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POWDER Absolutely Pure. TIn powdftrnever varíes. A marvel of puril y , strenyth and whole.someneas. More econoniiiiil ilimi the ordlnary kiuds.and cannot be siM in oompetltion wllli tlie mnltftude of low test, Bhori nelglit, aluin or pbogphate powdérs. Sulil nnly in cans. Itnyal Itnklnu Í'ow.ler ".. 1O6 Wall si.. N. T. A LITTLI ! f FPKRER. CLEASED, PÜRIF1ED AND BEAUTIFÏKD 1ÍY THE ClTICLlU KEMLDIES. It nfl'ordii mo pltwpnrc to givo you thia report of the cure of our Httle grandchild. by yoar C'uticara . Wlu-n tHx montus old hin luft hand be jan to swell and had every appearance of a lare bo]. We poutticed it. but ail to no purpose. About ttve niniitliM a f ter lt bjcame a running a re. Soon i-llitr IOTM formed. H Uu-u had two of them on ficti hand, and as hifl blood bocamu mort: anti non impure it touk lea time for thmi to break out. A ure choic on th' chm, benealh the umlcr lip, wtiirh was vury offftDBlva. llie ht;ad soltd BCab, diíct.aiIr.j.' a crvul deal. Ab WèB btfl CODtlltton at t cnty-iwu immtbB old, when I unUrtuok the care oi imi), bis raolher hüviiu' dl d when be wjtB a little m r UUD a yeaf old, of consunipituD (rcrouili of Be could walk a lttile, but could not gei op if In feil down, aud conld nor move whun Ín bed, liavini: nu ne f nis bafidfi l immediately commiuiced with ihe Cuttcurn i'M'iitfS, Boing the L'uticura and Outicura 8oap ir t'li, und wIh-ii he had takep ono buttle of Uicura ietoiventth head au completely cured.imrl bt wan tinprovid in evt-ry way. We wtre ver imich encourufrt'd. and continned the Be ot tbe Kemedlw for a eranü a half. OLe uon: afierun'Mhrr heulcd,a Itony mutier lorrainp in each uiifiif these live deep ouen Jut betoru healing, wíiíi!) woutd flaally grow luope and wer taken out; thfn tbey woald heul rapidly. One oi thef ul l lorr.intione I preMrved. Alter takinc a dos n :ni a half boules he wan completHy cured, ai.d is iiüw, at tl e ftg uf t-ix ycurs, a f trun and hr&ilh) child. The icarf on hund in um alwtiys r-miiu; hi hands are at ron ff, though we ome ir ,r 'i lic would iit-vLT bv abie to uie them. All that pbyslclaoa did for him did biui no L'ood. All who uw the child bcfiure usinethe Cuticura Reme dies, and t¦e the cLiid DOW coi.uidwr it u wouderfol cure. If the above Tact are of any use to you, yon are at libertv to use them. MBS. E. 8. DRIGO8, Mav 9, 1885. 012 E. City St., Rloominetou, 111. Th; ( iiild wae really in t worse conditnm than h' appeared io hie raI1(ímotne:' wuo, belng with hltn every day became accutomed to the dii-eawe. UAGQ1B Ilüi'PiiNG. CÜTICÜRA REMEDIES, Are sold ovvywhore. Prict-: Cuticuha, the grc&t ¦kin cure, 50 C.; Cun üBi ¦. an exquisiie Skin Bemtiiler 2óct.; Out cura Kbsolvknt, tbf new Bl(Mtd Pivifl r. SI. Prepared by tho Pottkk Ukvu and ('hkmcal Co., lioatou, Maa. Mend for "Mow to cure Hkin Dlwease" mi HQ. SchIv, Piraply and Oily Skin beautifled by uuticura 8oap. Cath.arral Dangers. To be freed Irum tho dangera of suffocation whlle lying dowL ; to brt-ata freely, sleep aoundly and undlatarbud; to rieu refreshed, hed cler, bmln active and free from pain or ache ; to Know that no polaonoiu pnrtrid matter defiles the breaih and rot away tbe delicate machiuery of nmcll, taete and hearing; to teel that the system does not, through lts veins and arteries, suck np the poison ttiat in eure to undermine and destroy, ia Indeed a bleening bevond al! other human enjuyments. To iiurchaxe immunlty irom ach a late should bc the ..bject of all affiicted. Bnt those who bave triid many remedUs and physictans despair of roli( or cure. Sa mikuudM Uadicai, CUKEmeeUeveryphase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most liathoin and desiructive stages. Itis local and constitutional. Insrant in reluvin. permanent In curinif. ate, economical ünd ncver-tailintf. sasduhui's Radical Cure conaints of one h.iitlc! the Radical Cu kk, and one bi ol (ATIIAKRAL Sdl.VE.NT, and One IMPRDVKI) iMivLKii, all wrapp-d in one packagc, with treatlf nnd directions, and sold by all drungist firil.OO. lorTea Dkuo ind Chihiiiiíl Co., Boston. ACHINGMUSCLES. jk Kelirved in one Minute by jP B iti.u i. w, original, elenant. anrt inlalT liblc anndoti' to paiu and inlliinma¦¦ft'iori the Cullrara Anti-Paln ¦ JVYl'nin IMaHler. No ache or pain, f JU Itiiu lrulK rBtraln, or counh or cold, iir pturolarweakneM bilt wlelds to lts and ncver-falllnR, pain-allcTlating pro(eriles. At druirgist ï"c.; Bve for $1.00: or oi l'otter Oma and Cliemlal o., Boston. lr0fVÜK3 CLEANSE - lam'.lltlIMYOUR SCALP RllflBÉlMl rjm Every Other Day with I fvMI BÜfilT1Ils and yu wiU K.'Jf: inilaurpriBOd at th ¦¦¦¦¦¦HaÉp Bremarlcablo cluuiLQ. D i W H H Reinovoa Saarf nd HMmHDDdniirandprevontJi PVVyVV Hdlsooae of tho Soalp. 0 J wil frMLB It Imparta vitality ¦¦¦¦PBM H to the root-bulba, mikBBji "fk ftl WB ing hoHhy aotion. L&LUH It Curca Iíaldness, IVH preservo the h air f rom Hf 7rSrft.DB falling out or fadiug HbH 13 BHandisluiuriousforthe ¦EBM 3 toilet. Gi ves a natural, ay and soft ppearmnce to tho hair. 60 oenU at your DnnHflBt. Pcrfactly Harmlew. Isnotadye. Send stamp for trcttlso "Howtohve Hno Ilalr.' J. H. WIIfKEUffANTi ft CO-, Daltlmore, Md. Save $5. by mendinganythinff thaf ¦ broken.with procter'B Always Liquid Qlue. 8old everywhera. SCOTT'S EMULSJSM OF PURE GOD IJVER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost asjalatableas Mllki Th. only impmtlon of COP UTER OIL that can be taken rcwhly aud tolernted íur a king tune "'kF&Tv fo cossniinM, Sl'KOU l.OIS A1 KKIT1ON1. ANAKM1A, CiK.NKÏÏTÏ7ÏÏI ¦'lili Ut, H HIJS AM TIIUOAT AF. KK( llONS, Bii.l tllTiTsTIXi lUSOHIll-KS (IK (TTllllKI N it i'iam'llm In It ri'H. ' Preacribed and ecdonod By tuu boa fhyaJciani in Uio countrica of the world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.


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