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Michigan's Only Candidate

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Mr. Blaino, in hia entertaining " Twenty Yearsf Congress," thua speaks of General Casa, the Democratie Presidential candidate, who led kis party to disastrous defeat ?a the electionof 1848: " The Democratie candidate waa a man of high character. lie had served creditably in the early part of the war of 1812, had been Governor of Michigan Territory from 1813 to 1831, had been nve years Secretary of War under General Jackson and haH jw to France as Minister inï83G. Ile remained at the Couri ol Louis Philippe, where he received minute consideration for aix years. When he returned to thisnountry in 1842, at sixty years of age, he undoubtedly intended to re-enter political life." Popular ovations were arranged for him as he journeyed westward, and by the time he reached his home in Detroit General Cags was publicly recognized as a candidate for the Presidency. " By remaining in the field as a candidate," says Mr. Blaine, " he deeply wounded Mr. Van Buren, disregarded a personal and political friendship of thirty years' duration and sundered ties which Ufe was too short to re-unite." In the end Mr. Van Buren's enmity defeated General Casa when he obtained the nomination in 1848. - m The dead statesman will always have a warm place in the heart of the people of Michigan, because of his many services in her behalf and because of the lustre which he shed upon her. She has had no Presidential candidate since, and the outlook for her having one in the near future is not promising. Cassopolis has been named after him, and so long ns that thrifty town prospera and grows his many virtues will be extolled. It is in Castopolis that Mr. Smith Wooden lives, whose name is mentioned here because he is the author of the following interesting letter: "Nothinghas ever relieved my wife of rheumatism and neuralgia so much Bi Athlophoros. I always keep it in the house and cheerfully recommend it to others." An equally good opinión of the medicine is expressed by Charles Latourett, ol Bradley, as follows : " I would say in favor of Athlophoros that one bottle entirely cured me of rheumatism which had been treated by some ol iirbc.ii plijolclaii nlihuut avail. lean highly recommend it to all Buffering from the same disease." O. Wiesinger & Son, druggists, of Adrian, report this gratifying case : " Last fall, along about November lst, we sold a man a bottle of Athlophoros for his father, who had not walked more tlian two or three blocks at a time in about two years. After taking one bottle of the medicine he walked down to our store, which is very nearly two miles from his house, and purchased the secoDd bottle himself. This was four days from the time he first commenced taking Athlophoros. lie has taken five bottles of the medicine and says he tkinks he is entirely free fmm io.,t„utlsm. The geuileman ia in the neighborhood of ixty years of age and looks healthy nd robust now." If you cannot eet Athlophoros of your drugglst, we will sena lt expresa paid, on receipt of regular prlce - one dollar per bottle. We prefor thit you buy it trom your druggist, but if he baan't it. do not be persaaded to try omethlng else, but order at once from us, a directea. Atkuphoko Co., 112 Wall Street, New York.


Ann Arbor Courier
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