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We have taken gume pnins to secure complete returns froui tlie counly ii referen ce to tbe tovmship officers elcclec last MoDilay, and give our readers a complete a last as it lias been possible to obtain. Tliere huve been some surprises but, as a general thing eacli towushi; luis returned its usual polUlcally eom plecteil officers: SYLVAN. Majorlty Supervisor- J. L. Gllbert, R Clerk- U. A. Begole, K - :a Treasurer- Chas. Depew, li Justice- T. MoKone, D 1 Highway Lom.- A Menging. R J Draln Cora.- Krank Sweetlund, D „ I School Inspector- Ira Glover, U 9 Constables- J. taflan, K O. H. Kosier, R N. F. l'ruden, K F.U. Depew, R FITTSFIELD. All Republicaus: Supervisor- Morton F. Case Clerk- HenJ. N. Sinilh Treasurer- tieorge E. öperry 1 Justices- Newlaud C. tarpenter 4 Henry H. Preston .g Highwiiy Com.- Frederlck Hutzel -i. 1 n .ii ii Com. - Wm. Robbns 'f. Scliool Inspector- T. J. amurHiwulie Comteble- Wm.OtilOJ '- 117 votes cast. YPS1LANTI TO-iVN. The entire Kepubllcan ticket elected: Supervisor- A. R. Graves Clerk- Alonzo C. Kord II Treasurer- IleuJ. A. Looinis 42 Justice- Wm. A. Day Hlgtiway Com.- Charles Fletcher li Drain Com.- Sheldon J. Grldley „ 'M School Inspector- E. 0. Warner 44 Conütables-H. M. Katon J7 John U. Burlow a lloini i J. Jones - S George W. Llayton 5U Wliole number of vote enst, lö!3. ANN AKBOK TOWN. Supervisor- Kredprlck B. lirauu.R 7 Clerk- Lorenzo Davis, K i Treasurer- C. M. Kdminids, R II Hlghway Com. . Cunulngham, K L Draln Com.- Thos. Blake, K Juslice- Augustus Savage, D l Scüool Iuspector-C. Braun, 1) 4 SALEM. This town elected all republicana bu Highway C'ounuisoioiier, mjorUlea frou six to sixty : Supervisor- Hlram P. Thompson Clerk- Arthur C. VauSlckle „ Treasurer- Coda liunieit Justlce- Steplien C. Wheeler Highway Com.- Uarwin L). Cook. l)em Urain Com.- Wllllam R. Hainilton School Inspector- Raudal Chapmau Constables- Coda Burnett John Hay wooil A. L. Rorabacher ¦ Wm. Suinerland TORK. Supervisor- Al fred DaTenport 5ö Clerk- Jolin M. Clark 51 Treasurer- Clinton B. Hobbs 55 Justice- Wllllam VT. K;lsey 52 Hsghway Oom.-Moiea J. Keliey 7ï Draln Com.- Charles H. McMullen 5! School Inspector- Gllmer C. Townsend 63 Kchool Inspector, (to Í11 vacaucy.) Andrew D, Jackson 53 Constables- Geörge Vau Blarcuiu i Ft nu er Bronner ü'i Anilrew J. Britnan 48 .l;imcs Vanueworker 48 All Democratie. scio. Scio has only one bright spot, the repablicaua eleetnig Juy Keitli clurk by a liaucUome majority: Miijorlty. Supervisor- AndrewT. Hughes, D 113 Olerk-Jay Ketth. K 50 Treasurer - Jacuhj. Reiouert, !..... 59 Justlre- Jacob JeUele, .Sr., 1) 80 Highway Com.- John Helber, I) 76 Drain Coni.- James L. Sinith, D 102 School Inspector- Win. F.Cairns, D VA l.unstilbltis- Krt'tlerlclt Vogfl, l John ateele. D Jtienry H.Ide, D Charles Stebbius, l WEBSTER. Entire reptibücan ticket elected bjf the following iiiajoriüus: MajorltyO Supervisor- W'ni.W'estou 19 Clerk- F. Wheeler 74 TreaHurer - 11. Cenny 0 Justice- O. Pheliis 77 Highway C'om.- 1'. LUohfleld I Daln Oom.- H. Qtit-al 115 Hchool Iii.spi-i'tiir- M, iíenny ü Constable- E. Cnuison 7ö Yl'SILANTI CITV. Mayor- Clark Cornwell, K., SI. Supervisor, lst dist.- Le XoêU ft. Cha McCormlck, D. Constables- Jacob R. Marllu, H., and Stephen Hotetilnsoo, D. JustlCfH -Liarwln O. Urlffin, I!., and Frauk Joslyn, D. AldvrniMU- Ist waril- Kil Boyce, 1). - 2ü ward- 8tepheu Deiuke D. 11 - lid wurd - Alouzo Norton, I'ro. " - 4th ward- Jos. Fullmer, D. - 5th ward- Wm. UeuDel, 1). BKIIJOEWATER. Eutire Democratice tickot choaen: Majority. Supervisor- James M. Kress Il Clerk- F. M. Palmer 2 TivaMirer - Frank Jnhlisou 11.1 Justice - ölade Laz-elle 113 Hmhway Coni.- C, IIhïit 118 Dralo rom. -Lloyá Conklln n_' 8chMl Inspector --.lniin Reedel 11" Constable -Ben l'eldkamp 11 James Cuiok . 1 1 i James Keyhoe, .Ir 11 Charles Johusou 113 SALINE. Saline 'ves us a republicán superviso?; but the rebtof tlie ticket i üewUcraliC: MajorHy. Supervisor- Mattlipw Seeger 30 Clerk-Chas. M. llowe ¦', Treaflurer - Andrt'W .1. Warren 2b Jnstlce- Jno. K. liuck :f7 Hlghway Coin. - Osear Brlgga 17 iilaiu Coni. - '. J. Jackson 47 schooi Inspector- E. E. Etussell Consiíiblea- .f . A. Alber ói John liurkhart II Jullus K. 8anford 41 Arlliur Brown IB


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