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MichiganCTentral The JJiagara Falls Úioute. Oratral Standard Tlur. Time table taking effect Not. 3th, 1886. CHICAGO TO DKTItOIT. ¦km ís ;í L S13 S 1 _ x o_ _ m ! o. ê ca a.m. a., r. m. r. h. f. m. r. m .m. Chleafro. Lt. 50 UUÜ 830 40ÓI 06 V 51 MirliipuiCItr 18 1111 ¦¦ 17 6S2 11 IS U 2 Nllea _ 1U3H12 16 6 13 7 5U12&H 1 JO Kkltmuoo... 142 723 VIO 2 00 3 Itt 6 45 Battle 23 8 01 150 3 50 7 31 „„i.nlAr. 2 47 "h"ÍLT S07 822 J18 417 757 Alblon r . 8 S2 8 ÏS ... .. 3 43 4 40 80 Jatkson S10 4 15 1 16 4 85 615 15 GrauLake.... S 3 _ 547; l'helif. S66 6U8 57 Dexter 4 13 . 6 21101!) Ann Arbor.... 4 33 530 100.... 5 45 6 40 10 28 Ypllnti 4 50 6 45 10 21 .... 6 00 ti V, 11)40 WayneJnne. 6 151 606 110? .... 620 747 1106 Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 6 46 11 ÍS 7 00 8 1 0 11 46 DBTRO1T TO CHICAGO. i Ï S .TiT.o. Zz S&á A.M. K.M 1 ¦ p II. P.M. P.M Detroit... .Lt. 700 10 ISO 400 8U0 15 .... WjnJnc. 740 53 203 445 8 40 6 V ... . Ypailantl .... 801 10 ÍS 220 6 1 906 1021 Ann Arbor ... 8 ltl 10 28 2 32 530 M1038 Dexter 83S 5 60 65 . Chelwa 84S 606 10 0 OíaanLake... H10 61711083 Jacknoii 3A114 2 7 15 1155 12 03;..,. Mrfhnll 1038 1345 4 32 8Ï2 1155 1 1H . . Battle Creek.. 11 OS 131 4 40 8 52 13 20 ISOa.m. Klmnoo... 11 S 115 515 V 45 110 140 4 45 Nlle 147 4S 6 33 S06 413 6 40 MlchlgauClty 310 457 7S0.... 4 S5 5 40 80S Chicago.. .Ar. 546 7 10 80 7 00 8051035 Casada iu i.i,,D. dbtkoit TO BurrALo- Standard Time. STATIONS. Ï"L?=O - SS g irr á n Detroit. ...Lt 7 JO 11 26 S 00 ;7 10 11 5 r.M Ht.TbomuAr 1110 2 46 10 SO 10 45 3 40 a. m. r. H. Toronto...Ar 8 45 5 05 8 20 p. ¦. OiUw. pm5 U 38 a. M. Montreal 10 00 8 18 Qnebcc a30 p. . a. M .!2 20 r. x. hi.'l homw.I.i 11 15 1 46 1 00 10 55 3 5 Weiland 1 53 1 6 17 5 12 154 6 28 FallaVIew I 5 45 .... N. FallK. Oit. 2 22 5 48 2S-1'6.56 Haatern time " [ A. H. A.. P.M. P. H. P.M. RufTlo....LT 460 8 10 900 4 45l0u Rochetier.Ar 650 55 11 00 645 110U HyracnM 8 30 12 15p 130a 30 1 :iam Utlc 11 30 2 1 S06 11 35 S UH Albany pul 20 5 00 6 10 Ai 30 1 Trojr r 236 655 626 200 6 25 SprlnKlle].... SO 11 40a 10 67 6 15 10 S7am VVorceiter. . . . 8 28 5 0. I 18P 8 20 I IHpm Bonton 9 45 6 25 45 9 40 4 4." New York Ar 7 00 9 OOp 10 30a 7 SU .lo.Süam Phlladilphla. 10 35 10 35 1 7 06 ....... uimu) To dkthoit- Standard Time. &Í -I l. ilfeff e_ s_ J_ 2_ MÍ A. U. p ¦, Phlladel'a..Lv 00 P. ¦ g jo New York... 10 SU ti 00 .... 9 6 Bortón, 8 36 i 00 7 )U Worcotrr... 9 50 4 20 8 a Sprlnt-fleld. . 11 35 6 06 .. 10 )5p Albauy 3 UOpm 10 05 116a Utlca 5 45 liS3m .... . 5 ,5 Syrncuae 7 40 2 00 710 Itocheeter.... 66 4W 10 U0 Bualo....Ar 12 16 i u 16p . ni a. H. Búfalo Lt 11 SOpm 530 606 00 1135a N.KailrNY a.m SuHO'n B'd'ife 12 SI 6 SO ií'38 N. Fallí. Out. 12 51 48 "' 12 57 Falle View 56 1 02 Weiland 7 11 7 21 10 15 1 33 St.ThomMAr 4 10 60 11 16 1 10 4 35 luebec....Lv 230 10 00 Momreal, 8 00 9 00 Ottawa. 1140 IS 2S Turunto, g o g jo St.TnomaaLT 4 16 55 266 1T5 446 Detroit.... Ar 8 06ani 1 UOpm 8 45 5 i 8 16 t Stopa only to let off puiengera. i Stope only ou alónala. O. W. RUGGLÏ8, H. W. HAYES, O. P. 4T. Agent AKt.. Ann Arbor. ChlcaKO. Toledo, lu Arbor üwrih Mlchigaii Rallwaj. riMK SCHKDULR. To take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, September 27, 1885. (Southern Dirlsion.) Traína ron by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. OOING SOUTH T "í i T ? Si ¦ ! _; _ ! m ¦ - u z ÓS. 8TATIOM8. SL !" Qg fl g qL a.m p.m ai Um. ArrlvelA.Mip.M.:PM. t 9 50 tS 40 7 06 Toledo ! 30 5 00 6 00 54 345 7 14 Manhattnn Jnnct'n ! 28Í4 551.. I1000 362 7 23 Alexl Jnnctlon 9 18 4 47 110 07 '4 00 7 S5 Hawthorf:. loU 401.... ¦ 10 13 4 07 7 Clamarla 004 SO 11015 4 10 8 05 Lúa. 8 47 4 20 Ü030H26 8 19 Honro Jnnetlon 424 14 .... 1037 4 33 8 30 Donde S 30 4 04 i W 110 43 4 40 g 37 Macón 18 2614 00 ? 10 47 4 45 8 4 Ar.alia 8K)j3 54.... ti! 00 4 56 8 59 Milán Jnnctlon '8 093 45 345 A.M, 600 09 Milán !8 0ft[41PM, 5 08 22 Urania 1 62 3 SO 5 28 9 3Í Pittsaeld Jnnctlon ,7 40 3 21 4 35 9 50 au Arbor 7 27 S 10 6 54 10 n Llan-1 7 12 2 50 t05 10 30 Worden 7 062 40 6 20 10 45 Somtn Ljon 6 50J2 16 CnnnecUoot: At Toledo, wlth rallroaddWerrine; at Manhattan Junctinn, wlth Wheellng i. Likt Brie R. R.; at Alexlt Jnnction, wlth M. C. H. R.( L. 8. M. 8. Rt. and F. P. U. R. R.; at Monro Junction. wltl L. S. M. 8. Ry.; at Dnndee, witb 1,. X. 4 M. 8. Ry., M. 4 O. Ry.; al Milán Junction, with Wabaíh.St. Lonl éb Patine Ky : a! Pitteld, wlth L.S. A M. S. Ry,; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at Sooth Lyon with Detroit, Lantlng A Northern R. R., and Mlch. A. L. DIt. of (irand Trnnk Ry. Traína 6 and S rnni between Detroit and Toledo, daily excent Sunday, Tía Milán Janction ; No. 6 HrrlTw. at Detroit 12:09 Boon. No. SleaTei Detroit at 2:35 p. m. Flatr 'atlont. t Daily, except 8nnday. I Traína do aot itop, H. W. ASBLEY, General Supt. W. H. BBNNKTT. Gen'l. Pa... Airént. TÜE! ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK. MICHIGAN, Transada General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. OrraalEed ander the General Banking Law of tbla State, tbe itockuoldora are ladlvldnally Habla for 1: additlonal amoaut canal to tb itock held by ttu-ui. thereby creatinf a Gsarantee Fnnd for the benefit of Deposltors of $100,000.00. Three per cent, lntereat la allowed on all SaTlnjra Depoalta of ooe dollar and npwardt, accordlng to tht rale of the Bank and lntereat compoundrd eml-annoally. Mooeyto Loan on unlneumbered ral estáte aad olhr good aecurity. DIRECTORS : OIIRISTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HARRIMAN, W. W. WINEW. DANIEL H1SCOCK, W1LUAM DKÜBEL, WII.l.AKU B. SM1T11. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, rea. W. W. WINBS, V!e-Pra. j. K. HISCOCK.Ciahler. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Ho. 4 Sonth Main St., Ann Arbor. The okleat ageDcy In the city. Eatabllahed over aquarter ofacentury mgo. Repreaenllng the fuilowluf flral-claat eoinpanltw, wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and Asseti. HOME INS. tX)., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. OO., of New York. OIRAKD INB. CO., of Phlladelphl. ORIËNT IN8. COof Hrtford. COMMERCIAL DNION. of London. LIVERPOOL. LONDON and GIXJBE. WASHINGTON FIKK aud MAHINE, of Boaton. iatp Low u tke Lowest, Losse Liberall Adjut4l aud prompUr Paid. O. H.MILLEN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News