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MOST PERFECTMÁDI Prepared with spocial rojrurd to health. N Ainmcii!,!, UuCOf jflum. PRICE BAKHJ PCIVDlR CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. 13 r SPECIAL Hextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and Imin-tt Natural Fruit FI;iv-rs. Vantlla, I'nion. Orando. Almond. Rom, eta, Btop as dellcately aiwl ..-unnilly M the fruit. qnCUO. Price Baking Powder Co. K, lüiis. CURES ALL HUMORS. trom a coramon Illolcli, or Krnption, to the worsi ürroliila. Sal t-rhr u ril, "l'cvcr-Norcx," s il or KoiikIi skin, in short, all discasos caiisod by bad blood arr conquered by this poworful, piirifyinp, and invig-oratine medicine. Graat laiinc l Ifcr rapidly htal under ita tnnign influence. lCspocially has it manifested iis pateaos lo curing 'IVIlir, Ko Ita-h, BoIIm, 11bunrlON, Soro Hyc, n rol'u lou Sores and mii'IImi:s llip-Juinl IisLao, Wli i (e Bweinnsa, Goltre, or Tliick Neek. and lOlllai u! ;laii!-. Bend ten ct'nta in stamps tot n lyriro trcatise, with colored pintes, on! Skin DtaeaaeaL or the same anioiint foratreatlse on Scrofuloua AfTcrtjonR. "III i: BLOOD IS XII i: MIE. Thorouflrhly cteanae it by neinpr Dri Picrce' ..illi ii li li il Dinrovrry, and uool l uc-i on, a fair skin, biioyant KpirIta, vital Mrcniclli, and oiiuducu of iiiisiiiuiion, will bv cütablibhcd. CONSUMPTION, which is Srofulous l)iiao of the l.uiiKH, is promptly and ct-rtainly arrcstcii umi cured by this God-givcn remedy, if taken before tho last stasros of thp disease are rtaebed. Ir. mi Ita wonderfu] power over this terribly tiiiil dis. -asi-, when ürat offering this now eet ebiated remedy to the jmblic. Dr. Pikrc thousrht seriously of callingr it bis "ConKumption Cure," but ubandoned thnt name as too limlted for a inniiciiu1 wbloh, from ita wondert ui o imliination of tonic, or strengt liening, alterativo, or blood-cleansiug. anti-bilious, pectoral and nut rit i ve proporties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for cousuuiption of tho lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. r If you feol dull, drowsy, dcbilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on tace or body, freiuent headaehe or dizziniss, bad taste in mouth.-teternal heat or chilla, alternating with hot tlashes, low spirits and ffloomy borebodings, irrepular appetite, and coatea tongue, you are BUsTeitoff from IndisrMiini. Dyspepsin, mul Turpid Ilver, or "BilloumiOKS." In nmny cases only part of these symptoras aro experieDced. As ii ninody for all suc.h (ases, Dr. Plerce's .oldoii Medical Ui(oicry bas no eimal. VurWeak l,mie, SpittiiiK of lood, SliortneKH of Brcath, Brom liili, Severo Conxlis, CoiiHiiniption, and kindrt-d affections, it is a sovereürn remedy. Svnd ten cents in EtamiiH for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. So'ld by DruggiBtg. rnllit 5)I.UU, mu $0.00. World's Dispensary Medical issociation, Proprietors, 663 Main St., Bcitalo, N. T. fc) v V C CTS LITTLE s;2JmjL Oasa vt T,T VER V&WOtiS PILLS. ANTI-BIL.IOIIS and CATHARTIC. Sold by DruggiMts. :.'" cents a vial. t $500 REWARD M is offered by the proprietors BBI of I ir. SaffO's ('utnrrh Remody JB foracaseof catarrh which they y. cannot cur1. V vl If you have a discharge from v% r ' ni'. ofTenfiive or otherf". wisc, purtial loss of smcll, taste, or hearing, wenk eyes, dull pain or presfliire in hcad. you have Catarrh. Thousands of cases termínate in consumption. Dr. Sapre's ('atahhii EtmVDT cures the worRt easesof Calnrrli, "Cold In he llead," and alan hal Ilradacbe. 50 cente. MMüNlTYfromANNOYANCE 1 Pal. Oot. SOth, 1883. jf ' - ' il I Madeonl.yoftho ttnent nnd bostoinnlity ofli'latis fr withntandiiig hei. Every good thinff Is Oounterfeited, and consumera are CATJ-" TIONED against IMITATIONS ot theso Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See thatthe exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright G-lass. Manufactured OXI.T by GEO. A. MACBETH &CO. PlltHbarRh I4'iid la Worlt. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. $ J_o gfj BAT H. HriïrBi__ ¦ Ij trint the world. iH T 3ff fc WKoUtaïé é Rtlail OM Bth. R-newr,). Send for Circulan. E. ft. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. A COMPLETE ARBAKSOMENÏ KOR Physician anti Families. Neater iú Cheaper AND MORS consrvEisriEnsrT THAN A STATIONARY BATII TUB, WITH NO UXI'KXSK OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES. BERRY BOXES;"" ScDd for CaUlotDC dRA1pT C.fulby Co.,Bcut'Hi Harbor, Icli. V HO IV L I O


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