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TMI LINK SELECTÉD BV THt U. 8. COVT , TO CARRY _THEJg8T_MAjL:___ I It it the only line with lts own track from CHICACO TO DENVER, Elther by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joscph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with throuqh tralns from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND A.CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx qreal States of ILLINOIS, , IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO , with branch Unes to all their Important citics and . From CHICAGO. PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, It runs every day in the year from one to three elegantly equlpped throughtrains over lts own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, ' Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kanaas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Southwest, ltsequipment is complete and first class in every particular, and at all important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used. thus insuring comfort and satety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc, regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent Inlhe United States or Canada, or addrsst T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. 4 Gen. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., Cmicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gut. País. Aot., Cmicaoo. NO FEE ! ! 1 1851. i Merrill UNTIL BETTER f DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. r7 LZZ2 The Begnlar, Old-Estatlished CJü3 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON U jjtöjr U itiU toeating vttli tto pettert VoA SKILL AND 8UCCES8 YOUNGmen,middle-aged men and all persons who by their own acts of Imprudence or Folly at any period of life have brought upon themselves, the cvil effects follnwing closely npon the heels of tnaaoreéaloii of the laws of nature, should consult the celelrnted Kr.Clarke it once RememberlNervous diseasesfwith or without dreams) or dcbllity and loss of iifive power treated scientifically by new metrums with never fuiling success. J-It makes no iliffcrence ivhat you have taken or who has failed to cure you. aS-The terrible polson of Sj-phlli and all bad blood and skin disenso, complctclv i r.idicated without mercury. Bemembcr that tliisono horrible disease, if ncglcctcd or improperly treated, curies the present and coming guncrations g-All licharges cured promptly without hindrance tobiisiiw ss. No eiperiments. Both sexes consult coiifldciitially. Afe and experience Important. A written guarnnteo oí cure given in every case undertaken. JS-Snfferer from any chronic diseasewrite Iliolory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases sulicited whicli otlicrs have failed to cure. irSend two stamps for oelebrated work on Ohronlc, Nervous and Delicate Disoases. You have an exhaustive symptomatology by which to study vour own case. Consultation, personally or bv letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thousands cured. Offices and parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before confidinft your case consult DK. CLARKE. A ] friendlv letter or cali may save future sufferingand shanie and add golden vears to life. Medicines I sent everywhere secure from exposure. ltours, 6to8; bundays, 9 to ia. Addres, ¦i F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch Sheriff 's Sale. ft Notlce is hereby (ílven tlmt byvlrtueof a J i-ertaln writ ot Kleri Facías issued out of and T( DUder tbeneal of the Circuit ('ourt. tor the g. Uounty of Washleuaw, Iu lavor of Sedgwick 1( Dean and Ilenry s. Dean plalntitfs, and _ aKaliiBt the goods, chattels. land and tenementsof (ieorge ilcox, delendant. to me directed and dehvered, I dftd on the -ith dnyof Kcbruary Instant, levy upon, seize aud take all of the rlilit title and interest of U'e sald (coree Wlliox In and to the following _ lerlbed land, tenelín ntsand rt'al state, that - Is tosay, all that certalnpieceor parecí. I land T sitúate in the townshlp of York, counly ol Wasnteuaw and tale ot Michigan, desonbed as follows: The e;.st half of the rath-weat nuarter of sectlou numler thlrty-six, town '( tour sinith, raime six east, state of Michigan, allof whlch I sliall expose for sale at public aucllon or vendue to the highest bidder at [besouth front door of the eoun house, m the Citv oí Aun; Arbor In sald e.ninl.v nhal beinsr the place of holding the Circuit Cuurt - forthcMild eounty of Waxhtenaw), on the t Uh day of April, a. I. lSsti, al the liour of ten - o'cloek, in the forenoon "t naKJ day. W1I.I.IAM WA1.SH, sheriff. E. D. Kinnk, Att'y for PlalntifT. 1 Dated thls 27tli day of Februury, A. D. 188l. t Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made in the t ditlons of a cerialn indenture of mort aiíeexecuted by Michaet Plielau and Sarah phelao, hls wile, of the Vlllage of Dexter, j Washtenaw County and Btate ot Michigan I to l'atriek Uallagher, of the Township of Webster In sald county and state, hearing il date the 2llh day of Octobcr, A. I. elghteen huudred and seventy-seven, and recorded iu l theofflee of the Reglller of Deed for sald + couuty of Washti-naw, In l.lber 50 of t na. on page li, aud by wtik-h default the power of sale contalned In said mortgsge havlng becoine operalive, and no suit or proceedmgsat law or lu chancery havliiK been inBtituteri to recover the ainount d ie on sald niortKaiseor the note uccoinpanliiK the saine and Enere heingnowclalini'd t" beaaeon aid DOteaod morlgage. the suin ol six humlred and iKht-lwi dollars and thirty-ettiht cents (Í6S".. "Notie i therefore hereby K'ven. li tht tiie saai mongaae wJIl be rorecloedon Haturday tbe lïfh day oT Jnne, A. D. ISBo, at ' tni D'cliiek in the forenoon of that day, by a ¦ala at public auctiou, to tbe bUbmt bidder, J Mthefaflt door oí tbe Oollrt House, tn the J ciiv of Aun Albor, In the couuty aforesaul, isaidCourl House belng the place for v ing Ihe Circuit Oourt for said couuty), of the J mort iu?ed premlses desortbed iu sald ' kuk.-, or so mach thercof as innv ¦ ii.-i'iwaiy losütisty iheaiuount of principal and t ,st remalnluK unvald upon said mortgage t with reannable costs nd expenses, together i witlian att.orm;yfec of dollars ; wlilch prenilscs are descrlbed In sald mortKaue as follows, to-wit: Ili-liiK lot six (8) in block three (S) in the [,xgf orDfcxter atoreeaid. aocoramg m the . corded pial tbreol,and bounded uortherly by the Michigan Central Railroad, 'Dateü, March lSth. 1.S86. „-o I'Al'RICK. GALLAGHF.R, MOKTliAOíK. K. 1. Kinne, Atfy for Mortgagee, UH f Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of WaxhtanaWi sh. In the matter of the estáte of Ilt-nry Colclzer, deeeased. NKTICE is hereby given, that In , anceofan order mai.ted to the u. derslgned , adiuiulstrator of llie estáte of said Heury , Claïer by the Hon. "f Probate for the , County of Washtenaw, on the lbth day of Man h, A. D. 18Mi, there wlll be sold at public vendue, m tlie hlghest bidder, at theeaft Iront tluor ol ihe court hiiM', In the city ol Add Arbor In the County of Washtennw In Md Htate.ou --aiurday, tlie Ut day of May, A. 1). IS.% at 10 o'cloek In the forenoou of that day (subject lo all eneumbrances by i ¦asear otberwiseexlstin; at the time of the dealb of said deteaaed the followlug decribed Real Estáte, to-wit: All thai cenaiu Uact or parcel of land lyii K and beln-' th cltr uf Ann Arbor In the connty ol Warhiemw aml 01 Michigan, known and dfiiTiiu-d hp ii.ll-iws: Pour aertu of lai a tobe Ukea from theniTth nul ol Uie east half of the west half of the iouthwet qoarter or Section Nomher Twenty, tn town two, WOtb ol range six east, hy ine parallel wilh tlie North l naid lot, anrt dxtecn rods Koiuti therefrom. Also UiBwent hairot the wt half of the fouthwest qiartwolaectlOD Number Twenty, in town (3) patn of mnue kíx itiicant, coBtttlfiBg forty arres of iMlid be the ame more or lesí, exceptins and ruccrviDi; bout elght of 1D(1 hl tl e renthwent corner of the sald forty acres heretofore deedeil hy IlieromeHoodupeed and Williain Jum-s to Ktnnoth Davld.ion, and aUo exceptinff and reservlni; one acre of lund on tMe east sid' ol said Davldion's eight acre.-, so'd nnl conveyert by Amgail C. OoodKpcod to Joaepk lNmi, subject to all righti and privilege ot a road er hmhway on the eaêt lde of the wild Dlece uf land L'riin'eil to IIliam Joues by Abigail O. GoodKpeed by herdeed. Dated.Mar„hth,,s.s;iiAMw wni,n0Nj 1290 7W Ad ministra tor. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN AMW AKBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER. ¦pi ¦TfDADUVl-MrnlMnu1'n' TtLtwrTArn I i,,iiv. 9itustio I rumlshetl. Wrtre Valentín Bros., Janeavlil, Wl.


Ann Arbor Courier
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