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llOOBYIáffS DRUG STORE Ho. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Articles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Speoialty Made of Physiciaii's Preseriptiuus. Cali and see . J. J. Cocdyear. PLEASE 1TOTICE! THE BÜGSTEm& ICE COUP J7 WUl furnlsh Ice, dellveretl to any part of th Cliy for tho Season of 1886: 25 Iba., Daily, except Hunday $2 00 per mouth 5 Ibs., 4 lime per week 1.75 per raonth !5 Ib., 3 times per week 10 per month H lbH., 2 times per week 1.00 per month Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, Etc., AVill be furnished by special contract. A. F. HANGSTERFER, Manager. Office, 28 Main Street, Establlshed m 1875. A. F. HANGSTERFER & CO., Catererg and Confectloners. Havingraade extenslve arrangeraents wlth two large creameriea for the coming season, we are from thls dale prepared to keep constan tly on hand and furulsh Fresh C'ream, a well aa? Ice Cream, (varlous flavors.) JTuttl Fruttl.Charlottede RuBse.Waterlces, Assorted Fancy Cake, Wafers, Macaroons, I ;ul Fingere, Cream Klsses, etc., and at reduced pricuR. Catering in all lts branches. A large assortmeut of Faucy Ice Creara Mouldsjust recelved. A. F. Hangsterfer &. Co., Caterers, NO. 28 S. MAIN STREET. P. 8.- Sunday Orders should be glven the day prevlous. Ann Arbok, March 23, 1886. Chancery Notlcc. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in Chancery. Nettie Burbacb, Complalnant, i V8. Wllllam Burbach, Defendaut. J It sut isfiietorlly appearlng by affldavlt. tn rae, Circuit Judge Ín and forsald county, that .hesald defendant, WüUam Hurbach's last inown place of reildence was In thls State aud that hls present place of resldenoe cannot be ascertained. On un ilion Of K. B. Norris, of counsel for coraplalnant, lt ís ordered that sald defendant, William Durbach, cause hlR nppearancein thls cause to be entered wlthin [ive months from the date f thls order, and that In case of hls appearance he cause IiIh answer to the complainant's blll to be Qled and a copy thereof to be Herved on the coraplatnant's solicltor witliln twenty days lifter service of a copy of sald blll and notice of thlR rder, and Ín default thereof that said bilí of coraplalnt be taken as confessed by sald defendant, Wllllam Uurbach, and it la furlher ordered that wlthin twenty dayR the said complalnant cause thls order to be publlshed Ín "The Ann Arbor Coituikr and that Hich publlcation be conllnued Ín such newspaper at least once in each week for slx weeks In Biicce&slon, or that she cause a cnpy of thls order to be personally served on the sald defendant, Wllllaiii lUirbacli, at least twenty days before the time above prescrlbed for hls appeajHiice. Daled, March 22d, A. D. 1886. C. JOstLYN, Circuit Judge. E. B. Norrib, Sol. for Oompl't. D8-H9 THIS PAPEREE5Í Xcwspaper Advertising Bureau (10 8pruce Biaf ITOflI t isiiiR contracta raay M li Hf V 1 1 II K be made for lt Ín llklf I UflIV


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