracksor works or buildings, the sahl Kallroad Company wlll assen t to throiiHtructlon of such bridge, and wlll walve any claim ol damages lt may have therefor msim; tioni the vacation of sald portion of State itreel U hereln agreed. In wltnesa whereof the sald parties hereunto have hereto Het thelr hands and corporateneals on the day and year Mrsi kbove mentloned the sald ilrst party by tlie tuftndl of lts Mayor aud Recorder aud said second party by the hand of lts President. Aid. Hiscock moved that the report of the committee be accepteil. Carried. Aid. Lawrence offered the following rcsoliition, after a full aud frwe dlscueion: Jiesolvfd, That the contract report ed by the ridgeeoramlttee be approved and Ihat, the nayorancl recorder be dl: ected toexecute the outract ou the part of the city. Which was carrieil. Aid. Lawrence also offiTed the followngresolution: Whekeas, The City of Ann Arbor Is about o contract with tlie Mich. Central Rallroad Compauy for the eonstructlon of certuln worka on Detroit, Pontiac and Brciadway treets therefore, since lt becorues necesMiry o lix a grade for these streetf where these work are to be constructed so as to adinlt of belr construction, be lt Resolved, That the grade of the hlgliway long Detroit, Pontiac and Broadway streets etween Fullerstreet aud Hurou Rlveracross ,he rlght of way of the Michigan Central Kallroad, be and Is hereby fixed so as to perïit tlie eonstructlon of an oxer-head bridge across the said rlght of way with earth ap)roaches so that uo where on sald bridge or ts approaches shall there be any grade to exeed six feet rtse to one hunred feet dlstance. Wliich was adopted. Aid. Martin offered the followinp: Reeolved, That the Soldlers' and Sallors' Aboclation of.Southeastern Michigan be corially lnvlted to hold thelr next annual enun P nu -i 1 1 in the City of Anu Arbor. Which was adopted unaniinously. Council then adjourned.


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