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Short advorllsemeuls not to exceed Um-e ilne, of Lost ana Found, Holmes tor Sale or Kent, Wants, etc.. lnserted three weeks for B oenU. Sltuatlons wanted. free. T7IOK SALE.- Two good Building Lots- on _T E. L'atharlue Street. Inqulre of J. C. Howley. 96-3 FOR SALE- 2 Mares, 2 Cows, come In In May, ü Plg, 7 montbs old, 20 good Hens. Apply to J.8. Mann, P.O. 111. itó-3 TOR SALE.- New two story house, ten X room and bath-room, with üretcIanH lurnace, etc. Alsoone vacant lot. Both deslrably located between High school and Unlverslty. Prlce reasonable. L. 1). Wlues Ann Arbor. 96 tf ' rTAVING sold my Bees, I wlsh to dispose 1_L of my flxtures such a Hlves, Extractor, Honey-knlfe, Supera, Sectlon and Tenement Hlves and other anieles, very cheap. No. 13 North State streel, N. A. Prudden, April 18, 1886. Ann Arbor. &_3w WANTED-Bjr young man 18 years old TT Sltuatlon in private famlly to tuke care of team, etc., accustomed to gardentnir and farm work. Euqulre at No. 33 N. Pourlh st Ann Arbor. 95-3w. WHO WANTS A FARMT Two farms wlth 5,000 fruit trees and excellent soll for general farmlng wltn 200 acres lmproved anif 200 acres good wild land. In oceuna County on East shore of Lake and two farms In N. W. Kansas, are offered for sale In pareéis to sult buyers, cbeap for cash or exchange for real estáte In Ann Arbor or vlclnlty. Also45 acres good land one mlle north of (Jity at low figures. Enqulre of J. Q. A.Sesslons, Offloe over American Express Offloe, Ann Arbor, Mloh. 12!)4-tf. A BARGAIN. FoKn%ouLtEb-s?dee Tï -f corner of Haldwln avenue. Oppslte Hev li Day'. Enqulre of Hall Bron. tf FOR SALE - On reasonable terms the property known as the Old Henrlques ManRlon, on corner of División and Bowery treeU. Zlna P. Klug. FOR SALE OR RENT.- House and Lot wlth barn. Terms reasonable. __ Zlna P. Klng. GUIÓN 8TEAM8HIP LINE -Passengere booked to and irom European ports. Zlna P. Klug. FOR SALE! A House and Lot on Thompson street (No. 11), Good locatlon. Fine Neighborhood andaBARQAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL. 1" OANING-Money to loan on Hrst-class Aj Real EsUte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satlsfaotory arrangements made wlth capltallHU deslrlng sucu lnvestmenla. Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracU of tltles carefully examlned as to legal etrwt. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News