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Tliere are about 35 lawn tennis courts in town. Tlie senior dents must have tlieir theses hamled in by June lst. Regular meeting of the Political Economy cljbto-morrow iiilit. The Palladium board bas been photographed by Lewis & Gibsou. Jackson '89, was carried home from the rush Saturday uight insensible. The Senior lits are just now busy getting their "picturs took" at Kandall's. The average class historian isnowgathering in all the kuowledge he can glean. Lewis & Gibsou photographed the freshuian and junior deuts Tuesday p. m. The Chronicle prizis in Randall'i winUow stijl attract tlie eyes of tlie multitude. Several of the Seniors have been "siitttag cotton" ever since receiving their class hals. Of the 286 law students only 102 are f rom th is State. Oh io sends 30, Indiana and Illinois each 24. Mr. Campbell of Williams College is spending bis spring vacatiou witli Ui Simula Phi Mende here. A gold headcd caue is to be presented to Mr. Dom by the members of the gymnasium, before his depurture. The Webster society of the luw depnrtment is ineorpomied onder tlie state law, and can sue and be raad now. The athletic ucercfM of throwing each other over the fence is now being indulged in to an alariniug extent by Soph. and Fregh. Be kiadoMUgb to remember the Piano recital to 0e g'm-n by Katat-1 Josefly, at university hall, Tliursday eveniug of next week. The California tttldenti In the university are each and every One, liimly und unequivoeally oppoaed to the Heathen Chinee. Many Freshmen ladtot had to escort their company home from the social Baturday night at Mr. Minei's to keep them froni beiutr put over th fence. In the oiirrent issue of a college paper is a criticism of an article "in the current issue of a local paper." Yes, we do indeed "teel sorry for such men," tliey are tu lie pltied. Secretary Wade is arbitrr.ting between thevarious lawn tennis playera, and bopei tobeablesoto divide the time that all players may have an equal chance at the campus courts. The lecture board has not decided as yet whether it will give the profits of the season's eiitertainments to the "gym" as. ¦oetatton ftw a qoarter mi Ie track' on the campus, or not. At the Fresuman social, reported to be held next Friday night, the two classes will, it is hoped and expected, meet in full battle array, and "settle it" as to the relative ability of each to put the other over the fence. The front portion of the sotith building of the Courier bloek is to be fitted up as an editorial room, and the Chronicle boys, as well as the editors of the varlous other college publications will have a fine room free from all intrusión. One of the electrlc light wires broke in the gym. Tuesday night, and hut for the tiniely interference of Mr. Come, the boys might have been worse shocked than they were when they heard that the girls were to practice In the gym. The following are the ofticers chosen by the Hobart Guild for the ensuing year: Pretidcnt, S. K. Pitman, '87; viceIre8ident, Miss V. I Jayne, '88; corres pondiug secretarv, C. W. Howanl, law '7; recording secretary. Chas. F. Millor, '88; treasurer, A. II. Coe, medie '88. The contidence of the Palladium editors is unbounded. In a sudden burst of confidence, one of them lnformed us not long ao, that the only investment in Ann Arbor thnt wa? sure to "doublé" the stock invested within six months would be money iuvested in buying '86 Palladium s. The lecture of Judge Cooley upon "Arbitration and the Labor Difflculties," at the law lecture room last Friday evening was well attended, and the word of the speaker very muoh prataed by many of his hearers. Prof. Cooley is a firnj believer in arbitralion to Mttle all questions of ilifleronce bctweeu laborers aud employe. BA.8S BALL Ni-;vs. At b meeting of tlie students intereste n base ball at the Zeta Psi house last Fr day night great enthuslasin was nianilV ed and the offleers for the coming seaao were elected. For the flrst time in th history of the organizaron a professo wad elected to the presideucy of the Msociation, Professor De Pont being chosen Tlie other offleers elected were: Vlce Presldent-Lou E. Dunham Hecretary und Treas.-K F. Haundera. nireoU)r-J D. Hlbtmrd, John M. Jnycox n. Coudon, F. W. Meihop, u. J. Waggouer Of these iive directors twoaresupposed to be cliosen frorn the nine of this season The directora choose the niiieand appoint the msiMger, and the captain (.f the nine is selected by tlie nine. The chairman ot tbe meating wai hntrocted to appoint a opmmlttee to dmft a ooosUtutioo to be sijriied by all the mimbers of the Base Ball AnociHtaon, the Inltlatioa fee beiiifi 86 cents. CommnnloatioB have been reOelTed by Mr. Hibbard froin the Jacksons, the Cass plul, and the Detroit Amateura, nd some goud a uno of buil will be assuied us thia spring. THE GYM. THE GYM. Pursuant to cali, a meeting of about 100 members of the gymnasium met last evening to consider ery important business. Owing to poor health Mr. Dom will leave college Saturday, and Mr. Campbell was chosen manager ior the balance of the yoar. Mr. Campbell said tliat it had been entimatod that atmut #1,000 worth of apparatus would be needed for next year which had already been ordered, and would bt; in position at the beginning of the college year. Besides tliis about $300 will be neceaury for running expenses, Mr. Hegeier, of Illinois, stated that he was rcady to give the nssociation $1,200 ! for the salary of thf instructor for the ' year, ind nlo the $1,300 spoken of above J making #2,500, hut the memben thought It better to not be too dependeiit uponliis generodty, and accepted of kU gift of $1,200 hut resolved to raise the balance of ' $1,300 themselves. Mr. Hegeier desired 1 to have it understood thnt he would be willing to help the boys out any time they needed it. A committee was appointed to return the thanks of the ciation to Mr. llegeltr. A committee ' was appointed to confer with the b:ise ' ball management and to make arraneements for a field day early in May, so as to give the contestan ts time to go east to ttie college contests there. Prof. Hogers, Messrs. Parmenter Hnd Mc Neil were appolnted as a committee to change the codstitution, and prepare for the incorpora tion of the association, to report at the meeting on May 22d. The project to present Mr. Dorn with a suitable memento for his zeal in the cause wag heartily endarsed. Prof. Eheinhard, who is to be employed uext year, is a rraduate of the Milwaukee and Berlín normal training schools, and at present instructor in the 3t. Juhn's military acüdemy at Manlius, N. Y., and also instructor in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium at Syracuse, N. Y.


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