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ivaraei joseny, pru iu. Fanny Davenport with her full troupe vill present Fedora at the Grand Opera louse on Thuradny night. She has just losed her engagement at St. Louis, Mo., nd the St. Louis Republican speaks of ïer as folio ws: Of Miss Fany Davenport, however, it Is checrully conceded that he ia a maetir of stage art. Ier loiiKi'zp"rience and her lndefatiuable study ave Imprinted upon her work a polish. a comleteneta and a reflnement which even Sardón canlot oblitérate nor obicnre. Ltke Kachel, shc alivays ncti, and there Is not a moment of lier prennce ou the etage wbey ehe .- not, tn very trath, lie character depicted. She does not belonR to ie Itaüan school whlcli rlse to occasions only, nt partalci-8 ratlier of the old Knglinh method hich required the actor to act from the moment e donmil hi costurae untll a frleudly rurtnin Ml etweun himseirand the footllchts. The intlint.mount of detail which Koe to constituir i etaite icinre is seldoni appreciated uiitil II 1 Iranied as fanuy Davenport Irames it. The flexibillly of olee and features, ihc Rrace of postnre and ptoocture, the ÍDtentity of mov mem and expretfitttn ae oloquence of hands and feet - these are overoolird (o the hnbbub of roysterintf comedies; bnt when onecome' to comtemplate the etage work f a woman like Miss Darenport the reality of tajfe art hecomes at once apparent. It is the lompletenees and the harmony with which a vnriiy ol ditail is woven tofrether, foruiing at lu.-t a iel ure riTllin({ that of the painter. The ludies of the Temporalice Aid Soety will give a niaple silgar and ice cream estival at the old Baptist churcu, Friday Ten'nijii April 2d. Ailmissiou, including upper, 15 cents. James E. Harkius mti cmlor 8ome of his favorite selectious on lie occasion. The series of concerto by the Univerity Musical Society will close with the ecital by R. Josefty, April 29th. The chorus of eighty children whicli akes part In the "Mother Ooobe" concert o be gtven at the Methodist clmrch next Wednesday evenlng, has been trainiiif; inder the directioii of Mrs. Hall for neary thrc-e nionths, and the greut proress vhich they have made is largely due to ïcr constant and continu. il cfl'orts in tiiving to make tlie success of the concert which is already proinised. The frk-ntls ot the Ladif.s' Iiil.rary are conlially invited to particípate in the celebration of the tweiitieth anniversarv of the ;i - i-i:it Km by attending a book i 'ci'piiiii to be held at the Library, on "ridny. April 9, from 8 to 10 o'clock p. n. The president, Mrs. C. K. Adama, of thaca, and incnibers of the original board of managers will act as reception commiltee. A mm Aibor is the only place in Miuhgau wliwr Joïvtfy will vinittbii var. Messrs. Blitz& Langsdorf, known to fanie und thepeople of tliis county as the Two Sams, are making fin unusual bid for the spring trade. Tliey have been receíving goods almost daily from the eastern trade centers and factories, and announce to the public that they are now fully prepared to snpply anytbing from a pair of soeks to cover the feet to a hat or cap to cover tlie hcad. They haveeleLant suits for the most stylish young gentlemen, and the rtragh and jready for the laborinjr man. AH kinds, all qualitics, prices that are satistactory every time. The best way to do Is to drop in and see theni and jiulfre for yourselves.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News