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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlils pnwili rnivi 'i varíes. A marvel of purlty, bCrtimtli Jiud wholü-soraeiiess. More eco[ïomlonl ihaii tbe ordlnary kinds, and cannot hu sold in compeiitiou wltli the imiltiUule of [ow test, slior! weliiht, nlutn or pliosplrate Dowd6rs. Sold ODly In oadb. Itoyul Uaklnt: Ponder Co.. 1O WhII si.. N. Y. A" LITTLB If FFGKBlL CLEASSED, PUIUFIE AX1 BEAUT1KIB1I l;F HIK CUTHUBA KJl.HI D1KS. It afTords me ;!e.isure to give juuthis report of the en re of our Httle graudchild, by your CtttSdftB Komedies. hm i?ix nionths old lus left hand be gan to swi'll and had every appeuuoofl of a lar.: e hui!. W poolUoed it. hui ui to no purper. At. nut flve muntlin after it bjcame a running ure. Soon Otbar NW formcd. He then had two of them on each hund, and Ui hlund became more and m-fcc impura it took ïe-t Mme fol them to break out. A core carne ou chin, beneaih the muit r tip, vrbtcfa wu erj oflfenalvea 11 1wii8 onu tolid eciib, di.-cliatint; i isrvnt deal. '1 'nis was hit condiilon at twenty-two momhs uld, when I undertook Hft of him, hit mottier bavinL' di'-ii wlu-n be WU a llttle mom ih.m i jear old, of conanniptiou (scrotula of coursti). He could walk ft little, lut could Dot gel up if Q6 feil down. and could not move w hen in bed, haring no iite of hii hands. I Immediately comni'-iiced wiili tbe (''icura liemeJies, uniiiB the ('utcr.urti and Outicura Hoop tr-ely, anti wlien he had rkoti on lottl' of th Outicura ReêQi-ptiitt. head at compleiely cd red, and he wa'e improvta in every way. We wei'6 very much sdcooi :id, and contii ued ih'1 dm of the Keraedies for a eiraiid ft huil. One torú afteiunjther bealed,a bony matier torminc iü each one of tb6M Ato deap oom ji-i bofore heahng, whicb would finnliy gruw loose and wt-f taken out; then they wow ld bea] rapldly, Oneoftbatfl iurly bom formations I pnserred. Alter takinu' h dozen and a half boitie.- he wbh oompletelj cared, and id uow, at tbe au of ëix yt-ars, a and healtliy cbild. Tbe ecar on ban! maal I remain ; hu hand are stronp, thongfa we um feari-d he would never be able to uee tbem. AH that physicianc did for him did him no rood. Al! wlid i-uw ihu child hrfore uainy the Cuticura Remedies, and see the ctild now contidr it a wonderful cure. If the above fact? are uf uny use to yon, yon are at libertv to use fbm. MliS. E, S. 1)RI(GS, May tí, 185. 6V2 E. Clay St„ Bloomingion, TH. Th' child wae really in a woree condition than he apjered to his rantimoihf, w:.o, heilig with htm every day. becam; accuttoim-d to tbe tii-e i-e. MAGG1E BQFPIÍÍtí. CUTICÜUA KEMKDIES, Are iold evi'rywbere. Price: Cuticcka, the irrt-at hkin curt, 50Ctg.; Lütx uk Soap, an extj Skin tinttu:ler,2.ict.-; Ct'T cura Rksoi.vent, thnew Hlood I'uriü-r, M. I':.-prcd by lUe Puttek Droo ano Ciikjmcal Co., iioütüD, Mass. Neiul for -il ow to cure Mkin lUeaH" mlNG, Scaly, Pimply aud OUy ökiu beautifled by Cuiicura joop. Cath.arra.1 IDangers. To be freed irom the dan-'er of iBBCttlon while lyins Jowl; to breto frely. leep oundly and andistuibed; to ris refreehed, hend clear, brain active and (Vee trom paiu or ache ; to Know that no poii-onoua portrid matter deiled tho breaih and rols ttway tbe delicute macbiucry of tmi'll, laste and hearing; to (eel that the sj-stera does not, through lts veins and arteries, suck op the poiwon that is sure to undermine and destroy, is indeed a blessing beyond 1 other human anjoymenta. To purcWe immnnity Irom lach a fate nhonld lx: the object of all adlicted. But thoge who have tri.d many remedies and physiciane doipuir of relief or cure. Saxdi-okd'.íKadicai. CfUKmeeteeveryphase of (Jatarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and dextructive stages. It is local and constilutlonal. Instant in reluving. permanent in curini;. sire, economkil nnd neTr-flillng. 8AinaoBD'a Haiicai. (Viik consistí of one bottle ol tho UAi'K'AJ. Gl'Kit, und one b"X nl ('ATIIAitltAl. SOI,VIM', n.l one IMPBOVKD Inh vi.kk, uil wru)d in uno i kge, wlth ireatiee Jid dlrectious, and eold iy ll droK1 -i forll.liO. - PoTTÜB DbOG ASD CUHKMIt'iL CO.. COStOII. ACHINGMUSCLES. m Itelieved in onr l)j JB . JP ihu in w, original, ejefjant. an'l infalEjX lihle an iilotr to imin aml influmma¦nBution the ul Ir il ril Ailli-Pnln íJHl lain riawier. Nu actie nr puin, i Al no briiise or ptrain, or conL'h or coM, or MUHCular wcaknes hut wlelds 10 lip spi-eily, allpowrrml and nerer-fatltng, pnln-alli-Tlnimi; progenies. At druirsiists a6c; for fl.OO: or ol Potter Uraic and Chemical o., Boston, SCOTf'S IMEMDM OF PURE GOD LIYER Ott And Hypophosphites af Lime & Soda Almostas PalatableasMilkl Th only promriti-vn of C)D II TER Ott that caTi?.UkBnVut.iyHml tokrated torn lungt.m. Kl' KOU I ."'l' S AiHlM--. ANAKMIA. (-KNimi. ithinTL72Ï!Ji!i'li.---I'''iOAT AF' tMTHNS._5ml ajT'X-tSTINO IMSOHDKItS K IIH.DIiK.N ïï"i iinwHcMif in Uf n-.nll. l'rcscr.1,,.1 and i ñ l.r :' d by tliu Lot lhysicUM In tho countnes oL tho world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I HM 11 mat TKIH "¦ HU! I III II tinm thr molt skrptictl GERMÁN ASTHMft CUREKX No vriütlnK tor renolt. II arden Im immfdiatf. dirert nnd rerfuini and a ïrïiefftedlnallIJHABl.I-rCASKS ¦!L. tlnl, rMrl „ .nh OjrmjA.Um,. "Oerm.o iithm. Cnr. 1 11 T ='¦ ' J "M7 phjilcin Kooomtudea OrmD Auhiu Cur. It corod me " Mr: M. L. Tttrick, LondondtTT), 0lo of tlmll.r Ulier, i Ut. lik u? rankt ¦bont It. Germán Anthina Ture Is r old by all dragKiata t 50c. nil M I . or nent by mail on receirt


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