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1 1 J I A I more money than Ht anything ele by UK 1 11 I V 'D(! "" í'"cy forth" best gelling book II II Beginners sacreed giandly. None 11 ml1 fall. Terma frce. Hallutt 3oos Co., Portland, M tina. fiT 1 'of "orkin'.' iop1e. Send 10 ecnU [I li I M pwtige, and iré irlll tnnil you rel ñ royal, va', nuble tox of Kooda I that k ill pat yu In the wiiy of mahluí; more mom-y in a lew clays than you eter ilnnu ' pog-ibllMit nny bUKinenK. CnpitJil n-it rMiuir'-l. You can liv.: at home nnd work lo np unit only, ot all the time. Allo! both i xt'í, of all iifi-H. íramlly íucceníftll. S rentn to $." i-:ifi!y enriiLid evenine. That all who wnrt work mny 'eít ihe bunint-as, wt: mnke l hip nnprtrallfl d off: i o all who are oot well satlufledwi wtll end $1 to pav for the trouble of writlng us. Fnll particnlars, directions, etc., aent free. lminenae pay a ío'utHy ure for II who sturt at once, l'nn t dc'ay. AddrtiH öti.nsoii A Co., Portland, Maloe. A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance, IJlate G-lass Iiüanrarice. Stoam ISoiler INSURANCE ! Lowrst Rates, Honorable Atijiistinonts aiid Loases Promptly raid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS ni uno iíivixto OoujKmon OF Kk.nTS AMi M.NA(iR5tKNT K IÍKAL EsTATK INTEBK3TS H'"K NiN-Uf31 1IENT8. EKTIRK 8ATIyACtlOJÍ TO OWWERS GfAttATKKI). A. DeFORKST. INSURANCE REAL Ü8TATE and LOAN AGRNCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Öltlce, So. 2, First Kloor, HamlHon Hlock. Partlés deNliliig to buy or hi-II Heul Kfltatt" will flud 11 to Ihelr ailvutitnge to cali on me. I lllll II- III 18 lirst-cluss Fin' IiiHiirance ('mupaules, having an aggregale capital over i30,m,gao. liatea Ijow. Losses liberal ly ncljustod anü promptly pald. I alKo Issue Life niul Invpstment Polleles In the New York Mutiüil Lili' Insurance Compriy, Assettü, íóS.Oiki. l'eionBleslrliig AcÖldmt Itisnrunoe, eun hnve yonrly policios written for thetn orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssui'd at Low rates In the Accident Insurance Coinpany of North America. Mom-v to l.oan at Current Kates. Oflloe hours from s a. m. tu 12 ni. and 2 to 5 p. ra. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. ANN ARBOR SMALL FRÜ1T FARM ! Strawberries, Goostborriea, Iíaspberries, OtiiraiiOs atd Orapis, very ebeap. Remetnber tlitse planta are stront nccliniated. Kaspberry 8yrup, $2.00 per gal. Raspberry Slirub, $2.50 pergal. QenoIlM Grape wiue tiüiu $1.00 tu $1.35 per gtl. ImproyeJ Pl1feouth Uocks per siltinp, $1.00. Extra Clioice Plymoulh Rocks per slttinjr, $2.00. Agenta of ElUvanrer fe Burry, of Rocliester, New York, for all kinds of jpfreiÉgtocki f V E. BAUR&SON.W. HuronSt. 1488 tf J Jf


Ann Arbor Courier
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