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il. joseny - April TJlü. "The Flower of the Family," is to be bratagfat out by the Dramatic Club, June iHt. The ladies of the Baptist churcli will hold their annual Flower Festival on the first weik of Muy. Don't forget tlie date. The world famcd pianist, R. Joseffy - will be here oa the 2'Jth iiist. Mat Fkstival. - The iadies of the Methodist cburch will give a Fair and Strtwberry Festival, on the afternoon and evenlng of Friday, May 7th. Judge Cooley will deliver an address in the law lecture room before the Folitical Science Association next Friday evening at 7:30 standard time, on Arbitration in Labor Difflculties. Ann Arbor Is the only plice in Michigan which Joseffy will visit this year Keep room for hiin. The Beethoven Gesang Verine will celébrate its sixth anniversary on the 27th of April, by a grand concert at thelr hall, after which the members will enjoy a social time. Rev. Dr. Alabaster, of Chicago, will deliver the next sermón given under the auspiees of the Cocker League, at the M. E. ('huren, next Sunday evening, hls subject belng "Shakespeare and the Bible." Dr. Alabaster needs no introduction to thecitizeng of this city. One of the most eloquent divines who ever filled an Ann Arbor pulpit, he has not deteriorated eince hi pastorate here. It is hoped that Joseffy will be received on the 29th wlth as much enthuslasm as he receivea everywhere he plays. past tbnse. One of the most pleaslng entertaininents It has been our fortune to witnessthis season, was the Mother Goose concert given at the M. E. onttrok, last Wednesday evening. 80111e eighty of the little misses- most of tbem little- of the M. E., and other city churches, under the direction of Mrs. Flora B. Hall. rendered Mother Goose rhymea, setto music. Quite a number of the melodies were from "Patience," "The Mascotte," and other light opera, the airs being adapted by Mrs. Hall. Especiallv pleiising was the familiar " Mary had a Little Lamb," given by Mleses Katie Jncobs and Mattie Taylor. The Scotch air by Mies Knowlton und Mr. Colc, in costume, was also tiiking; Miss Nina Davison's " Fint Music Lesson," was line, and the little ones in " Rock-a-bye,1' werc spleDdid. But to go into detail would be impossible, for there were no failures. The one boy, Percy Donglass, who was permittvd to ging wltli the girls, was such a splendid little rooster that he took the house by storm. Mrs. Hall cortainly deserves much praise for the superior manner in which she produced this excellent entertainment. The training must have required much tact and sklll, beside a vast amount of patience and industry. We hear that the entertainment is to be repeated, if so the church will not be large enough to hold the people who will attend. Monday evening at the opera house the "Town and Gowu "dramatic company, composed of 8ome of the ïtudents of tlic univerilty, together with evral elty ry? '. K'rl3' PrJucod "Nevada, or the Lost Mine, ' to one of the largest audieiices jjathered in that iasliionable resort this season. The couipany, thou{h amateura, excelled many of the travelinsr troupes, and the many encores proved liow appreciative the audlence was. We do not feel ourself competent to ciitcise; all parts were-well-acted, each character vieing witli the other for excellence Of course our own and inly Harkins broueht down the house every time he appeared. He is a host, good in every place you put hun, and we believe, coukl he have the necessary training, would crowd Scanlan liard for the laurels he wears


Ann Arbor Courier
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