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RINSEY & SE ABOLT'S liiiüíil AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trndc. We shall also keep a snpply of 8WIFÏ & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! lellil Flour, Ryc Flour, Buckti heul Flour, Corn Heul, Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock of GROCERIES anJ PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, wliich will be aold on aa reasonable terms as at any other house In the city. Cash pald for BUTTKR, EGOS, and COÜNTKY PRODUCE generally, (loods dulivered to any part of the ctty without extra charge. RINSET & SEABOLT. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance, IPlate Grlass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rafes, Honorable Adjnstments and Losse Promptly Pald. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Spkcial attention oivkn to Collection of Rents and Management of Real Estáte INTERESTS FOK NON-ReSIDKNTS. ENTIRK ÖATIS1TACTI0N TO OVKEKS GCARANTEKD. A. DeFORKST. ANN ARBOR SHAU FRUIT FARM ! Strawberries, Gooseberriea, Raspberries, CurranU and Grapes, very cheap. Remeinber these plants are strong ncclimated. Raspberry Syrup, $2.00 per gal. Raspberry Shrub, $2.50 per gal. Genuine Grape wine trom $1.00 to $1.35 per gal. Improved Plymouth Rocks per sitting, $1.00. Extra Choice Plymouth Rocks per slttin?, $2.00. Agents of Ellwanger & Barry, of Rochester, New York, for all kinds of Nursery stock. E. BAUR&SON.W. HuronSt. t f INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamlltou Block. Parties desiring to buy or Keil Real Estáte wlll tlnd lt to thelr mlvantage to oall on me. I represent liflrst-clnss Flre InsuraDce Corapanies, havlng au agregate capital over f 30,uoo.ouo. Iiates írf)w. Losses Uberally adjusted and promptly pald. I also Issue Life and lnvestment PollcIeB In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts. $55,000. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, cun have yenrly pollcles wrlttn for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Low ratea in the Accident Insurance Company of North America. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. PLEASE XTOTZCS! THE HUGSTEami ICE C0MPJT Wlll furniNh Ice, deliveretl to any part of the City for the Season of 1886: . 25 Iba., Daily, except Sunday $2 00 per raonth 35 los., 4 times per week 1.75 per month ia Ibs., 8 tlraesper week 1.50 per month 25 lb.,2 times per week 1.00 per mouth Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, Etc, Wlll be furniïhed by special contract. A. F. HANGSTERFER, Manager, Office, 28 Main Street, Establlshed In 1875. A. F. HANGSTERFER &. CO, Caterers and Conrectloners. Havlngmadeextenslvearrnngeraents with ! two large creamerles for Uih coming season weare from thls date prppared to keep constanlly on hand and furnlsh Fresh ('ronm aa vvell a;iee Cream, (varlous flavors.) JTiittl Fruttl, Charloltede Russe, Water Ices, Assorled iancy Cake. Wafem, Macaroona Lady luiers, Cream Kisses, etc, and at reduced prlce. Catering In all it8 branches. A large asüortraent of Fancy Ice Cream Mouldslu! recelved. A. F. Hangsterfer & Co., Caterers, NO. 28 S. MAIN STREET. P. H.- Sunday Orders sbould be glTen the day prevlous. Ann Aruor, March 23, 1886. ABNER MOORE'S T0NS0RIAL PARLOR,! Next door to the Farmer' and Mechanic'i ï Bank. J HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAM POONING AND DYEING. 'v The bet of Workmen and Satlifactlon P Uuaranteed. a


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News