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Saline languishcth for a base',ball club. Manchester will have a new cigar facto ry - perhaps. T. H. Miller has opened up a new blacksmith shop at Whittaker. THere will bc bout 25 charter members of the Manchester G. A. R. post. Frank Smith of Sharon, has commenced tüe erection of a new residence. ïhe Dexter G. A. R. boys give a grand ball on Friday evening, April 30th. There is to be a baby show at the town hall in Whittaker nextSaturday, May Ist. Will Senger of Manchester, has gone to Chicago to clerk in his brolhcr-in-law'g store. Mtfo Gage, of Manchester is going to Shelby, Oceana Co., and engage in fruit raising. Win. F. Allen and Miss J. Alma Gauntlett, of Milan, were marrled in Ypsilanti, Saturday, April 17. Holmes, the Chelsea Herald dominee, is the heavy weight editorial writer of tiiis neck o' woods. - Saline Observer. Free Methodist quarterly meeting of ttu Milan circuit commences next at Uakville, closing on Saturday. The Ypsilanti cricket club had its first meeting to reorganize for the season at Dr. BatwelPs office Saturday uight. Cassius C. Robison -who spent the winter here returned to Cooperstown, Dakota, last week. - Manchester Enterprise. On Friday evening Ypsilantians wlio want to hear Kmiu Abbott can go to Detroit and back for $1, on the M. C. K. Ii. C. H. Wilson pald $45 for three whitewood logs this week, to Pitt Palmer, of London township; the logs scaled 3,000 feet. - Milan Leader. The ladles of the Baptist cliurch of Manchester, recently presanted Mis. H. C. Witherell with a large sllver caster, a sugar spoon, etc, for her services In the choir. It is frequently remarked about town that South Lyou has a tough lot of young kids. Pa renta, look to the boya, t will be to their interest as well as yours. - Excelsior. Thegrassis looking green and wheat is uelieved to be in better condition tlian was tliought a few weeks ago. We hope for a big erop thisyear andgood prices.- Enterprise. The ladies' aid society of the Milan M. E. church recently elected the followlng offleers : Pres. Mrs. 8. C. Bllnn ; vice pres. Mrs. Dan'l Case; sec. Mrs. II. A. Vincent; treaeurer, Mrs. M. C. Edwards. Herman Thomas, who was a resident of this county some 25 year ago, died on Tablc Mountain, near Cherokee, Butte Co., Califonia, March 27th, aged 82 years. He leaves one aon, who resides there. One of the New York sharpers wrote to C. H. Wilson, of Milan, wanting to supply him with bogus money or " take him in " on the exchange bag game, but he il uln'i bite, and published the letter in the Leader. The bill of $8,775, for redemption of Hillsdale railroad bonds and interest during the past year, ordered paid by the city council Monday evening, leaves the debt of the city on that investment at exactly $70,000.- YpsUantiau. Pretty dear whistle, eb ? State Pension Agent McKinstry sayB that pensioners need take no action in regard to the act increasing widows' pensions froui $8 to $12 a motiih. On presenting their vouchera In the old way checks will be tianded them for their iucrease. Geo. Peatt and family, recently of Nebraeka, have returned to Michigan and bougut the farm formerly ovvned and occupied by Mr. Herman Williams, of Webster, father of Mrs. Peatt. They willmake their future home on that farm. - Dexter Leader. The following named ladies were chosen at the last railroad meeting to secure uid for the T., A. A. & N. M., extensión: Mrs. Frank Barker, Mrs. E. W. Shell and the Misse Nellie Stevens, Anna Eddy and Nellie Truesdel.- Whittnore L. cor. So. Lyon Picket. Out of 69 barrels of apples stored in the Isbell ware house during the winter, only five barrels of good ones were assorted. - Stockbridge Sun. There wouldn't have beenjthat many if four youngsters whom the writer of iliis is well acquainted with had had access to them. At a recent meeting of the society of the first Presbyterian church, of Manchester, a series of resolutions, highly laudatory of the Rev. G. H. Wallace, were passed, he having served three years as their pastor, and now resigued to accept of labor in other vlneyards. The M. E. church at Oakville has been papered, painted, and carpeted, costing $125; it looks very beautif ui. It was opened on Sundaj-, the 18th, by Rev. D. J. Odell, who preached ati appropriate sermón. The congregation was very large and appreciative. At the close of the service Mr. Odell stated that they needed about $23 to meet the expenses, and in a very pleasant way asked the congregation to ontribute the amount, which they cheerfully did in a few momento.- Milan Leader. Once again do we chronicle the fact that the "lifting gang " hag been abroad in our midst. This time the lifting, and It must have indeed been hard lifting, was done on about four rods of sidc-walk, on Fourth st., belonging to J. Reese. The lifters are, from their work, evidently artists, in their line, but we would not advise the destruction of the old walks until it is a settled fact that we are to have some new ones; for old as they are, they are far better than no walks at all.- Dexter Leader. A new Bohemian or something of the sort, chicken scheme is now being worked by sharpers, according to au exchange, as follows: " There is a new ' Johnuie gnew game' turned uplately, which is not only intended to catcli the farmers, butany one who wishes to bite, a sharper offers to sell a new variety of Plywouth Uock hen's eggs for $75 per dozen and agrees to pay $100 each for the chlckens hatched from theeggswhen three months old. Beware; don't bite, as the eggs are all boiled before sold, and eggs that are boiled seldom hatch. Whatnext?" Capt. E. P. Allen of this city, npon a recent business trip in Canada, wassurprised at the alinost universal sentiment in favor of annexation to the United States. Among farmers, mechanics, lawyers, and business men of all classes, he found almost without exceptlon the impression that their interests would prosper better if Ontario were a state of this Union. If tliis be tiue of the other provlnceu, there can be little question of the realization of that wish at no distant day; for a peaceful union voluntarily sought would undoubtedly be wlcomed. - Ypiluutiau. At the Germán Luthcran church In Saline, 13 childreu were confirraed Suiiduy before last. Geo. Kelscy, of York, had tlie 2d finger of bis lelt hand taken ofl' with a picket saw recently. Miss Etta J. Derbvsliire, of A.ugU8ta, and Mr. Germaiu 15. Kinery, of Nebraska were raarried recently. Friends of R. H. Marsh, of Saline, wlll be glad to learn that lie ld recoreria. Ele walked alone across bis yard a few days siDce. Kev. W. M. Campbell, of Dexter. has been granted a vacatlon by tlie AI. 10. churcti of that place ot wnfch he is the pastor. It íb rnmored that some of the local authorities are making it hot tor ióm! bftlie recklesa lisbermen. Tbat'l rilit, i' we have laws tbey should be enforccd.- Dexter Leader. E. R. Aldrich receivcd 10.000 young lake trout from the stute ii-li commusloner, tbis morning. He plantod !5,000 of them in Hoj't's pond, and E. V. llarper placed tlie other 5,000 in Arnuld"= lake. - Saline Observer. The latest prepared route for the Toledo & Ann Arbor rairoad i around throush Webster, Hudson aml Dover. Should (htebe the case, Dexterltes may aswcll uiake a bonfire of allétheir uosicsóioQ and migrate. - Leader. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gornwell, daughter Cora and grand daughter Vee have returned from their winter's visit to H;ivuim, Cuba. Mr. CornweH looks wuch impfoved in liealth, and lie saya thU ia really the case. Tlie fanlily were vciy mnch delifrhted with tlie Imlniv Bit-and ocean b reezes. The expense isabouttlic aasae it would be for a strauger gumnicriiiK iu Ypsilanti. All kinds ,of tropic -il and luscious fruits in midwintrr.nrc a luxury nortberners enjoy. - Y pilanti mercial. The following, from tlie South EjyOD Excelsior, is respectfnlly dedieated to other towns than South Lyon : " II ofl we he:ir It repeatecl by eitizons here, tliat if nsu-adoffriving for thêgoU ïiiinis. so t:r dist:int uitli gUUerlog prospecte, but doubtful returns, uur oiUïqna had invested tbelr money in spmè temunerative mannfacturine entefprtee st Söuth Lyon tliat would allord an iiulustry lor lal. uring men and a probable iucoine to the stockholders. Itgenerally requlreí ajífetime to learn how to live one. Althoutrh we hope the $40,000,000 or $50.000.iui) that bas gone trom this inimecliute vicinity to start mening enterptUet may return to the many ownere wilh usury."


Ann Arbor Courier
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