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The ritfht of the Kenate to official paper In i reiiiovul l'rniii M further iiiiiMdered in tbe S.-naie on the Std. Bills were Introduoed; Hy Mr Loan. repeallnir the law whieh deolares thut wheu a vacanoy oocurs in the office of General or Ueutenanl-Genetml of ihe iiriny suoh olBoe tball eeasei by Mr. .- w ¦il. tolnorean to fourdoUara per iiuhiiIi tbe pent of mloorchUdrea and widow havlnir minor children, and to exu-nd the period of mlnorlt] toeüjhteen ypars. Tbe Boute bill Kirinfr I tlie widow of (eneral Huncoek ¦ pension of fci.iiui per annuui waspasued . 1 thp Housp bilis were reportpd: By Mr. HcaItau, thi' Señalo bilí to pstablish a National hve-Btock hljruway and proioote coinincrer in li r-Kii k lictwern States; by Mr Dm;-. io pi e ent i introduetion of oontairious and InfecUous dlseatea Into the fjnlted Males, and in establlsb a bureau of public healtli; by Mr. Dookeiy. te extend the lystem lor the immediutc dnllvory of latten; by Mr. McKaï . to i-pm-h1 tbe piT-eiuptloii luws. The Kourtli oi .luly-Chiimi bilí, involvlntf ÍJÍKXI --cl. In the Dm 11 on tho MM thp riprht of thnt hodj to official papers concernintr i-emoyals Irom oflice was further lonmdpred. Mr. Lofran's bilt to InnrgjlB t In numher of meu in the ri'KiilKr army was diseussed. A petlrloii was preMBred tnun i-iiifus of tb l'acihr "h-i protoattDf aííiitiist the cruel troatnient of anoffendlng Chinese.... In the House Mr. Weuvcr reportad a bilí (íniutiiii! the consent m (imu iiihe BOnstruUtlUO of brldiies over iïü iifiiM1 rirr. The luiiiun Vnpropi iatton bill was paased and the Poat-OBoe Approprmtion measure was conwidpred. Cm debute in the Senate thp rlghts of that boly to offieiwl papen lo cuse of removal from office was coutinued on the 25th, Mr. VoorhepH spcakinK against the rioluliini- liemundinir papers, and Mr. F.varta in thelr lavtr Mr. t'rye reportad a btll to proiie lor the eneouinffciuunt of Aniei'ieiul flhippiujf. and topromote postu! and commereial rclaiions with foreirn eountrips. .. . In tho House Mr. Hill reported a bill to providp tor the oi trauiation ot the Teñdtory oi Okjtihniiih. The l'oat-oflice Appropiiation bill was further dlscussed. At the evenlng csslon ations weie adopted oxprefliutf sorrow ai the death of the late Bepresentattre Kankm. of Isoonsln. I ) t te Mnate cm the Mtll Mr. Edmunds' resOlutlonfl on the i'clationi between the President and the .-cti.iic in rispeet to remováis and ii-pe'ison froni ofñce were further de:tiid tlnally adopted. Mr. linar introduced a liill provklini tor a method of in niiiy National authoritv n csws of ïnurderlike tliat of n groei rocenUy at C'arrollton, Ldjour to tbe tii In the House rlie lime orciip ed in i-onsiileriiiK' iwnsion btlJa, and mt the orpninj? acsston forly were piiini DO MEST IC. Tin: Rtrlke of finir tliousaud employés of the National tabe works at McKeosiiort, Pa, waa séttled ti the 'ïkl. OvKitone thousand moroceo-workers at WiliniiiKton. Del., struck on the ' for hiftner wages. DlTBM visitod the wreek of the steamer Oregon at Fire Island, N. Y., on the 'Jbd and recovered a sachel containing diamonds valued at $30,000. Fivk Tnoi axd coal minei's in tho Keynoldsville (N. Y.) district struck on the -Lid tor au ad ranee in ages. The presidenta of the anthraoite eoal compUÜM met in New York on the 'üd and decided tliut the total output of ial this should not exceed 88,800,000 t.ins. Tui Missouri Pacific road mude atiother attetnpt at St. Louis on tho 2;!d to resume freighl tiatlie. hut ooupling-pins were lulleil hmiI switches tlirown until the locomotivo '.vas ordered baek Ui the shops. Theiv was no chango in tlm strike at other pointe, all business being at a stand-stilL A hice bald eagle nndertook on tbe '3d to carry an eigbt-vearold hoy froni the farm of Josenb Oavia, at Maubetm, N. Y., lut wns ioi It-il by labovers. A i rCLOXI iwapt over Belmore, O., on the Sid. d'stroving a large ainount of property aud seriously injuring several persona W'himb firing at a target on the Lid at Waverly, Ind., a lad naraed McKenzie shot anrl killed hls mother. Si hoi-se-thieres were killed byxwboyfi on the 2id one bundred miles north of Bisinaick. D. T. E. 8. Hott, Luke Hoyt and William Perrv were fatully injuiod on the Sid by the explosión oí a boiler in a shingl mili Ht Tionesta, Pa. SuiT was eominenced by tlie Government in tue United States District Court at Columbus, ().. oa the 2:Sd against the Bell Telephone Company. The bill tiled alienes Bell .-cured his pateut by fraud áad fulse re)iesentations, and the Goveranient demands that the patent be declared Toid. The defendants are cited to appear June 1. Sevfiíal Chinese wash-houses at Port latid. Ore., were blown up by dynamite on the 38A The steamer Rnpidan, with a crew of twenty-two men. bound from New York to Costa Ilica. was reported lost on the töd. 'l'niiKE negroes, Halp Wade, Alexander Nortta and Henry Shaw, were hung by a mob at Auburn, Ky., a few days ago for an attempted assault upon Miss Cora Day, daughter of a prominent citizen. IsniAXS set flre to the prairie bordering on Clark" Fork, in Montana, and the flames spread rapidly, covering miles of country on the ütth. It was feared thftt a nuinber of sheep and cattle would be destroyed. An attempt to run a freight train out of the Missouri Pacific yards at St. Louis on the 'üth resulted in a coüision between the pólice and strikers, during which several persona were injured. After much trouble a train was enabled to leave the city. The Governor of Missouri had called out the militia to protect railroad property. The strike of the switchmen at Kansas City was settled. The Secretary of the Interior rendered a decisión on the 24th which takes from the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company 2,451,300 acres in California and restores them to the pubffc donain. A rtabi.1" at Hastings, Neb., was de¦troyed by fire on the 34th, and five horses, one of their valued at fivethousand dollars, perislied in the flames. A i.fMUER train wentthrough a trestle on the ¦Mth near Kildare, Tex., and four men were killed. F.i.f.ven businem houses at Olendive. Minn., were deotroyed by an incendiary fire on the 24th. U ks. Pail Tkce, aged ninety-flve years. of Pittsfleld N H., was down with the whooping-cougb on the 24th, but expected to be about with her work again soon. A self-stïlkd prophet, Samuel Tellmarck, is preaching the "end of the world in 1888" at Corydou, Ind. The mammoth ham at the Hopklns itock farm in Kast Piovidence, R. I., was totally destroyed by an Incemliary fire on the35th. Sixty-five head of eattle and four horses were burned. The woolen-mlll of Biddle & Ariss, near Philadelphia, -alued at $l(X),000, was destroyed by flre a few days ago. Tub ice in the Heart river at Mandan. I T., brok on t.ha 2Ttb, oausing gorg, tlooding tho soutlirn port ion of the town. The ice remained olid in th Missouri. In a fighl. ou th 3fth at Tascoga, Tex., ruuscd by a dispute about oattle stealing, four men were shot dead aud two others fatally wounded. The Illinois Supremo Court has refused to grant James Uacey a new trial, and flxed May 14 as the date of bis hanging for the murder of Alderman Gaynor, of Chicago. blockl at Salida, Col., were burned on the JTith, the losses being $ir0,000. Tui boiler i a saw-mill at Calera, Ala., exploded on thei"th, killing three men and badly wounding four others. Anvirss of the '5th state that navigation was opening rapidly on the lakes. It was said on the 25th ttaatnoeluetouching the identity of the persons who murdered the twelve colared men in the courthouse at Carrollton, Miss., recently, could be found. A DI9PATCH of the 25th from Sa Francisco announces tho los of the steamer Beda in Coos bay, thirteeu persous on board going down with the wreek. The railroad strike still oontinued on the 2Tth. Proclamations were issued by the GoTernors of Missouri, Arkansas and Texas ordering mobs to desist from interfering with Ue moTement of trains, and stating that the power of the law would b inToked to aid in the resumption of busint'ss. The directory of the Missouri Pacific had resolved to do it utmost to move trains on the road. In many Kansas towns there was a serious lack of flour, coal, oil and groeeries, and prioes of goods had doubled. Hwitchmex on the Wabash road in St. Louis struck on the 26th. The strike in EastSt Louiï remained in force and little freight was handled. No extensive disturbance was reported fi-om any Houthwestern point, and freight trains were moving from various poiuts. Grand Master Workraau Powderly issued a circular to the Knights of Labor, chiding the men for rushing into useless strikes and warning them against hasty, ill-considered action. A company of United States troops were en route for St Louis, to be on hand in case labor riots took place. It was developed at Uniontown, Pa., on tti iiith that Captain A. C. Nutt, who was raurdered by Dukes. who in turn was killed by his victim's son, iras short ia his accounts as State Treasurer $4:3,500 at the time of his death. The Argus office at Fargo, D. T., was destroyed hy fire on the 20th, causing a loss of :iu,000. Frank Miji.kowski, the murderer of Agnes Kledzieck, was hanged at Chicago on the 26th, and John Drake (colored) was hanged at Tuomaston, Ga., for wife-mur. der. A FinE at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 36th destroyed the North Buffalo flour milis, the Gilbert starch works and other structures, entailing a loss of f)00.000. The Bank of North Minneapolis, Minn., failed on the "3 i 1 1 . and it was announved that the depositoi-s. mostly workinginen, would not receive flf ty per cent. Advh'ks of the 'Jtith from Suwanee Coun ty, Fla., say that three negroes who recently killed a negro boy there were pursued and killed by four others of their race. Tnn business failures during the sevon days ended on the 2tith numbered for the United States 197 and for Canada 'M, a total of 9U, against 'J5 the previous seven days. The flood in tho Heart river at Mandon, D. T., had on the '26th driven thirty families from their houses. At Bismarck the Missouri river was rapidly rising, and at Sioux Falls a heary snow-storm prevailed. Theodouk Kr.ARNEr & Co., of Chioago, wholesale jewelers, failed on the 'Jöth for $125,000. lx a quarrel on the 26th on a ranch near Fort Elliot, Tex., over alleged cattle-stealing four men were killed and two others were wounded. The Comanche Indiana recently visited the Pease river country in Texas, killed many cattle and flred the prairie. A fire in the coal mines near Chattanooga, Tenn., was raging furiously on the 3öth, the entire mountain side being permeated with veins of furious flames. Mus. Heniiy Frankk, living near Reading, Pa., leaped into a cistern the other day to extinguish llamos ou her clothing. She was drownod and her two children fatally bumed, the house catching fire from a can of kerosene which had exploded in the xnother's hands. Mbs. Katb Dawsos. wife of a farmer living near Indianapolis, who eloped with her step-son, poisoned berself with arsenic on the 2Gth, and her parainour took morphia, dying in a few hours. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Iowa Senate on the 23d passed a bilí making drunkenness a misdemeanor punishable with severo penalties. The Republican Executive Committee of AJabama has called a State convention tu meet June 23. Goverxor Stonemax on the 23d appointed George Hearst (Dem.) United States Senator from California, vioe John F. Miller, deceased. Secrktart Mannino, while walking up the stairs to ais oíHce in Washington on the 23d, was attacked by vértigo so severely as to require the aid of his physician. The Committee of the Ühio House of Representativos to investígate the Hamilton County election-fraud cases on the 23d prepared and signed their report. It enumerateB a long list of acts of ballot-box stufHng. intimidation and other outrages shown by evidence to have been perpetrated. and declares the Republican contestants entitled to thir seats. Ex-Senator Bruce and ex-Congressmen Lynch, of Mississippi, called on ths Preeident on the 'itth and appealed to hiin for moral support in suppressing outrages upod colored people in the South. The President promised to cornply with their request. Ansel N. Keixooo, for many years a resident of CbicaRo, but during the past few years residing in New York City, died at Themasville, Ga., on the 23d. He was president of the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company, and founder of the business of auxiliary printing. Ha had been an invalid for several years, and for a long time had been unable to give his personal attention to the extensive business which he established. Mr. Kellogg was bom at Reading, Pa., March 30, 183:2. He leaves a wife and two daughters. Skcretarï Mannincs illness was so alarming on the 3ith that it was doubtful if he would erer sign his name again as Secretary of the Treasury. A dkleoatiom from Montana Territory arrived in Washington on the 34th to urge Congreos to admit to Statehood a portion of that Territory. "Aunt Mary" Lee, a colored woman widely known in Kentucky. died at Lex ngton on th 34th, ttffftd otl1 hundred ftnrt thirten vhi Qknerai. NkwtO.n POOTS, commainlor-ln ?bief of the Salvation army, reaehcd San Francisco from Australia on the 241 li Ssobktarv was still a vory iick man on tb'e iith, and bis physieiaim teared anuther apopleetie attack. At best Et long period of absolute rust and coiismHuent retireinent fiom public lifo would ba neeessarv. Tui Postmaster-General inforuied tho Senate on the 25th that duriug the fii-st year of the Democratie Adiniiiistration I.ft4.r fourth-elass postmasters wera removed. Hon. Wiu.iam M. Smitb, of Loxington, [11., a prominent merchant and politieian, oommitted suicide on the 25th by shooting. Peer hoalth was said to have beeu the cause. Prof. Dromei., a Frenohman, known to every turfman in the United States as the one who introdueed the Pari mutual betting system, dled on the 25th at Louisville, Ky., of heart-disease. The Republicana of Rhode Islaud met in State eonvention at Providence on the 2Sth and re-nominated George Peabody Wetmore for Governor. The third annual report of the CivilSerrico (Jomniission was presented to Congress on the 25th. The report say that during the year ended January 10 there were 7,602 personR examinad, of whom ti.sTJ wen males and 7:iü femalas. The wuole number examinad since the act was paMed s 17. 4!tl. Of those examined a trine less t li ii ii two-thirds succeeded. Thk act empowering the Governor of Ohio to appoint non-partisan pólice boards for Ciucinnati and Cleveland has become a law. Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Wf.i.hi, United States Consul at Humilton, Out., died at Hamilton on the 3Bth. He was for many years pastor of the First Preabyterian CUurch of Little Rock, Ark. FOREIGN. MrrHAPX Davitt on the 23d urged Mr. Morley, the Chief Seeretary for Ireland, to take souie measures for the relief of the starving people on the west coast of the Oreen Isle. The Canadian Court of Appeals decided at Montreal on the SBd that a deal on 'chauge was gainbling. The sbip Hudson Bay foundered in a reeent storm off the cape of Good Hope, and fifteen of the crew perished. Tiierk was a fresh rupture on the 23d between Franee and Madagascar, and heavy flghting was reportad. The Emperor of Japan has forwarded to New York five hundred dollars in Aiiuri can coin as a eontribution to the Graul monument fund. Ik the State of Santander, United States of Colombia, a family of eight persons were slain recently by six men, who havo been arrested. At a banquet given him on the 24th at St. Nazaire, Franee, M. de Lesneps announced that the Panama canal would I completed in 1889. It was announced on the 24th that tha labor strike was extending all over Belgium under the lead of the Anarchists. At Liege the eivic guards bad been summonod to arms. The British troops on the 34th defeatod four hundred Burmese near Yemethen, killing sixty and capturing mm. prisoners and guns and a number of elephants. TnE motion pending in tho Dominion Commons eensuring the Government for having hanged Riel was defeated on ttie 25th by a vote of 125 to T.i. Ji stick Bitt. in London, hs rentlered a decisicin to the effect that a divoree obtained in America from the bonds of a marriage performed In Eugland is iuvulid in England. BisMAHCK. in a speech of two hours in the Germán reichstag on the 2tith, warned that body not to stand in the way of the Nation's progress. LATER NEWS. In a conflict on the 27th with Belgian troops near Charleroi five rioters were shot dead. The strikers had done damage in that city amo'inting to $2,rüü;000, and threatened to destroy the gas works. Thousauds of workmeu were idle beeausa of the lootingof gas factories worth $1.000,000. Heavy snow-storms occurred on the 28th in the West By the burning of Neiswanger's livery stable in Kansas City on the 2Sth one man and thirty -eight horses lost their lives. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during th week ended on the 27th aggregated $M5, 785,750, against $925, -ia1!, 807 the previou week. As compared with the correspoud ing week of 1885, tha increase amounts to 45.5 per cent. Jay GoCld on the 2Sth consented to submit to arbitration the troubles on the Southwestern railway system, and Grane Master Workman Powderly issued orders to the KuighU of Labor to commence worl again. Rkv. Sam Joxes on tho eveningof the 28th informed a Chicago audience that he had ceased to se tobáceo. Sam Smal sbook off the same habit a short time ago Mayxakj)'s hoe-shop at Northampton Mass.. was burned on the 28th, causing a loss of $100,000. Miss L. H. Adgate, the book-keeper, perished in the flames. General Chook and staff held a confer ence on the 27th in Sonora with Gerónimo and his Chiricahua hostiles. The chie begged for the lives of himself and com panioos, but was informed that he mus surrender unconditionally or fight to th death. WAsnixc.TOx dispatehes of the 28th stated that Attomey-General Garland was suffering from a se vare cold, and was confinad to his bod. The physicians reported Secretary Manning's condition as unchanged. The groat railway shops of the Northern Pacific road at Brainerd, Minn., wer destroyed by lire on the 28th, the loss being $200,000. The liquor dealers of Massachusetts formed a political organization at Boston on the 27th. The Mississippi river was opon on tha 28th from La Crosse, Wis. , to the gulf . Tbbkitoiiy has been leased near Murrysville, Pm., by a syndicata of New York bankers, who intend to bore twenty ga welU. Os the 37th the snow in Maine averaged from thrae to six feet in depth. The United States Seuate was not in seusion on the 27th. In the Honse the time wag devoted principally to discussing the Silver-Coinage bilí, but no action was taken. The prayer by the ehaplain at the opening of the session called out objection by Mr. James (N. Y.) to its perpetuation in the Jteiurd,


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