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THE LINeSELCCTEDBYTHE U.S. COVT , TO CARRV THE FA8T MAIL. j ¦ It it the only line wlth lts own track trom CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by wy ot Omaha. Pacific June, St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with throuqh tralns from NEW YORK, PHILADELPH1A. BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND t CITY OF MEXICO " It traverses all ot the slx great States ot ILLINOIS. , IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA, KANSAS. COLORADO , with branch Mnes to all their important citics and FrnoSm CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, It runs 5 every day In the year trom one to three clegantly eguipped through trains over its own tracks botween V Chicago and Denver, - Chicago and Omaha, J Chicago and Councll Bluffs, o Chicago and St. Joseph, ' Chicago and Atchlson, . Chicago and Kansas City, j Chicago and Topeka, v Chicago and Cedar Raplds, i Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest, ltsequipment is complete and first class In every particular, and at all Important points Interlocklng ' Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insurlng turt and safety. ' For Tickets. Rates, General Intormatlon. etc, ' regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket ' Agent In the United States or Canada, or addrest T. J. POTTER Ut V.P. 4. Gen. Mqb., Cmic&o. . HENRY B. STONE, A8ST. Gen. Mor., Cmicaqo. . PERCEVAL LOWELL, GíN. P8. AOT., CmicaoO. L Illil NOFEE1I 1 BSTiBMSHED mi. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ DETBOIT,MICH. ƒ Block. -r"T2pLr% The Regular, Old-Established L_[ I PHTSICUJÍ & SURGEON L 8XÍLLAND 8UCCESS ' YOUNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEM and all persons who by their own acts of ] denceor Follyat any periml of life havebrought ] upon themselves, the evil effects followine closely í npon the heels oí transgression of the laws 1 oï nature, should consult the celehrated pr.Clarke at once.BememberlNervouscliseiiseiKwithor ' without dreams) or debility and loss f nene power treated scientifically by new methotN with never failing success. jESlt makes no tlifference ] Yrh at you have taken or who has failed to cure you. jrg-1"iie terrible polsons of SyplilII and all ' bad blood and skin diseasea, completclv eradicated without mercury. Kemember üiat UiisB horrible rilsease, ïf neglected or improperly treated, curses the present and coming gencrations 9-A11 unnatural discharges cured promptly wuhout hindrance to business. No experiments. Both sexes consult conflricntlally. Age and experience important. A written (ju ar antee of cure giveu in every case umiertaken. JS-Sufferer from any chronlc discase write Hlstory and Syuiptoms of your case - plainly. , Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. flfSend two stamps for celabrated works on Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Piseases. You have an exhaustivo syniptomatolofy by which to study your own case. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thousands cured. Offices and parlors vate. You see no one but the Doctor. Bcfore confiding your case consult DU. CLAIlKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future sufferingand shame and add golden vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure from exposure. Hours, bto8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addrcss, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mich SUeriff's Sale. Notlce is hereby given that by virtue of a , cénalo, wrlt of Fleri Facías iiaoea out of and ander the Heul of the Circuit Court, for the , Coanty of Washlenaw, lu favor of Heilwlck Dean and Henry S. Dean, plaintifl'n, and aicalnst the goods, chultel, lands und tenenutntsof George Wileox, delendant. to me dlrected anddehvered, I did on the 2UI dayof Ki-bruary Instant, levy upon, seize and take all of the rlijht tltle and interest of t e sai. i Oeorge Wlloox in and to the followiüg deorlbed landH, tenementK and real eBtate. tlial istosay, all thalcertain pieceor parcel of land sitúate In the towiiBliip of York, couiity of Washtenaw and state of Mloblcttn,dmcrlbed as follows: The eBt half of the soulh-went quarter of sectlon number thlrty-Hix, town ' tour south, raime 8lx east, .State of Mlchlgun, all of which I sfiall expose for sale at public anctlon or vendue to the hlghest bidder at the south front door of the court house, In the Ctty of Ann; Arbor in sald couiity (tliat belng the place of holding the Circuit Court forthesald couiity of Washtenaw), on tin Í7th day of April, a. D. 18X6, at the bour of ten - o'clock. In the forenooo of nald day. W1LI.IAM WALSH, Sheriff. E. D. Kixnk. Att'y for Plalntlfl'. Dated tlils 27th day of February, A. D. 188ti. - ¦ Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made In the ' dltlnoH of a eertain indenture of rrort gageexecuted by Michael Phelan and Sarnh Phelan, hls wife, of the Village of Liexter, I Washtenaw County and State of Michigan. ! to Patrlck Oallagher, of the Towushlp of Webster. In sald county and Htale, beaiing date Ihe2lth day of October, A. D. eighteiii bundred and seventy-seven, and recorded lu the offlee of the Register of Deedi for saiil j county of Washtenaw, in 1,1 ber 50 of H fes, ou page 10B, aud by wulch default the power of sale contalned lu satd mortgage havlng become operative, and no sult or proceedingsat law or lu chancery having been lnstituted to recover the amount due on sald mortgage or the note accoiupany Ing tho mi', and there belngnow clalmed tobedueou sald note and mortgage. tbe sum of six huudred and elghty-two dollars and tlilrty-eight cents (S82.3)), Notlce 1b therefore hereby glven, i that tlie said inortgaee wlll be foreclosed on .Saturday, the 12th day of June, A. U. 1886, at ] ten o'clock In the forenoou of that day, by a sale at public auctlon, to the hlghest bidder, ( at tbe East door of the Court House, In the ¦ city of Ann Arbor, in the county aforesm d, (sald Court House, belng the place for i ing the Circuit Court for sald county), of the ; inortgaged premlses desertbed In sald DDOrtgage, or so much thereof as may be uecesaary to satisfy the amount of principal and I est remalnlng unpald upon said mortgagt' l wlth reasonable costs and expenses, together wllh a n attorney fee of twenty-llve dollars; which premlses are described in said mitrlgage as follows, to-uii : Belng lot slx (6) lu block three (3) In the i lage of Uexter aforesaid, according to the recorded plat thereot, and bounded northerly by tile Michigan Central Railroad. Dated, March 13th, 1888. PATRICK QALLAGHER, j MOKTUAOfcK. E. D. Kivvk. Att'y for Mortgagee, UU Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Colclzer, deceased. NOT1CE Is hereby glven, that in t anee of an order grauted to the underslgned f admtnistrator of the estáte of sald Henry . clnzi r, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the Conuty of Washtenaw, on the ltith day of March, A. D. 1H8U, therewlll be sold at pul lic vendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the eiift tront üour of the court houee, in the city ol Anp Arbor ia the County of Wnshtenaw in said State, on saturday, the Int day of May, A. D. I 188ti, at 10 o'clock In the foreuoou of that t day (subject to alt encumbrances by s gnge or otherwlse exlsting at the time of tlic p Ueath of said deceased the followiüg de&cribed Real Estáte, to-wit: All tliai certaiu tract or parcel of land lyli'K and beini: tlie city of Ann Arbor in the couuty of WaKhtenaw and Sute ot Michigan, known and J deacribed a follows: Four acres of lai.d to be ' taken from tlie north end of llie east hair ot ihiwent half of the pouthweat quarter of Sectlon Niimlier Twenty, tn towu two, routh of range ( six east, by a line parallel with the North line of Bald lot, and sixteen rodt couth therefrom. Alo tliewent half ot tbt irwi half of thesunthwest quarter ot nection Number Twenty, in town t2) i-oiith of iHiiL'f tlx (6)eat, cnnlalniDg lorty arres of bind be the same more or leso, exceptiDg and raterrtiui therelrom about elght acres of land in t e I weet corner of the lid forty acres heretofore deeded by Hierotne Ooodipted and Williain Jones to Kiuneth Daridxon, aod abo excepting und reservlng one acre of land on the isct wid' of eald Davidton's elht acres, old and conveyed by Ahi t gall C. öoodipt-ed to Joeeph Wilton, subject to all t riKhiw jiikI privileges of a road or hihway on the c et id of the iKld piece of land uranied to B 11 Ham Jones by Abigail C Goodpeed by herdeed. 1 Dated, Marcii tb, 1880. 1 WlLLIAM W. WIIEDON, 1290 7w Admlulstrator. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT , IN ANN ItltlUt. Should advertise in THE COURIER. , vpi EPDADUV-Unll"n"ul"'n TtLt,dKArt1 T k .i] situatioii I furnisbed. Wrlt VlvntliM bro., JabmtIU, TVla.


Ann Arbor Courier
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