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QOODYÏAB'S DRUG STORE Ho. 7 S, ïaia St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fiie Toilet Articles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS 1 Specialty Made of Physician's Preseriptions. Cali mil see us. J. J. Goodyear. PLEASE XTOTXCE! rSE BUGSTDRm ICE GDUFIT iVill furnlsh Ice, di-livt'idl to any part of the City for the BeaaoD of 1886: 5 lbs., Daily, exeept suuday S2 00 per raonth 5 Ibs., 4 tlines per week 1.T5 permonlh 5 lbs., 8 times per week 1.50 per month '5 lbs., 2 times per week 1.00 per month Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, Etc.5 Wlll be furnlshed by special contract. A. V. HANGSTERFER, Miinager, Office, 2S Main Street, Established n KS7Ó. . F. HANGSTERFER &. CO., Caterers nul Confectloners. (Inving made extensivo arrangements wltli wo larve creamerles for the coming seuson , ?e are from thts date prepared to keep contantly on hand and furulsh Freah Cream, as rell mk; Ice Cream, (varlous flavors.) fTuttl rrattl, Charlotte dn líiisse, Water Ices, Assortd Fancy Cake, Wafers, Macaroons, Lady ¦"lngers, Cream Klsaes, etc.anil at rednced irlces. Catering In all lts branches. A large asortment of Pancy Ice Creara Mouldsjust ecelved. . F. Hangsterfer $i Co., Caterers, NO. 28 S. MAIX STREET. P. 9.- Sunday Orders should be giren the lay prevlous. Ank Ahbor, March 23, 1886. C0NSTIPM0Ñr There ia no medium throngh wMch disease so often attacks the system &s by Constipation, and there is no j Dther ill flesh is heir to.more apt to be neglected, from the fact material Incon venience may not be immediately feit fron Irregular action of th ! bowels. When there is not regular ustión, the retention of decayed and Bfféte matter, with lts poisonous jases, soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it, causing piles, fistola, headache, impure blood ind many other serious affections. BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS will [mmediately relieve, and one bottle rositively cure or relieve any case )f Constipation. -,." "Was troubled for a year with ;orpid liver and indigestión, and after jying everything imaginable, used BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. The irst bottle revi ved me and the second luredme entirely."- J.S.Wilüamsoa, iochester. N. ï. TlTTf7T" Snd nix cents for post age. J II I II ai)d rcceive frec, a costly box I II I ¦ P (f fO4 which wlll help you II IJ toti'Oremoney rifïht away than M"" iiiyiliiriL' elifl in (hls world. Jltofe1ther pex, pucc-ed from first honr. Tl e road road to fortune opens belore the workert , hoolutely eure. At once address, Tkub & Co., lUirunU. Mrtini-,


Ann Arbor Courier
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