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On His Tonguc's End. Col. Fizzletnp has a wretcbeU memory. He is very murh puzzle to remember tlie simplest thiiijr that is lold to htm. " What ia ihe name of that patent medicinee Colonel Witherspooii told me to get tor my livei V " lie asked his wife. " I can't remeinber that name to save my Ufe." '' I can't either. My memory is getting worse and worse eveiy dy. Let me see. I had it ou the end of my tonjrue a i ute afto." Little Johnny pok e up and aaid: "Stick out your longue, a, and let me pee it. Perlinos the name is on it j-et." - Texas Siaings. Very Remarkable Discoyerj. Mr. Geo. V. Wilüng. of Manchester, Mich., writes: "Mywife DM been almoflt Iielples9 for five years, so helpless thatshe could not turn over in bad alone. She used two Bottles of Electric Bitters, and is so niuch improved, that she is able now to do her own work." Electric Bitten will do all that is cl Alm - ed for theni. Hundreds of testimoniáis attest thelr groat curative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Kberbuch & Son's. There are nlneteen metáis more valimble than gold, but no remedy whlch wdl compare with Bielow' Poaltlve Cure for coughs and colds. A prompt and pleasant cure for uil throat and hing troubles. 50 cents and $1. Vm. Black, Abingcloa, Iowii, was oured of cáncer of the eye bv Dr. .Iones' Bed Ulover Tonlc, which cures all blood diaorders and disca-cs of the stomaeh, liver and kidneys. The bett timic and ippetizer known. fiO cnnts. IflmTP WANTEf) tlr scott'8 nllf II ACorsets. Sample iree to ihoe be. ¦¦ I V romln? agenu. No rlik, qnlck ialt. Tcrrllory glveD.suiltracilau guarauued. Addrvu DR.SCOTT.842 Broariway St.,N.V.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News