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WE ARE STILL AGITATING LOW PRICES! EASTER OFFERINGS. A BIG GLOVE SALE. The largest we have ever announced. 25 dozen more of the 5-Button ''Jouvin," Paris made Kid Sloves at 73 cents, worth &1 25 a pair, sizes 5 i to 8, Black, Tans and Browns. 10 Dozen Embroidered Marlaorough hand-sewed 4'Button Kid Gloves at $1 00 a pair, worth $1.50. 8-Button Length Undressed Mousquetaire Kids, Tans and Best quality, $1.50 a pair, worth $2.00. 4-Buttoned Undressed Kid Gloves, Tans and Browns, Best quality, at $1.00 a pair, worth $1.50. Our 4-Button length Lisie Thread Gloves a pair, worth 35c. 3-button length Berlin Lisie Gloves at 15c. a pair, worth 25c. Lovely Silk Gloves,Black and Colors, 50c. a pair, worth 75cChildren's Gloves, 10c, 15c. and 25c. a pair. SPRING HOSIERY. We make a special display this week and offer some Big BargainsLadies' Full, Regular Balbrigan Hose at 18c. a pair, worth 25c. Ladies' Hose, Blacks, Drabs, Browns, Navy and Modes, at 25c. a pair, worth 40c. 50 Dozen Ladies' Plain and Fancy Hose at 10c, 15c. and 20c. a pairBoys' and Girls' Derby Ribbed Hose at 10c. and 15c. a pair. Children's Hose, Black and Golors with split soles, 25c. a pair, worth 37c. Gent's Balbriggan Hose at 18c. a pair, worth 25 c. 15 Dozen Gent's Fancy Hose at 25c. a pair, worth 35c. Ladies' Gauze Vests, short and Long Sleeves, 25c, 35c, 40c. and 50c Gauze Vests for Misses' and Children's at 15c and 25c. Gent's Balbrigganand Gauze Shirts, 25c and 35c. Gent's Fancy Night Shirts at 75c each, worth $1 25. There could be no better time to buy Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Scrutinize carefully the above Harvest of Bargains. No lady can afford to miss themD. F. SCHAIRER. Furniture polish to renovate your furniture in house cleaning time. It does the work every time at Koch & Haller's. At tlie recent meetiug of the W. C. T U. for the 2d congressional dis'.rict, at Tecumseh, the followina: dele{ates were present f rom this county: Ann Arbor- Mrs. Lucy Parker, Miss M Brown. Salem- Mrs. Sraith, Mrs. Thompson. Ypsilanti-Mrs. L. Fox. Dexter- Mrs. Julia Standard, Mra. Wnller. Chelsea- Mrs. Mimik. Manchester - Mrs. Holles, Mrs. Rowe. Saline- L. O. Pierce, E. L Nlckersou. The president nppolnted forWaslitenaw county is Mrs. BaBsett, of Saline. Mrs. H. A. Vincent, of Ann Arbor, is chairman of the committee on constitution. In the election of offlcers for tlug year, Mrs. 8. H. Bishop, of Ann Arbor, was chosen recordtng secretary; Mím M. Brown, of Ann Arhör, Sumliiy school superintendent for this county. Mrs. Bishop was also appointed missionarv to present the cause of the society to influcnti.-il bodies. IOO Doses One Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only medicine ol which this can be truly sald; and it Is an uiiansweraMe argument as to the strenglh and positivo economy of this great medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla is made of roots, herbs, barks, etc, long and f ayorably known for tbeir power in purifying the blood ; and In combinatlon, proportlon, and process, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar to itsclf. "for economy and comfort we use Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mbs. C. Brewsteb, BnSalo. "Hood's Sarsaparilla takes less time and quantity to show lts effect than any other preparation I ever heard of. I would not be without it in the house." Mbs. C. A. M. HUBBABO, North Chili, N. Y. 100 Dose One Dollar .' Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, talt rheum, all humors, boils, pimples, general debillty, dyspcpsia, billousness, sick headacbe, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver complalnts, and all atfections caused by lmpure blood or low condition of the system. Try It. "I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and for oyer a year had two running sores on my neck. I took flvo bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and consider myself entlrely cureU." C. K. Lovkjot, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Barsaparllla did me an Immense amonnt of good. My whole system has been built up and strengtheaed, my digestión improyed, and my head relieved of the bad feellng. I consider It the best medicine I have ever used, and should not know how to do without it." Mauy L. 1'kblk, Salem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugglsts. $1 ; six for $6. Made only by C. I. nOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass IOO Doses One Dollar. Mb. JAMES BAGLEY, saction foreman O. M K. K., Winkie. Ohio, hJ uut dept for orer a yêx, his mfferinfc from Neuraija was ao gre&U TUtm duy of AXULOPHUBOU curwd Liui. Nouralpi, thongh one of the most common and mout iuiful of diBeasw, bas batllud all medirá) ftkül. aud uiinl.TM HDU O DO O waH( ' n thodlBcoveryof AlnLUrnUnUO mdered alniüHt. if not quite incurable. Athlophoros bubelt and QüiCKLY cures it. Thifl BtttU'meut, UioUKh atroug. ia warrautod by the facU. ¦ Thouaaiids have totited 1U value and recomiuend it oa the onlt reniedy that briiiKH relief. For ladius ¦ubject to ueuralKia or nervous headacheu it ia indiBpenaable. Athlophoros contaius no opium, morphine, or other daugeroua ingrediënt. It in abeolutely harmlese and univi-ntally tiucccBafui in the prompt cure of Üim painful duseaae. Aik ycrar drufïist for Athlophoros. If roa eannot cetitofhim wewill send itt-xprwns paid on receípt oí regular price- SI .00 per bottle. We prfcr thfit jou buy it from your druggiht, bn? if fa faam 't it do not beperauaded to try Bometkiug ¦1m, bat order at once from ut aa directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK.


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