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0NSHiKKAïin al the Arinv bUI Wus resumed In th Senate on the Mh Mr Btalr reponed favorably the Arbitration bill roccntly passrd by ttie House; aUo a memoria] f rom the Mormnn women of Ttah, comp titX l lult tlic EdinUM'U law inílii-t'-.l m i' n tho rnitles and imuiewiinlilf Miro In ihu House billi ere mti-hhi'-t I Mr Bi] or, ror tbe ismhol STiiall bllls tor erivulHi ion ; b_ Mr. st ele. to ufneiomy of tbe aruiv: by Mi. Bpringer, to prohlblt the passage of loos) and Bpeolaj lawt 10 the Torrltorlea of the [Jnlted .simes. The Postofnoe Appropr.atlou bill (54,-t,W8 was paated. Mit. LodiK's bill lor an Inorease of tho trmy wgs uefeated In the Senate on the .Ui by u vote ol'Ul 10 19. Mr. Etfalr introduoed bill provldlng tlmt elght hours shull constituic u duv'b wurk for all letter-onrrlers, wlthout areduetiouof snbiry ..In the House the tune wus ooouptocl in dcbatinx the BUverCoiuage bilL liu.i.3 wore passed in the Sonate on the sth XTanting tho right of way thfOOfh Inrtian Terrltopy to the Kansas Arkmisiis liitilnnid Couipany, and the House mcustu-fl U BNOt a building in Washington for the Oonareasional liDrary at a i-.-.t ol ookrlr M.ÖU0.090. Th bill to udinit WastilnirMB Terrltory as a Stato wrs furtlier distussed. . .. In the House, the Silvcr questioo telng under contlon. a vnif on fi proposftion l' Mr. Dibble (S. (.l !o')kmir to the SUSpeilS.Oll Of iilli-r July 1, 1IW.I, roultod in m oas to 2U1 navi- forty-niiH' Uepublicaas, thirty-four Deiuocrats and one Groonbaok-Rpptibllcan votlng in Mihnnai i -. mi oue hundred and thlrty lieniiHMiitM. ieventy Bepublloans and onc Graenbaok-Oemooral In the oeffatlve. Tbe b:il peodlng iiic free oojuajre t' sllvor waa then defeated- yeas, 136; iun. 11)8- nluetyeigh! Demócrata, iwcntv Republ i ana, onc tirceuback DeiiKwrut ;iinl onc UreenbaokHfpnlilican votinir in the (tfflrnratlve, :v.m nincty-tnu1 Republicana aiul s. onL -i wo I tcmoorata In thi negatkvé. i ui. SiiiHto on the '.tii oonaldered tho Mll for the admlMlon of Washington Terrltory, ainl rejected Mr. Euatis' amendmcnt lltuiting iln liiiht of suffraKi' to male eloutors. Mr. IniruUa Introduieii a bill for the appointment of a board of arbitration to sotilc ilitrin net ween rail rond rómpanlos and thelr employés OeorireHearat was swora in us 8enETtor f rom California.. In the Huus" resoluticri werp oilcrvd b. Mr. 'eill (Mo.) cïirnesüy aympathlxlng irltb Mr. Glad-tone and ftis ff ias in t lii'ir to secura ;i frCC Pari amen) for the neopte of Irelaoa, and thelr iinmi'diate oonslderatloi) was objoctnd to by 3ir. Cox (N. C.. At tbe ëvenmjr scssion twenty-flvo pension bilis were pasod. DOMES7IC. A fihe whioh broke out in John Paul's mili at La Ci'osm. Wis., aa Uu ffiilin ol the Gth sii-ead ïapidly until ten bloeks had been consunied, entailing a loss of about ILOOCXOOO, with small lnsuranq. Kishty dwellings were consumeJ, four hundred pWSOni wore rendered homeless. and about one thousand persons weie thrown out of einployuient. Heavy sdow and sleet-storms were ropoi-ted on the Öth iu Illinois, Michigan, Ohio ;and Indiana. Tho snow was so deep ut IK-ti-oit thut lnisiness wus partlftlly susj'emitsil. mul sfiuct-car travel was stopped. The samnstato of ntítairs jirevalleil at Toledo and (.'.U'Voloii'l. In Michigan a i'is Bouiíor traiu wus blonu from tho track and fourteou persons frare injtired. A fiiíe in the Central railroad warehouse at Sav.innah, Ga., consnmed fortyfive ol' corn and damaged three hundred balea ¦! cotton. Tuk wind rapsied a steamer ou the Gth at Owensboro, Ky., tureo being drowned. Rki'outs on the ith from the flooded districts in the South ihowed that tlio i were rapidly recedinff. Tnr.iu: was no material obftnge in the railway strike on the Stil. The St. l Knightfi ot ]¦ fssued an addrdss to tuu wofking-miMi of tho World denunci&tory of the doiiiRs of Mr. Uould. No attempts to prevent the movements of trains were ro[¦"ite I. Tn Halifax schooner Beta is wreckefl on l'lum Island. Mass., on the 7th, threa persons bfiing drowuud. Others clnng to the rigrfng for hours, aud wore ñnally rescue.l. Tur. order issued last April by Commistioner Spaiks, suspending finul aotion upon entriesof iiblic lands, has beon revoked Sacretary Lamar. T.'n: worst dood known for years was doing great daniage at Paltnyra, N. Y., on the 7th. Tuf. Gum City Flouring Mills at Quincy, 111., were burned on the 7th, causing a loss of $200,000. The Grand Army of the Republic of the State of Iowa met in annuiil tncampment ut Sioux City on thu ith. An expresa train on the Hoosac Tunnel ronte went over an embankment two hundred feet high on the 7th near Bardwell'a B'eny, Mass. Ten dead bodies had been reeovered from the wreek, and over fifty persons were missing. The traiu consisted of five ars, four ol which took flre and were consumen!. Hr.WY seas on Lako Ontario on the 7th did great damage at Charlotte, N. Y., and other lake poft. Tur Chinese Minister at Washington on tbe 7th made a formal complaint to the Seerotary of Ktate in regard to the treat ment of his successor at San Francisco at the bands of the United Status customs office rs. A cual famino prevailed on the 7th at Charloston, W. Va., on account of the nood. Hundreds of citizens in the submerged section of the town were being aided by a local committee, who distribuí i -d money, clothes, provisions anil fuel. lx a flght on tho 7th at Laredo, Tex., be tween politica] fnetions, flve men were killed and three others were woundgd. William Eu.i3, of St. Francis, Ark., while drunk a few days ago shot aud killed bis wife anti two-year-old child. A mob at Ënst 8t. Iouis on the 7th marched to the Ohio & Mississippi, Vandalia, Chicago, Burlington & Quiucy and Cairo Short Une yards, where they compelled all the employés to abandon their wort. At th Alton yards the mob came face to face vrith a forcé of deputy marshals, armed witn rifles, and retired. The conipanies threatened that if the mob reappftared blood would be shed. At other pluoes every thing was quiet and traius were rnoving. Tue winter wheat erop throughout Illinois is in a promising condition. Mk. Artiiur, Chief of the Brothorhood of Locomotivo Eaginoors, stutcd in Cleveland on the stb that ue know of no intention of members of his order going on a strike, and if a strike should take place it would be without his s'anction. Hobkkt J. Phillips, a colored wifeimirdorer, was exocuted at Indianapuli, Ind., on the Sth. Si.v thousaiid miuers near l'ittsburgli, Pa., threatened on the 8th to btrike unless their wages wore increased. A Coxsi'iHAOT by Jiaw York burglars to rob the mint at Pliiladelphiii, which contains over 3U.O00,OJO, was discovered on th bth. A house near the mint had beeu i Uy th oraoksman, and it wu thetr miriii ij u tunnel onder the strcot t tho ni int. Tin: otber day two borsu-thieves, havinR six stolen horses Ín their possession, wore shot to daath by a sheriff and hls posse neir Si. Angust.ine, Tex. iNiírii Btatis I iuty Marshals, ro-on[oroed by u itrong sheriff's posse, were on duty ui EastSt Loui on the 8th, bilt no mobs appeared, and tbere was no iuterfefence with the movemeut of trains. Reporta Veré eurrcnt that arma were beiag ¦etretty distributed among the strikers in 8t Louis. At, Laredo, Tex., troops had been stationed to keep order. As unknown sehoouer, supposed to be the Cliunti' as wrecked the other night olT Southwest Barbor, Me., and the entiro crew of six persons pciislied. A kire on tli Sth in tho Acadomyof Fine Arts at l'hiladelphia burned many valuablo piiíliiiis and damaged sevoral pieces of statuary. Navioation onthe Iludson river between Albany and New York has been resumed. In tho Mili Croek valley, near Cincinnati, hundreds of acres of growing vegetables had on the Sth been destroyed by the overflow of tho (Juio river. A car on the Lako Shore road, carrying eleven pouches of mail from the West for all points east of Toledo, was burned on tho bth near Oak Harbor, O. At East St. Louis on the 9th nine deputies appointed by tho Louisville & Nashville road, afterevading a shower of stones from the strikers at the yards, flred lnto the mob, killing five men and a woman and wounding fourmen. Governor Oglesby had ordered to the sceno eight companies of militia. At midnight fires broke out in the railway yards, which the strikors prevented the flremen from stopping. At Little Rock, Ark., a deputy-sheriff was fatally wounded by the strikers. Eight strikors wero sentcnced at El Paso, Tex., by Judge Turner in the United States Court, seven of the men getting ninety daya in jail and one thirty days. Tuf. arca soeded in winter wheat in the United States this year is thi-ee per cent. in that sooded in the f all of 1SS4, but fuortcon per cent. groator than that h&rrested last summer. Sume misaraant at Erie, Pa., poisoned a family of six persons on the 9th, three of whom wero not likoly to survive. BlITT employés of the Central branch railway shops at Atchison, Kan., quit work on tbo 9th, in response to formal appeals from the Knights of Labor. Tur report that railroad engincors of the Soutbwestern Bystem would strike because of sympathy with the Knights of Labor was denied by the brotherhood on the Oth. Ten stores at Socorro, N. M., woreburnod on the 9th, entailing a loss of $52,000. Mr. G. E. Ward, an old citizen, perished in the Saines while attempting to save bis little dog. lx a foundry at Miles Grove, Pa., a shower of sparks foll on the 9th upon Frank L. Nelson, the toreman, burningout his eyes. Taiur. wore 1 tl business failures in the Unitod States anil 'Ji in Cuiftda during the teren days ended on tho Utu, against "00 in DOBtry aud is in Canuda the prsvious seven days. The total f&ilurea in the United States tliis year to date number 1,480, agalnat 4,086 in a like. part of 1885. A LAKdU number of American newspapers indoree the Irish policy outliued by Mr. Gladstone in his romarkable spoech on theSth. Tho comments of English and lrisb newsiapers are variod in character. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. TnE Unitod States Senate on the 6th confirmed the appointments of Messrs. Oberly and Lyman as Civil-Service Commissioners. The President on the 6th sent to the Senate a message advising an amendmont to tho Anti-Chinese law, stating that under the existing law the Chinese are required to do impossibilities. James M. Taïlou, a young Baptist clergyman of Providence, R. I., was on tho Bth elected to tho presidency of Vassar College at Poughkeapsio, N. Y. Governoiï Fouaker, of Ohio, on the Oth sent to tho Legislatura a special message reeommending a revisión of the State tax laws, and stating that the doflcieney at the end of the present year will be $1,000,000. Thomas A. Thacher, Professor of Latin and Liturature in Yale College, was discovered dead in his bod on the 7th. He was in his soventy-second year. The reunión of the Thirtieth Indiana Volunteers, held at Warsaw on the 7th, was attonded by James Hyndman, the original bugler, now eighty -three years of age. Mimiipal elections were held in various oities in the Northwest on the Gth. In Chicago the Republicaus, as opposed to the 'gung" element, elocted a majority of the aldarmon, the election being tho fii-st one under the new law. In Ohio the Ropublicans were successful in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Toledo, and the Democrats in Columbus. In Wisconsin Mayor Walbor (Rep.) was re elected, and at Madison E. W. Keyes (Rep.) was chosen mayor. In La Grosse the Working-men's ticket, hoaded by I). F. Powoll for mayor, was elected. The New York Senate on the 7th passed tho bill annulling the franchise of the Broadway gurface railroad in New York City. At the recent election in Rhode Island the prohibition amendment to the coustitution was successful. The yea and nay vote in the United States Senate by which tha Logan bill for an increase of the army was defeatod was as follows: Ve:is- niulr. Caraeron. Dawc, Dolph, Evans, Frye, Hawley, Losan. McMlllan, Map honc, Iitchell (Ore.), Morrlll, Prttii. I'latt, Uiildlclicrjror, Sabiu, Sawyer, Spooner, Stanlonl-l'.i. Nays- Brck, Iir.rru, Rowon, Brown, CalU cínico, Cwkrell, Cnkc, CoUptttt, Conjrer, BuiiMt, Fair, (tihsim, (lorman, Grau, Halo. Tnffalls. Jones (Nev.), Klimt. Maren, .Moroni, Pluinh, l'n'ili. Smtihuni, Sherman, Teller, Van Wyck, Voorhees, Walthall, Wilaon (la.), WiUsoii (Mdj, -31. [Recapitulation - Republicans in roman, Democrats In itálica. Yeas - Republicans, 18; Democrat, 1. Nays - Republicans, 11; Democrats, 20.] Coi-onei. Fred Grant on the Sth gave tho Loyal Legión, of Chicago, the saddlo used by his fathor at the surroudor of Lee. Genehal Terry arrived in Chicago on theSth and took commaml of the Military División of the Missouri. At the recent Rhode Island State election tho Republicans elected tho Governor and ontiro State ticket wilh tho exception of Attorney-General, who was elected by the Prohibitionists. Advices of the tith from Des Moinos. In.. say that since the passage of tho Prohibí tion bill by the Legislatura forty saloons in that city have gona out Of business. At a meeting iu Now York on the 'M b "! tho National Exei-ttfl1 Commltte of tb Union Veteran Arniy, n addreH u inaued to tlie retarían of the United Htates, appealing to tbem to us the ballot, independent of party linea, il order to send men to Congress who would secur for the veterans sueb legislation as thetr services to the country demand. Tweuty-flve States and Tarritoriea were representad at the meeting. Robert Qibsox, aged ons hundred and twenty years, died aear Macon, Mo., on the 9th. Ha was ten years old when the first guu of the revolution was flred, and had voted for evory President sinoe Washington, being the only man living ordead who had that honor. Jame A. RionsfOXD, president of the Broadway (New York) Surfaoe Railroad Company, accused of bribing aldermen, was arrostud on the 9th. The total amountsof the Grant and Hancock monument funds on the 9th were: Grant fund, $120,304.97; Hancock fund, 42,742. The Iowa Legislature on the 9th cabled to Parnell and Gladstone its oongratulalations on the prospect of legislativo indepcndence for Ireland. Si í iiETAKr Maxxixo was able to spend several hourB in his office on the 9th. IlKPORTSof discourtesy ghown the Chinese Arabassador to the United States upon his arrival at San Francisco were denied on the 9th by the United States officials of that city. FOREIGN. Mr. Gi.adstonk on the 6th tubmitted to the British Cabinet his schema for home rule in Ireland. Four membere threatened to resign. The King and Queen of Greece were on the 6th present in the cathedral at Athens to celébrate the fifty-seventh anniversary of the declaratlon of independence. OHOD9E9 and milis were wrecked on the öth by hunicanes in Ontario. Reports carne from France on th 6th that twenty-flve cases of cholera had appeared in the vicinity of Audierne, one of which had a fatal termination. A PKTiTioN to Quoen Victoria against the concession of home rule to Ireland was signed by eight thousand ladies of County Cork. A Donr which drifted ashore at Cape Breton on the 7th carried two emaclated sailors aud two corpses. A tui ru member of the party of wolfbitten Russians who visited Paris to be treated by M. Pasteur died on the 7to. Like the other two, he showed symptoms of hydrophobia. Bueno Ayres adrices of the 7th were to the effect that the revolutionists had been completely defeated and had terminated their campaign. Tn k small -pox broke out again on the 7th near Montreal, Can., eight cases being reported. In the British Parliament on the 8th Mr. Gladstone unfolded his home rule scheme for Ireland in a masterly speech. He stated it to be the intention of the Govornuient to gire Ireland a dual Parliament, to uiake the office of Viceroy non-polltlcal, to retain the constabulary under the present control, to give Parliament no authority to endow any religious sect, aud to devote to Irish obligations the eutire customa and excise duties. A juvenii.e ragabond, who had been convicted of murdering a workman, was executcil with the guillotine at Paris on the Sth. Tuk Italian Cabinet resigned on the 8th. It was formod in June, 18S5, with Sig. Depretis as President. M. Mvlarket & Co., boot and shoe manufacturera at Montreal, have failed for 100,000. SKvr.iiAi. petltions against granting a separate Parliament to Ireland were pree nted in the British House of Commons on the l'tli. Mr. Chamberlaln roiced his objections to the Irish measure in such marnier as to cali out a protest from Mr. Gladstone. LATER NEWS. Incendiart flres In the railroad yards at East st. I ,uis early on the morning of the lOth damaged property Talued at tbO.OOO, mainly in loadad freight cars. Sevonteen companies of Illinois uiilitia were on the ground and all disorders had been stoppod. On the 1 1 th Belle Langan, a nie-year-old La Crosse (Wis.) girl, had gone iorty-two days without taking food. Joseph Pclitzer on the lOth resigned his soat in Congres from New York, preferring tu gire nis whole attentiou to the WW'. Advicfs of the lOth state that many telegrams from Kuigtits of Labor had boen received in Washington asVing for speedy action on the Curtin resolution for a Congrossional in vestigation into the Southwentern strikes. Tiiukk members of a surreying party wero dfowned a few days ago while crosaing tho New rirer at Sunnyside. W. Va., by the upsetting of a boat. Five thieres entered the magazine at Colon, Cuba, a few days ago, for the purpose of stealing powder. During their operations ono lighted a match, causing an explosión, which killed seven persons outriglit, wounded thirty-eight others ad wreoked twelve houses. The April report of the National Department of Agriculture, issued on the lOth, shows a rednction of flre per cent. from last year in the area seeded to winter wheat, Illinois leading the decrease. California exhibits the best condition. The labor orgamzations of Chicago turned out by thousands on the evening of the lOth to listen to speeches at the car{ alry armory in behalf of eight boors for a day's work. Fkaxk Endt, aged twenty -nine years. re¦iding near Reading, Pa., died on the lOth from the effects of a scratch on the hand by a cat. Special cablegrams of the lOth show that Gladstone's Irish plan is treated with scant courtesy in Austro-Hungary, is condemned as dangerous in Germany, is enthusiaitically received in France, and is watched with the keenest anxiety in Russia. JonN Welsb, Minister to England during the administration of President Hayes, died at Philadelphia on the lOth. A FiRE at Holyoke, Mass., the other night damaged the shops of the Holyoke Paper Company to the extent of 30,000, and Thomas Howard, watchman, was gmothered to death. The United States Sonate on the lOth, by a Tote of 30 to 13, passed a bilí authortElng the inhabitants of the Territory of Washington and the adjacent part of Idaho to roi-iii a State Government, to be called the State of Washington. In the House bilis were passed authorizing the constrnction of twenty-two bridges, mainly over tho Mississippi and Missouri rivan, and to etitublish sixteeu now life-saving stations.


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